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Life is short,
Pain is big.
Love is even bigger;
But you dont know it.
You tell me long words with no substance, and then:
It is common sense
to follow reason.
To whom?
You say that Im crazy.
I tell you:
That prison made up of empty words,
You say that its reason,
I say its not reason, its fear.
And I cry out loud,
I want them to hear me in the streets:
Damned them, miserable men who lost their heart
To hear only the empty words of the mind.
Damned them,
Who didnt look after who looked after them.
Who didnt understand who understood them.
Damned them,
Because they ruled the world,
Because they ordered the wars
And the massacres.
They denied the Love
They destroyed the Earth
Damned them, damned them!!
They killed the life
In the name of reason
And the common good.

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