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Roman patterns

running up the
sides of the poster
to hint at the
premise of the film
and fit with the
semantic field
created by the title.

Flat colours to make the poster look

older and thereby show the time
period in which the film takes place

Use of warm colours to connote the light-hearted

execution of the kidnapping plot that features in
this film as well as the tone overall

Truck with a
person putting
someone else into
it which is
hinting at the
main kidnapping
plot for those that
know what is
going on and
creates enigma
codes of what is
going on to those
that arent aware
of the premise.

Main image of
characters fitted
into the silhouette
of a roman to
continue the
semantic field. Also
the framing of the
roman head
against the blank
symbolises the
main plot thread of
an actor playing
Caesar being
kidnapped. The
mies en scene of
the poster could
also be interpreted
to look like a
missing person
poster which would
also refer to that
plot point.

Flat colours used

to make the image
appear like the
kind of images
that were used to
market films
during the time
period in which
this film was set in
order to play up
the dynamic that
this film can be
enjoyed as much
as a cabaret show
as a mystery film
Title in a plain font to continue the
visual theme of an old film poster
that is established initially by the
colour scheme.

Names of famous actors that appear in this

film to try and sell the film based on
assurance of quality by association.

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