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Sam Nelson

ENGL 134-41
A Necessary Ending
This paper was very rewarding to write. It forced me to evaluate my stance on a subject,
research the subject, and present a thorough argument on said subject. You have to find
information to back up every claim you make. Finding this information from a large variety of
sources is a very long and tiring process. Often, I wanted to just make a claim and provide no
evidence that it was true. However, it was very satisfying to finish the paper knowing that I had
presented points that were backed by valid sources.
I spent a lot of time thinking about, and shaping, the way in which I wanted to present
information. I wanted to define the scope of the argument, present the argument, and dissect the
counter argument. This process leaves no doubt in the readers mind and my mind that the
stance I am taking, is the correct stance. For me, the most convincing part of a persuasive essay
is the statistics and numbers that are involved with the issue. These tangible points are almost
inarguable and can greatly bolster a perspective. I tried to utilize statistics, numbers, and
percentages to add a large amount of ethos to my point of view. I tried to break things down into
a logical process to provide logos, and this helped develop my pathos as well. Overall, I tried to
address every minor and major point involved, and provide backup to my claims. I am happy
with the result and I am reassured of my stance on the matter of congressional term limits.

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