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It is an airy sign. It is ruled by Mercury, the significator of communication and confidence. These
factors render the Geminians with excellent powers of speech and communication. They have
an energetic nature and are always looking for change. They have an innovative approach to
life. If the mind is turned inwards, the native has the ability to progress far in the spiritual field.
If Gemini rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation)
would be mother divine, Goddess Lakshami. This sign rules ears, lower neck, shoulders, arms,
hands, respiratory and nervous systems, bronchial tubes, bones of arms and hands. As both the
ascendant and the sixth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign, the Sun, the significator for
vitality, would be considered as the prime determinant of health for Geminians. If the Sun is
strong, they enjoy good health. Otherwise, Geminians have a sickly constitution and suffer from
hypertension, headaches, congestion and respiratory diseases, asthma, imbalances in the
nervous system, depression which can result in partial paralysis, stammering, shoulder pain,

Gemini sign in the ascendant gives an ambitious nature with imaginative ideas. They usually
love knowledge and like much movement, change and initiative. Depending on the influences
on the ascendant, the sign Gemini usually renders their natives with a sharp intellect and
conscious mind, spontaneous, adaptable, analytical, educated, learned, helpful, with teaching
abilities, humor, wit and imagination or talkative. When the planets Moon, Sun and Mercury
are weak, those born in Gemini ascendant become nervous, restless, agitated and indecisive.
Depending upon the strength of Mercury ruling education, the Moon being prime determinant
for profession and the Sun ruling the entrepreneurial nature and being a general significator for
success in profession, Geminians become accountants, auditors, advisors, authors, writers,
communicators, business men, computer programmers, engineers, experts in analytical work,
intellectuals, journalists, lawyers, poets, publishers, salesmen, secretaries, software engineers,
state services, etc. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes
the professional pursuits.

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