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It is a watery sign. It is generally weak as it is ruled by the Moon, which is

changeable in nature and tender. Jupiter, the significator of knowledge and
fortune, is exalted in this sign. Mars, the significator of energy, is debilitated in
this sign. These factors render the Cancerians caring and nurturing, highly
emotional, intuitive, gentle and considerate. If Cancer rises as the ascendant,
the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord
Shiva. This sign rules the rib cage, chest, heart, lungs and breasts. If the Moon
and Jupiter are strong, the Cancerians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they have
a sickly constitution and unpleasant appearance and suffer from mental
maladies, physical ailments of breast, chest, heart and epigastric region,
lymphatic and circulatory congestion, jaundice and other liver complaints, etc.
Under the Systems Approach, Cancer is treated as the mooltrikona sign of the

Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or the Moon, the sign
Cancer usually renders their natives good hosts, capable of receptivity and
adaptability, generous, peace loving, with humor, wit and imagination or overly
emotional, sensitive, shy, moody, attached and dependent. As the Moon is of a
volatile nature and becomes weak quite often either in brightness or by going to
malefic houses from the ascendant or by being in infancy or old age or by going
to its sign of debilitation, either in rasi or in navamsa, or by occupying the
mooltrikona sign of any weak planet, the Cancerians are changeable to
inconstant in their behavior. Depending upon the strength of Mars and the Sun
being prime determinants of profession and the Moon for a stable profession,
Cancerians become administrators, public relations managers, healers, nurses,
house keepers, hoteliers, restaurant owners, catering professionals, cooks,
eating-establishment owners, professionals dealing with liquids, etc. The
influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the
professional pursuits.

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