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Roman culture

Roman culture was a culture that adopted some customs from other
civilizations under their rule different civilizations as they were, the
Greek culture and the cultures of the Middle East as Mesopotamia and
Egypt. Roman consolidated all these cultures in a single one of the
main aspects of the Roman Empire was its language Latin as the
language of all peoples submitted in Roman art as previously they said
Greek art influenced when they conquered Greece. Built mostly
theaters in these works of art are represented, amphitheaters, where
gladiators fought, circuses where chariot races and performances and
bows with these pretended remember historical facts of characters that
were great for the empire they were being made.

The religion of the Romans: they were polytheistic worshiped spirits

plying natural phenomena and other aspects of life can mention Jupiter
which was compared with the Greek Zeus, Neptune. This called GrecoRoman mythology as it is the same just with different names the
gods.In festivals the Romans began with a gear type procession in
which at the front were the images of the gods, they kept the warriors
after the dancers with your dress with a tunica red colored and striking
adult men with helmet and armour while adolescents with a suit of
sheep skins and the flutists will put pace those were the musicians
Romans. Between their customs were the statues, arches and
columns. others of their customs was in births when a child they placed
on the floor at the foot of father born and if this picked it up and stood
tall the child was legitimized and the father committed itself to grow it,
to educate them. otherwise birth and death was uneven as other
factors empire as day now deceased slaves were buried in mass
graves and sometimes were left there and did the job vultures whereas
if they have a high degree as belonging to royalty these were cremated
(burnt) and his ashes placed in a place something like urn.

Roman culture

The residences of the ancient Roman civilizations depend on the

degree of wealth of the rich houses were large, gardens, beautiful
Technology was used mainly in the agricultural sector making objects
to facilitate this work as mills, heating systems, headlamps, sewage
and water system we now use today.

It is a brief history of the great Roman Empire and traditions peoples

who adopted and submitted these people have undergone other and
has run some traditions of the Eternal City to other continents.

Roman culture

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