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Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)

Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)


Personal Question

I want to prepare for the IIT 2017, and presently I am in

class 11th. What's the best book for each subject to
prepare for IIT because I don't need lots of books?
10 Answers
Gunjot Sandhu, Engineer and still growing

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For Physics: H.C. Verma and Resnick Halliday. Once you are able to solve them move to
Irodov but don't concentrate solely on Irodov.
For Chemistry: NCERT is a must. But I don't think the organic part is good enough in that.
So probably an Indian author's book would be a good option as the topics shall be to the
point in them unlike the foreign authors.
For Mathematics: Focus on calculus, geometry and permutations. Solve as many questions
as possible. K.D. Joshi would serve as the Irodov of Mathematics. To develop a basic
understanding, NCERT, TMH and Arihant shall be good. But make sure you understand
the concept well before you jump to solving questions of TMH and Arihant, else you would
be left disheartened.
I'm suggesting you from the mistakes I made. And remember to take mock exams
seriously. 5-6 months before the exam focus solely on taking the mock exams and
analyzing your mistakes which may require a thorough revision of the concept. And
remember to relax when your exam is approaching. Good luck. I hope you get through.
Stay calm.

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Written 20 Mar 2015 View Upvotes Answer requested by Shubham Rai

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More Answers Below
What are the best books for preparation of IIT (if I am in 11th)?
I am in 11th and I am preparing for J.E.E. I want to know the subjective book I use for
P.C.M except Dinesh as I have that for all subjects?
I'm in 11th and am preparing for the IIT. How many hours should I devote to each subject
I am in 11th class. From which book should I prepare for chemistry for an IIT?
Are Laxmi publications books for physics and chemistry 11th and 12th Standard useful for
preparing for IIT JEE?

Chandrajeet Kumar, Buying Bookshelf is my hobby

4,791 Views Chandrajeet has 300+ answers and 5 endorsements in Joint Entrance
Examination (JEE)


vidyamandir correspondence course and if you want to do self study then follow these
Physics-NCERT and HC Verma
- Solomons Fryhle (Organic Chemistry)
- J D Lee ( Inorganic Chemistry)
- Little bit of 'Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations' by RC Mukherjee. (Physical
Mathematics: -N.C.E.R.T.
-Little bit of 'Objective Mathematics' by R.D.Sharma
-Little bit of IITJEE Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
you can read on my blog IITJEE PREPARATION TIPS 14-07-2016

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or simply read it below its help you a lot

How many hours should I study ?
Some of you out there must be toppers of your class or among the top 10% of your class.
But that is just a performance in your class or best at a school level. It means till now you
have been competing among a small student base of 50 1000 students.
But once you start preparing for IITJEE or AIEEE entrance, the competition is huge. This
year in 2015, over 2 lakh students appeared in IITJEE and over 12 lakh in AIEEE. So my
advice is that you seriously need to scale up your efforts to face the competition.
Are you ready to face these challenges?
You need to prepare yourself mentally as well as physically to face this
competition.Mentally, you need to think wide when you think of competition you are
facing. So dont get defocused and remember that you have to compete with unknowns so
you have to put your all efforts in it to excel.
May you have scored well in your school level examinations by not even spending 20 hours
on studies at home but this is not going to be enough with such a huge competition. You
need to scale up your efforts and set a target of 50-55 hours studies at home every week
and you have to do scale up step by step.
It also true that you are not going to get start studying for 9-10 hours
suddenly its require proper strategy.
For the first week you try to cut down your times which you are spending in other
works by 2 to 3 hours
Next week cut down your times which you are spending in other works again by 2 to 3
You cannot start studying 1o hours a day suddenly where as earlier you are studying
for 3 to 4 hours
Try to do same as earlier, Increase your study time from 3-4 to 6-7 hours and in next
week or after 2 weeks scale up to 9 to 10 hours.
How you study for these hours?
You have to study with full concentration, no disturbance, and continuously for 3 hour
sessions. The idea is to simulate real exam conditions. While studying, you have to create
an atmosphere as if you are sitting in exam. Avoid doing following during a 3 hours
Study on a desk if you have it at home. Avoid studying while lying down on a bed.
Dont get up from your desk during 3 hours of study session. Even not for drinking
Dont listen music during studies. If you have a habit, then slowly come out of it by
reducing it day by day.
No phone calls and no SMS during studies.

Study with 100 percent concentration as if you are sitting in exam. 14-07-2016

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Things you should not do during JEE preparation!

Remember that for next 2 years you have to give your best to get admission in a good
college. So to take out 55 hours every week, you need to sacrifice some of your time sucking
If you are involved in any of the following activities mentioned below, I suggest you should
stop it immediately:
Don't socialize too much:-Avoid too much talking on phone with your friends. Not
more than -30 minutes every day. Keep yourself away from family discussions and
dont get into arguments with parents and brothers/sisters because it will only wastes
your time and energy. Be selfish to focus on your career.
Don't spend long hours on TV, Internet and playing games:- If you are too
much into TV, cut down immediately. Dont spend more than 1 hour in front of TV
every day.
Internet is the biggest addiction of all time. Real time sucker. Dont sit on computer for
more than 1 hour unless as their any study need.
Don't play outdoor sports:-Those who are playing physical games a lot should
reduce them. These games are very tiring. If you are physically tired, you would not be
able to concentrate on studies. I suggest evening walk or light exercise either in the
morning or evening.
Don't study late night:- Those who study late nights, sleep whole day. This is a bad
schedule. If you dont sleep well in the night, you will feel sleepy in school and in your
coaching classes. So best is you should sleep for 7 hours any time between 10 PM to 9
AM. Those who dont get study atmosphere at home in the day time, in worst case they
should study till 2.00 AM and get up at 9.00 AM.
Don't sleep for long or two short sleep hours:-You should target for 7 hours
sleep every day. Also avoid day time sleeping for more than 90 minutes.Those you
could manage to sleep less, I would not recommend a sleep of less than 5-6 hours. If
body is tired, mind cannot function properly.
Don'ts go to school daily:-I suggest that if possible, go to school not more than 4
times a week. School studies are not going to play important role in your career at this
stage. Even school studies should be done just before the exams say 1-2 weeks before
How to solve problem:- Five Step Learning Approach (FSLA)

Why we need FSLA?

IITJEE is an exam that is totally based on problem solving. Mostly it is numerical based
questions. Because of this nature of IITJEE, students preparing for IITJEE exam should
spend most of their time in solving more and more problems.Its not only help you in
cracking IITJEE but also help in better understanding of subject.
Many students who are spending lot of time on problem solving but even though they are
not able to score in exam. behind this there are few reasons: This happens because while doing problem solving, they learn things but they do
nothing to retain them in their memory.
They dont remember ideas/tricks of many questions in exam which they should have
To learn/memorize, they need to put efforts and time as well as they should follow the
correct approach.
To retain and repeat, I recommend a Five Step learning Approach (FSLA) to you
for doing problem solving and it will definitely help you in many dimensions like
improving your speed, accuracy, problem solving ability and confidence in the topic.
Here are 5 steps of the approach. 14-07-2016

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STEP 1 Understanding
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(a) First Attempt the problem. Try to first see the problem and dont directly jump to
the solution. Try at least 5-20 minutes and not spend more then 5 minutes, if you dont
understand question properly and 20 minutes maximum if you are getting ideas after that
only you should see the solution.
(b) Marking the difficulty levels. After seeing the solutions, you have to to decide the
difficulty level of the question and always mark these level in front of each question. There
can be 4 levels.
Easy level : Problem is easy if you are able to solve it in less than 5 minutes.
Moderate level : Problem is moderate level if you are able to solve it by just seeing
the solution for less than 1 minute and get the idea.Or by trying hard and spend more
time to solve it.
Difficult level : Problem is difficult if you are not able to do it yourself after spending
lot of time and you have also taken lots of time in understanding the solution But finally
able to understand solution very well.
Very-Difficult : Mark a problem a very-difficult if you are not able to understand the
question and its solution is also impossible to understand so not waste more time at this
stage they are useless and pull your confidence down.
Step 2 : Memorizing
In this step you have to solve question like that you are appearing for any test. The
questions of the test would be the average and difficult questions you marked in step 1.
Just count how many questions you marked average or difficult after counting you should
give test of 90 question(it can be collected from more than 1 chapters) at least and total
time is 3 hours
You have to take test very seriously. Taking these tests will improve your following
Speed : As you have solve these questions earlier,so try to be little fast in solving these
questions.This will improve your speed to write fast.
Accuracy : Try to be accurate as much as possible. If you are doing mistakes in more than
10% of the questions, focus on it and before you sit for the test try to make in your mind
that today you are not going to do any mistake. If you make it a target that you have to be
perfect, after few tests you will start seeing the results.
Concentration :While doing a test, you level of concentration is much higher. So these
tests will help you in improving your concentration on a regular basis. So when you are
doing these tests, make an environment that should resemble the environment you face at
test center. Dont answer phone, dont respond to door bell, dont get up for water and no
So give this test as mentioned above and this will help you in increasing speed,accuracy
and also help in study hanit of studying for long hours.
Step 3 : Strengthening
After finishing step 2 where you appeared for a test based on the selected questions, you
need to review your performance. If you could not solve most of the questions(not able to
solve 60 to 70 out of 90 ), you need to repeat what you did in step 2 to strengthen your
preparation. Do it after a gap of 4-5 days. You can even change some ratings before you
take the test like you can re-mark some average questions as easy or difficult questions as
average or average as difficult.
Step 4 :Building confidence
This is the fourth step where you revise all questions orally. This step should come after
4-8 days of the strengthening step. Keep 30 second for each question to revise . So for 90
questions, you can take 45 minutes.See each question and try to recall the
trick/steps/concepts you applied to solve that question. If you are not able to recall in 15
seconds, mark the question and go to next question.Repeat this for all the questions. After
all the questions are finished, refer solutions to see the marked questions and try to learn
their ideas.
You should be able to recall ideas of 90% of the problems. If it is less, you need to repeat
this step after few days.
After successfully recalling ideas needed to solve the question from your mind, feel like you
are a master/expert of the topic. Do it with interest and full concentration, the way you
watch movie or match.
Step 5 :Point to remember 14-07-2016

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You need to be regular and systematic to follow it. You also need a time table to plan these
and topics
steps. Without schedule,
it is
steps of various topics and subjects.

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I am sure you can take benefit of FPA as it helps in proving the knowledge of the topic as
well as it prepares you for exams by improving your examination skills like speed,
accuracy, concentration, knowledge.

FOR SURE.......
Chandrajeet Kumar's answer to Which book is the best for the preparation of IIT maths,
M.L. Khanna, TMH, Cengage, or any other?
Updated 4 May View Upvotes

Chirayu Asati, First year in IIT Roorkee by 1469 AIR in JEE


Physics-HC Verma
Maths-No standard book

You have to develop your concepts in along journey.

So,You cannot study by single book so you must solve these also:
IE Irodov
Narendra awasthi,MS Chauhan,Vimal Kumar Jaiswal
Previous year papers of jee,olympiads,Kvpy,etc.
For maths,you should prefer some coaching material.
Written 3 Oct 2015 View Upvotes Answer requested by ShounakC (Bobo)

Himanshu Bisht, I understand people little differently


You are right, so all the people seeking answer here. You should follow only one or two
books each subjects and if you have taken a good study plan from any coaching institute,
they people include every important question in their material so go through it first.
go through the guide
and How to prepare for JEE Main and Advance 2017
Do not forget NCERT
Written 24 May

Adnan Pen, Life long learner, Living in Rajsthan(India)


Some books that I would recommend are :1)Physics

1)HC Verma; it the most important and a must book for a student aspiring to crack IIT jee
2)DC Pandey (arihant series) ; these are good for practicing questions after completing HC
verma, although I would not recommend you as a must book (it depends on your choice to
get it or not ) since HC verma is usually sufficient.
1)NCERT Books are usually sufficient for this subject but for organic part, I would
recommend you KS Verma or OP Tondon( don't get both of them) .however for more
practice in physical chemistry you can go through RC mukherjee it contains large number
of Questions of much higher and better level so if you want you can get it too.
3) Mathematics:
1) For this you should first get NCERT topics all well understood then should get to higher
level books.
2) In maths remember that Calculus is the most ,most and most important topic ,for that 14-07-2016

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you can get arihant book of calculus (differentiation & integration).

and topics
3)Books by Arihant Search
such as for
Algebra and
geometry are must books for
preparing .
Mathematics is a subject in which you would require more than one book .
Other than these books I would also advice you to make the best use of your 2years time
and never deviate your time to other activities also you have to work very hard to crack IIT.
Hope these all would help.

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Updated 24 Apr View Upvotes Answer requested by Shubham Rai

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