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In Buddhism, there are three gems: Buddha, the awakened one; Dharma, the
way of understanding and loving; and Sangha, the community that lives in
harmony and awareness.
Buddha: the one who develops his or her understanding and loving to the
highest degree.
Buddah is in every one of us
Dharma is what the Buddha taught. It is the way of understanding and lovehow to understand, how to love, how to make understanding and love into
real things.
Dharmakaya just means the teaching of the Buddha, the way to realize
understanding and love. Part of our Sanghakaya
AccoRDING TO BuDDHISM, human beings are composed of five aggregates:
form, which means our body, including the five sense organs and the nervous
system; feelings; perceptions; mental formations; and consciousness.
Feelings are of three kinds: pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral.
Transforming neutral feelings into pleasant ones
If you are happy, all of us will profit from it. Society will profit from it. All living
beings will profit from it.
Dependent co-arising: Suppose you and I are friends. (In fact, I hope we are
friends.) My well-being, my happiness depends very much on you, and your
well-being, your happiness, depends upon me. I am responsible for you, and
you are responsible for me. Anything I do wrong, you will suffer, and anything
you do wrong, I have to suffer. Therefore, in order to take care of you, I have
to take care of myself.
MEDITATION is not to get out of society, to escape from society, but to
prepare for a reentry into society. We call this "engaged Buddhism.": We
should be able to bring the practice from the meditation hall into our daily
Engaged Buddhism is Buddhism in daily life, in society, and not just in a
retreat center the individual is made of non-individual elements.
When you meditate, it is not just for yourself, you do it for the whole society.
You seek solutions to your problems not only for yourself, but for all of us.
Meditation is a way of helping us stay in society.
We must transcend the conflict; if we are still in the conflict, it is difficult to
reconcile. We have to have a nondualistic viewpoint in order to listen to both
sides and understand.
The first practice is Face-to-Face Sitting
The second practice is Remembrance
The third principle is Non-stubbornness.
The fourth practice is Covering Mud with Straw
The fifth stage is Voluntary Confession
The sixth and seventh practices are Decision by Consensus and Accepting the

Concentration, samadhi, is the first practice of meditation.

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