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Evidencia 10: Paragraph Exercise

Para continuar con el proceso bilinge es importante revisar la presentacin

denominada (Chapter_Paragraph Structure), y se invita a profundizar ms
sobre el tema en el captulo la estructura del prrafo, y a partir de lo
aprendido, elaborar un prrafo en ingls y sealar sus partes sobre la temtica
del papel que juega Colombia en la globalizacin.

Colombia in globalization.
Globalization has had an important development for Colombia, with exports of
products such as coffee, sugar cane, mining with emerald, since the main
export products, and likewise the importation of other products for delivery
goods the population of each country. The economy is an implement of
dominance over another agent or country economically, so when applied
economics from one country to another, the policy also influences dominated
the country. Globalize the economy; the products have to be ONU Mercado
same price for all, then domestic products start a rise in prices, which can not
compete in contraindicated Other Have Work and economic guarantees such
as the USA. United States and Colombia are what the various economies by
the same US support country farmers.

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