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id A fiiggé beszéd — reported speech (1) (say/said, tell/told) 1 Amikor a beszéi6 szavait nem 826 szerint idézzik, és az eredeti szveget bizonyos szerkezeti valtoztatassal (pl. szérend, igeid6) kézvetitjik, figgd beszédré! (reportediindirect speech) beszéliink EREDETI MONDAT Fucc6 ees: Egyszerijelen > Egyszeri mit live in a small She said (that) she lived flat,’ she said. in a small fat Folyamatos jelen -> Folyamatos milt Tin leaving on Isaid (that) [was Fereyar) at ee ‘Tlearned a lot,” He said (that) he had he said. learned a lot. ‘Mr Jackson has She said (that) left,’ she said. Mr Jackson had left. will + would ‘Tt help you,’ She said (that) she am/is/are/going to + was/were/going to "We're going tobe I said (that) we were late,” 1 sad. going to be late. Ha a fiiggé beszédben idézett mondat réviddel a fllggé beszédben térténd megismetlés elétt hangzott el, az igeid6t nem kell megvaltoztatni. Abevezeté ige (say, tell stb.) lehet akér jelen, akar mill iddben: ‘She says/said she lives in a small flat He says/said he can't find his money. Gyakorlatok vagy told igealakkal. BY egészitsik ki a mondatokat a sai 0 She ald can * could ‘Tean't find my He said (that) he money," he said. couldn't find his money. 2 Athat (= hogy) két6sz6 hasznalata nem feltétieniil szikséges fliggé beszédben She said (that) she knew the ansiver. 3 Figyelem! A magyar nyelvben az igeidét nem valtoztatjuk meg, amikor valakinek a szavait megismételjik, csak a személyes névmasokat ‘Amikor az ilyen mondatokat magyarra forditjuk, vigyézzunk, hogy a said stb. kezdeta mondatot kévet6 mellékmondatban az egyszerti mult idét ne mit idének, hanem jelen idének forditsuk. She said she lived “Azt mondta, hogy ... lakik.” NEM: ‘takett’s He said he couldn't ... = 'Azt mondta, hogy nem taldlja ....” New: ‘nemtaldite’. A would forditasa: fog’: She said she would ... = 'Azt mondta hogy ... fog..." 4 Hasonlitsuk dssze a say és a tell igék hasznalatat a kévetkez6 mondatokban: She said (that) she lived in a small flat. She told me (that) she lived in a small flat. (= Azt mondta nekem, ...) A ‘say something (to someone)’ szerkezet helyes, a ‘say-someone-something’ helytelen. She said she woas going to be late. (NEM: She said mte sheweas—-) I said that I disagreed with him. (NEM FoniHhine Hatt) Atell someone something szerkezet helyes, a tell-something nem He told me he was happy. (NEM: Heol he-ws happy) He told me that he would pay me immediately. (NEM: Hefoht that he moni) She told Fred she was going fo meet someone. (NEM: She-fold-that-sheregoings) she wasn't feeling very well. 1 Alex me that he would buy the tickets. 2 They that the train was going to be late. 3. She him that she was very angry with him. 4 She him that she couldn't help him. 5 Who you that I was leaving? It’s not true! 6 They us that they were leaving in the morning, 326 7 He that he didn’t know what was wrong with the car. 8 She she had four sisters. 9 She me that Tom worked in a factory. 10 He me that he was a doctor, but he Anna that he was a dentist. B irjuk at a kovetkezé beszélgetést fiiggé beszédbe, NicoLE: How long have you been in France? _CLALDIA:Six weeks, NICOLE: Are you enjoying your stay? CLAUDIA: Yes, I'm enjoying it a lot. NICOLE: Have you been here before? CLAUDIA: Yes. I’ve been to France many times, NicouE: What are you doing here? LAuDIA:T'm on holiday. NICOLE: Are you staying in a hotel? cLavpia:No, I'm staying with some friends Nicott: Where do they live? CLAUDIA: They have a flat in the city centre. Nicote: How long are you staying? CLAUpIA:I'm leaving in March. Nicote: Can you speak French very well? CLAUDIA: No, Ican’t. I'm going to have some lessons, NICOLE: I'll teach you. 0 Claudia said that she had been in France for six weeks. 1 Claudia said her stay a lot. 2 Claudia said to France many times. 3. Claudia said on holiday. 4. She said with some friends. 5 She said a flat in the city centre. 6 She said in March. 7 She said French very well. 8 She said some lessons. 9 Nicole said Claudia. Aképek alapjan irjuk le fiiggé beszédben, hogy ki mit mondott, amikor a repiilétéren ellendriztek az utlevelet. Tom visitir friend 0 He said that he was visiting friends. 1. She said 2 He said 3. They said 4 She said 5. They said 327 A fiigg6 beszéd — reported speech (2) (neévmasok wy és hatarozoszok) 1 Tételezziik fel, hogy Mary elmondja Jane-nek: “ove Tom.’ Jane azt mondja Susannak: Mary says (that) she loves Tom. Jane pedig megmondja Tomnak ‘Mary says (that) she loves you. \Végiil Mary kézli Tommal I told Jane (that) I lowe you. ‘Afenti harom mondat fuggé beszédben van A szemelyes névmés fiiggé beszédben értelemszertien megvaltozik (pl. ''— ‘she’, ‘Tom’ + ‘you’ stb.) 2 Tételezziik fel, hogy Mary és Tom reggel az autébuszmegalléban biicstizik egymastél Mary ezt mondja: ‘I'll meet you here at seven o'clock.” Tom ezt mondja a baratjénak az irodaban: ‘Mary says she'll meet me at the bus station at seven o'clock. Ha Mary ezt mondjat ‘Tl come to your house at seven o'clock’, Tom, mar otthon, ezt mondja a baratjanak: ‘Mary says she'll come here at seven o’clock. Aszemélyes névmds ezekben a mondatokban is megyaltozott. ‘you’ -> ‘me’; ‘+ ‘she’) } Gyakorlatok 3 Masnap Mary ezt mondja a baratnéjének: saw Jane yesterday, and I've seen Tom three times this week.” Abardtné valaki masnak elmondja Last Friday Mary said (that) she had seen Jane the dlay before, and she had seen Tom three times that week. A yesterday’ megyaitozik, ‘the day before’ (= az el6z6 napon) lesz beléle, a ‘this week (= ezen a héten) ‘that week’ (= azon a héten) lesz. (Egyéb, a fggé beszédben bekvetkezé valtozasokkal kapcsolatos tudnivalok a 125, fejezetben talalhatok.) Figyeljik meg, hogy a vaitoztatésok nem feltétientil, automatikusan kévetkeznek be, a helyzett6l is fuggnek, amelyben a beszélgetés térténik: Alegayakoribb valtozasok: AZEREDETI | A MEGVALTOZOTT NEVMAS, IGE | vaay HaraRazo i; we she, he; they me; us her, him; them my; our her, his; their here there yesterday | the previous day/day before | tomorrow | the nextifollowing day come, bring | go, take this that By olvassuk el a kévetkezé parbeszédet, majd pétoljuk a hidnyz6 névmasokat(illetve az egyik esetben fonevet) a fiiggé beszédben irt szdvegben. sara: I JOE: still love you, but I think you've changed. sana: You're not nice to me any more. jor: I've heard rumours about you. sara: Idon’t believe you. JOE: I think you're seeing someone else. not happy. I think things between us are going badly, sara: Yes, I've been out with Tony a couple of times. I feel happy with him. JOE: But he's not in love with you. sara: I'm too young to have just one boyfriend. I want to be free. 328 Sara begins the story: I wasn’t happy. I told Joe 0! Vai were going badly. He said 2 4 thought that 5... nice to7 9 any more. He said 8 and I said tha had changed. I told him that & .. thought things between still loved 3 but - wasn't had heard rumours about didn’t believe 1 Tony continues: Joe said he thought Sara was seeing someone else. Sara said that she had been out with 12 Joe said that 15 was too young to have just one boyfriend and that 18 a couple of times and that "3 was not in love with 16 felt happy with 4 Sara said that "7 wanted to be free. Fejezzik be a tablazat jobb oldali oszlopaban lévé mondatokat fuggé beszéddel a bal oldali oszlopban taldlhate informacié alapjan. Original situation Reporting situation Date: Summer, 1995 Bill said, ‘I've been here for a week, I'm staying at the Dickens Hotel” 0 Place: Paris Place: London Date: 2001 Jane said, ‘I've been here for six months.’ {Jane told me that 8hed been there for six months, |1 Place: London Date: 20 April 1999 _| Place: London Date: 2001 Ken said, ‘We're leaving tomorrow.” Ken said that 2 Place: London Date: 22 May 1999 | Place: London Date: 2001 Sally said to Tom, ‘Ican’t marry you’ _ | Sally told Tom that 3 Place: New York Date: July, 1996 Place: London Date: 2000 Bill said to Ella, ‘Tl write to you every day’ | Bill told Ella that 4 Place: London ZooDate: June 1998 Place: Myhome Date: 2001 Alice said to me, ‘Toften come here” _| Alice told me that 5 Place: London Date: June, 1999 Place: Paris Date: 2000 Anne said, ‘My brother is going to visit me. | Anne said that 6 Place: Madrid Date: 16June 2000 __| Place: London Date: 12 July 2000 Derek said, ‘We arrived here yesterday’ | Derek said that |7. Place: New York Date: 18 May 2000 | Place: London Date: 10 June 2000 I saw Bill in New York last month. He told me that and that 329 Lid A fiigg6 beszéd — reported speech (3) (kérés, utasitas stb.) 1 Kérést tbbféle médon is kifejezhetiink: sarant ‘Please wait a minute, Tom. SARAH: ‘Tom, could you zenit a minute, please?” | Mindkét kérés fliggd beszéddé valo alakitasakor az ask igét hasznaljuk: Sarah asked Tomt to cuit a minute. (= Sarah arra kérte Tomot, hogy varjon egy percet.) 2 Utasitast is tobbféle médon adhatunk: ‘Stand up, John.’ "You must zvork harder.” Utasitast vagy kevésbé udvarias kérést a tellitold igével tehetiink fggé beszédbe: He told John to stand up. (= Azt mondta Johnnak, hogy alljon fel.) 3 A kévetkezbképpen adunk tandcsot: “You ought to stop smoking, Jane.’ “You should get married, Peter.” Ezekben a mondatokban fliggé beszédben az advise (= tandcsol) igét hasznalhatjuk: He advised Jane to stop smoking. (= Azt tandcsolta Jane-nek, hogy hagyja abba a dohanyzast.) 4 Az ask, tell és advise ige hasznalata fiiggé beszédben IGE + TARGY + t0 + FONEW IGENEV| Sarah asked Tom to wait. She told him _ to stand up. He advised Jane to stop smoking. | Azige + targy + to + f6névi igenév szerkezetet az alabbi igékkel hasznlhaljuk advise persuade tell forbid order | warn ask remind LONE Colao) 4 : Bl Egeszitsiik ki a kifejezéseket a megfelelé sz6 kival 0 Beth asked me to help/helping her. 've told Tim cleaning/to clean his shoes. Jack denied to break/ breaking the window. ‘The teacher reminded them to bring/bringing t 1 2 3 4 5 6 The doctor advised me to eat/eating more fruit. 7 5 Ha tilts mondatot alakitunk figgd beszéddé (Don't laugh), utasitast stb. a not + to + fnevi igenév szerkezetet hasznaljuk: Ise +TARGY + not to+ ] Sarah told Tom not to laugh. | They warmed Ian not to borrow money. 1 reminded John __not to be late (CNEM ... tonetdanghe) \Vannak olyan igék, amelyeket nem haszndl- hatunk ffigg6 beszédben, és nem alihat uténuk targy. Néhany példa: IGE + to + FONEWIIGENEV He refused to help me. (= Visszautasitotta, hogy segitsen.) She promised not to be late (= Megigérte, hogy nem fog elkésni.) IGE + ELOLJAROSz6 + -ing We apologized for being late. (= Elnézést kérttink a késésért.) ice + -ing He suggested going to the cinema. Aztjavasoita, hogy menjtink moziba.) She denied taking the money. ‘Tagadta, hogy elvitte volna a pénzt.) IGE + that + MELLEKMONDAT He complained that the food was cold. (= Panaszkodott, hogy az étel hideg.) lasztasaval. their dictionaries. Mum warned us not to speak/speaking to strangers. I persuaded my parents letting/to let me go to the disco. My cousin refused apologizing/to apologize for hitting me B vataszoljunk a kérdésekre a zardjelben megadott szavak segitségével a példa alapjan. Ugyeljiink a megfelel6 igeidé (egyszerti mult) és a not tagadész6 hasznalatara, 0 A: Did you tell the children to clean the car? B: (Yes, but I/tell/to use too much water.) Yes, but | told them not to use too much water. 1A: Did you ask Bill to come to the meeting? B: (Yes, and 1/tll/to be late.) 2. A: Did the doctor tell your sister to keep warm? _B: (Yes, and she/warn/to go outside the house.) 3. A: Did you ask Michael to post the letters? B: (Yes, and I/tell/to forget the stamps.) 4. A; Did the policeman advise everyone to stay indoors? _B: (es, and he/tell/to go near the windows). Alakitsuk at a mondatokat fiiggé beszéddé a z4rdjelben megadott igék segitségével. 0 Fred said, ‘Anne, would you lend me five pounds, please?’ (ask) .Fred asked Anne to lend him five pounds. 1 I said to John, Remember to phone Sally.’ (remind) «ee sececssnsnnsnnneenneene 2. Anna said to Barbara, I'll help you with your homework! (offer) .. 3. Paul said, ‘I’m sorry I broke the window.’ (apologize) ...... 4. She said, ‘Children, stay away from the water’ (warn) 5. Mark said, ‘Let's go out for a pizza’ (suggest) 6 [said, I'll phone as soon as | arrive,’ (promise) ... Degeszitsiik ki a fligg6 beszéddé alakitott mondatokat a megadott igék és a megfelel6 névmas segitségével (Minden igétcsak egyszer hasznalunk) advise ask order remind teh warn ask order remind tel! warn 0. The official said to Gerry, ‘Go to Room 23.’ The official 914 him te go... to Room 23. 1 ‘Girls, you mustn’t touch these wires. It can be dangerous,’ said the guide. The guide the wires. 2. ‘The bus is all right, Anne, but it’s better for you to take the train,’ we said. We soceettecssssnneees the train. 3. ‘Bring the money, Simon. Don’t forget,’ Mrs Walters said, Mrs Walters ee the money. 4 “Thisis the police,’ the voice said. ‘Spectators must leave at once.” The police sessoeessunssnnnnnneeennsnes at ONCE, 5. Isaid, ‘Please come in, Mr Tufnell. I... ee it 331 Li A fligg6 kérdés — reported questions (She asked if... 1 Eldéntend6 (yes/no) kérdésben a be ige megfelel6 alakjat (pl. is, are) vagy segédigét (pl. do, can, have) haszndlunk ALAN they John Afiiggé kérdés fmondataban az ask igét haszndijuk, a mellékmondatot pedig az if vagy whether (= vajon) kot6sz6val kapcsolluk a fémondathoz: “Are “Can English?" type?” ALANY Sheasked if | they | were English Sheasked if | John_] could type. vac: ‘She asked whether they wvere English She asked whether John could type. A fliggé kérdés nem kérd6 szerkezet, tehat szérendje megegyezik az allité mondat szrendjével: alany, ailitmany stb 2 Akiegészitend6 kérdés kérdészéval kezdédik (who, what, where stb. ALANY “Where does Ann live?’ ‘Why has Jane gone 2” A fiiggé kérdés fomondataban itt is az ask igét hasznaljuk, az ésszetett mondat kétszava az eredeti kérdész6 lesz. Itt is allité szérendet hasznalunk, ‘ALANY They asked where | Ann | lived. She asked why Jane _} had gone. 3 Nézzik meg a kévetkez6 szerkezetet: ask someone if, where, stb The manager asked me if I could type (= A fondk megkérderte, tudok-e gepelni) They asked him where Sarat lived. legkerdezték t6le, hol lakik Sarah.) 4 Figyeljik meg, hogy amikor egy kérdést fig kerdéssé alakitunk, altaléban megvaltoztatjuk az igeidét (Id. 125. fejezet) “Can John swim?” He asked if John could swims Figyelem! A magyar forditésban az igeidé nem valtozik: could swim= tud-e dszni Alegayakoribb igeid6 vaitozasok: > jelen -+ mult: amiis + was are -> were is living -» was living live — lived > Present Perfect -» Past Perfect: has gone » had gone > egyszeri mult + Past Perfect: arrived + had arrived > segédigék: will -» would can -» could Gyakran mas szavakat is megvaltoztatunk: ‘Have you finished, Mike?” She asked Mike if he had finished 5 Az asked helyett mondhatjuk, hogy wanted to know vagy wondered: She wanted to know if they were English. She wondered why Jane had gone. BV Alkossunk fiiggé kérdést a z4rdjelben megadott kérdésekbdl, a fiiggd kérdéseket pedig alakitsuk at egyenes kérdéssé, A mondatok végere tegyiink pontot vagy kérdéjelet. (Did they come?) She asked if. (Do you speak English?) They asked me (I wanted to know why he had taken my key.) (Does Ann work on Saturdays?) I asked 0 1 2 3. (How many people came to the party?) I asked .. 4 (Can we meet tomorrow?) I asked 6 (Lasked what he had done.) 7 332 (Was Tom born in 1965 or 19662) I asked them . .. they had come .: .. [spoke English ... did you take my key . people had come to the party .. ‘Ann worked on Saturdays we could meet tomorrow has he done Tom was born 8 (Why has Jane gone home?) I wondered .. Jane had gone home 9. (Where do you go for your holidays?) | wanted to know they went for their holidays 10 ({s Bill coming to the party, Jane?) | asked Jane .. Bill was coming to the party BF Forditsuk le a kérdéseket, majd a zardjelben megadott szavak segitségével irjunk fiigg6 kérdést. 0 Hova ment Anna? Where has Anna gone? (ask) | aeked where Anna had gone. 1. Jim gyakran jar focizni? (wonder) 2. Mitettek a gyerekek? (she/want to know) 3. Hova megy Mark? (wonder) 4. Mikor jn a kivetkez6 busz? (ask) 5. Hany tanulo jon az utazasra? .. (Sara/ wonder) ......csccsessesseeee 6 Mary beszél franciaul? (wonder) 7 Miért vett Vicky aj biciklit? . (@5k) seen 8 Hol dolgozik Péter? (wonder) Steven Ellis betdrt egy bankba. A rendérség Steven egyik elfogott cinkostarsénak a kévetkez6 kérdéseket tette fel a kihallgatason: 0 Howlong-have-youbeen-outof prison? 4 Do you know Steven Ellis? 1 Have you worked since then? 5. How long have you known Steven? 2 Does your sister give you money? 6 Have you seen Steven recently? 3. Who else gives you money? ‘Akévetkez6kben a rendérfeliigyelé a kihaligatasrél szémol be. Egészitsilk ki a mondatokat a fenti kérdések atalakitasaval. 0. Lasked him .how leng he had been out of prison... and he replied that he had left prison six months ago, Then [asked him ...s.sssseccssseee aera +. He told me that he hadn't found a job. 2 Tasked him... ccsseccceceeessssseeee sescsttsusssssseeseenssand he said she gave him some money, but not very much. 3. Then | asked him He replied that nobody else did. 4 Tasked him... +», and he said that he and Steven were friends. 5 Solasked him eoceeeeene _ and he said that he had known him for six years. 6 Then Lasked him ... sescssseeesssseeensy and he said that he couldn't remember. 333 ia Ismétlé gyakorlatok: a fiiggé beszéd (125-8. fejezet) Bl takitsuk at a kévetkezé mondatokat fiigg6 beszédde. 0. Paul said: ‘Atlanta is a wonderful city. Faul said (that) Atlanta was a wonderful city. 1. Ruth said: ‘I go jogging every morning.’ 2. Anna said: ‘Jenny isn’t studying for her exams.’ 3. Jim said: ‘I can’t swim’ 4 Jane said: ‘Mary works in a bank.’ 5. Jim said: ‘I'm staying with some friends.” 6 Mike said: ‘I've never been to Russia.’ 7 Ella said: ‘Tom can’t use a computer’ 8 ila: "Everybody must ry odo ther best 9. Rachel said: ‘Jane may move to a new flat” 10 Bill said: ‘I'l stay at home on Sunday.’ B iriuk t a mondatokat fiigg6 beszéddé a példa alapjan. 0 Andy said: ‘Julie, Hove you.” Later, Julie said to her sister: Andy said that He loved me. 1. Anna said: "You can rely on me, Tom. Later, Tom said to his brother: Anna said that 2 Susan said: ‘Jane, your mother has been very kind.’ Later, Jane said to her mother: Susan said that 3. Mary said: Jenny is staying with me, Peter’ Later Peter said to Jenny: Mary said that .. 4. The teacher said: ‘Class! You're making too much noise. Later, the pupils said to their parents: The teacher said that 5. Mark said: ‘John may come to your party, Andrew! Later, Andrew said to John: Mark said that 334 Girjuk at a zarsjetben megadott mondatokat a say ige helyett tell hasznalataval. 0 (Norman said to Rosa (that) he would be late.) Norman told Rosa (that) he would be late. 1. Ghe said to him (that) she liked his paintings.) 2. (You said to me (that) you liked that film.) 3. (Tom said to Ann (that) he felt ill) 4 (She said to Bill (that) she was leaving.) 5 (Isaid to you (that) I couldn’ find it) 6 (Mary said to him (that) she would send the letter.) 7 (Wessaid to them (that) we would arrive at six.) D geszitsik ki a mondatokat a megadott igék megfelelé alakjaval az idézett mondat alapjén. Minden igét csak egyszer hasznaljunk. advise apologize ask deny offer remind promise say tell warn 0 “come from Scotland’ Tan Said he came .................. from Scotland. 0. ‘We didn’t steal the apples.’ They .denled stealing the apples. 1 "You should leave early’ The attendant early. 2. ‘Remember to collect your shoes.’ GaLY ooeseeeecene soseserseses his wife co sesso her shoes, 3. ‘Please take a seat’ The lawyer us aseat. 4 ‘Let me drive you home’ Mrs Proctor .... soseeeteeessssssseseeee Me home, 5. ‘Tmsorry I dropped the plate.’ The waiter ...cscccssessseee seen the plate, 6 ‘live in Edinburgh.’ Tan us in Edinburgh. 7 ‘Vilsend the money immediately.’ MY COUSID .....scscsssssseeeeeeessssssssssens the money immediately. 8 ‘Don’t touch the wires, children. They're dangerous.” Mrs Mackay rere cos the children... eevee the wires, She said they were dangerous. 338 Baképek alapjan egészitsik ki a mondatokat fiiggé beszéddel. Hs Ge) Cae & Cat) es) X is ; ie 8 m He te Skeilg Sheila (i) kate Philip i nen did ‘What happened ¢ er ere = ae oY " ‘A a d $ es ow) | ae 3) Nee Ast Wu sine 7 8 ae eos 8 byn Robert a colin Alan 0 Craig asked, Sheila how old she was....., and she said that she was fifteen, 0 Sheila .28ked, Craig how old he was... and he told her that he was sixteen. 1 Kate... ss Philip, en and he said that 2 Tom Celia . and she told 3 Lyme Robert and he told 4 Colin vee Alan and he told Holvassuk el a kévetkez6 parbeszédet, amely egy didklany és a munkakézvetité alkalmazottja kézétt zajlott. Ezutan egészitsik ki Julle barétndjének irt levelét. WOMAN: Good morning. What can I do for you? sue: Good morning. I want to find a job for the summer. Do you have anything? WoMAN: — Have you thought about what kind of job you'd like? sou: Well, [have a friend who's going to be an au pair in Quebec. I'd like to do that WOMAN: — Allright, fill in this form, please. Now, you'll probably need French to work in Quebec. Can you speak French? JUUE: Yes, I studied it for five years at school. Woman: Good. Do you have any experience as an au pair? uu I've done a lot of baby-sitting, WoMAN: — Well, I'l probably be able to get you something, but I can’t guarantee you anything. I'll phone you in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, it would be a good idea for you to ask about insurance. Most importantly, don’t go to Canada without the promise of a job. It's too risky. seu: Thank you. I'll speak to you in a couple of weeks then. Goodbye. 336 Dear Wendy, How are you? I hope you're well. Yesterday I went to a job agency and I spoke to a very nice woman. I told her that olwanted ‘a summer job and I asked her °./f. she had anything, She asked me what kind of job 7 and I told her 2 an au pair in Quebec. She asked me’ a form and then she asked me + French. I said 5 it for five years at school and she seemed happy with that. She asked me 6 experience as an au pair and I told her 7 a lot of baby-sitting, She said 8, me something but she °. anything, She told me 10 in a couple of weeks. She advised me a insurance and warned me 12 Canada without the promise of a job. So for the moment that's all my news, but I hope I'll know something, definite soon. It's very exciting! Why don’t we go together? Write soon and tell me what you think. Love, Julie [ Forditsuk le a mondatokat. 10 Jim azt mondta, hogy nem tud 4 autot venni, Miért mondtad az ellenérnek, hogy nines jegyed? Az orvos azt tandcsolta apamnak, hogy ne dolgozzon olyan sokat. Pamela megkért, hogy menjek el a bankba. A tiizolt6k azt mondtak, hogy mindenki elhagyta az épilletet. Kérjuk meg Tonyt, hogy segitsen. Jack megkérdezte, hogy mikor killdtem el a levelet. Néhény barétom mondla, hogy a kévetkez6 héten meglatogat. Kati azt kérdezte, hogy telefonélt-e valaki Megkérdeztem a rendért, merre van a mizeum. 337

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