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Esko Studio 10 Plugins (Illustrator CS3, CS4 and CS5)

1) Launch up the installer and select Install Studio Plugisn-ins for Illustrator

- Click NEXT, CONTINUE on all windows , I left everything to defaults.

2) Launch Illustrator and click EskoArtwork Plug-ins...

3) Select Studio Designer and click Start Trial...


- click NEXT then select Start Trial Online then Next

- fill in your Account name and Password (the same you used to activate the Visualizer)
- click Finish
- close the Internet browser that pops-up or get back to illustrator.

4) Repeat steps in item 3) for Studio Toolkit for Boxes and Studio Toolkit for Labels.
5) Take notice of how trail days you have left for your plug-ins, it will com in handy when using winHex

6) Patching the Plugins

- close down Illustrator
- go to
C:\Program Files\Esko\Studio Visualizer 10\bin - or
C:\Program Files (x86)\Esko\Studio Visualizer 10\bin - if you are on 64 bit system.
- Rename Studio Visualizer.exe to Studio Visualizer_NoWM.exe

- Rename Studio Visualizer_original.exe to Studio Visualizer.exe


- Run loader.exe, don't click OK in the "Hello World!" window.

- Run winHex
- press the Alt+F9 keys expand Studio visualizer and select Primary Memory, hit OK

- search for <value>NAME=STL_STUDIO_10_T (red arrow)

- a little lower you will find the expiry date of one of the plugins (green arrow)
- copy/write it down (16-Oct-2010 in my case)
( You can double check this date with the days remaining you had.
I had a 31 days trial and a little lower i can see the Issued Date of 16-Sep-2010, that matches with


- now press Ctrl+h keys

- fill in search for with expiry date (16-Oct-2010 in my case)
- fill in replace with, with 01-Jan-2999

- hit OK


- close winHex
- press OK in the Hello World window of the Esko Visualizer.
- Close/Quit the Esko Visualizer for now.
- Run the Esko Local License Manager (icon on your Desktop or in Start -> Esko -> Local License Manager)

- Great! 360968 days to try it out! :D

- Don't forget to go back to
C:\Program Files\Esko\Studio Visualizer 10\bin - or
C:\Program Files (x86)\Esko\Studio Visualizer 10\bin - if you are on 64 bit system.
- Rename Studio Visualizer.exe to Studio Visualizer_Original.exe
- Rename Studio Visualizer_NoWM.exe to Studio Visualizer.exe
OBS: when you change OS system date you will get a notice that the license is broken.
Just select online auto fix.


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