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1. There is a restaurant nearby

// Hay un restaurante cercano
R/ Is there a restaurant nearby?
2. He was a mechanic in his own country.
// l era un mecnico en su propio pas
R/ Was he a mechanic in his own country?
3. Joe is always talking on the phone.
// Joe siempre est hablando por telfono
R/ Is Joe always talking on the phone?
4. There are two large windows in the living room.
// Hay dos grandes ventanas en la sala de estar
R/ Are there two large windows in the living room?
5. They have locked the door.
// Han cerrado la puerta
R/ Have they locked the door?
6. We should do it tonight.
// Debemos hacerlo esta noche
R/ Should we do it tonight?
7. You can catch the bus.
// Se puede coger el autobs
R/ Can you catch the bus?
8. A package has arrived for Mr. Green.
// Un paquete ha llegado a Sr. Green.
R/ Has a package arrived for Mr. Green?
9. All visitors must register at the front desk.
// Todos los visitantes deben registrarse en la recepcin.
R/ Must all visitors register at the front desk?
10. Students are permitted to take four courses.
// Los estudiantes estn autorizados a tomar cuatro cursos
R/ Are students permitted to take four courses?



Your teacher gives too much homework.

// Su profesor le da demasiada tarea

R/ Does your teacher give too much homework?

Grandparents love their grandchildren.

// Los abuelos aman a sus nietos

R/ Do grandparents love their grandchildren?
3. The bathroom has a bathtub.
// El bao tiene una baera
R/ Has The bathroom a bathtub?
4. He cooked the rice too long.
// Se cocina el arroz demasiado tiempo
R/ Did he cook the rice too long?
5. It makes me very uncomfortable.
// Me hace muy incmodo
R/ Does it make me very uncomfortable?
6. Marie runs two miles every day.
// Marie corre dos millas todos los das
R/ Does marie run two miles every day?
7. She has some money.
// Ella tiene algo de dinero
R/ Has She some money?
8. Infants usually take two naps a day.
// Los bebs suelen tener dos siestas al da
R/ Do Infants usually take two naps a day?
9. He studied for the English quiz.
// Estudi para el concurso de Ingls
R/ Did He study for the English quiz?
10. Everyone had a great time at the party.
// Todo el mundo tena un gran momento en la fiesta
R/ Had Everyone a great time at the party?


1. Bob is watching TV. (what)

// Bob est viendo la televisin. (Qu)
R/ What is Bob watching?
2. He listens to music after dinner. (when)
// l escucha la msica despus de cena. (Cuando)
R/ When does He listen to music?
3. It is very cold in my hometown. (where)
// Es muy fro en mi ciudad natal. (Dnde)
R/ Where is it very cold?
4. You like the party very much. (how)
// Te gusta mucho la fiesta. (Cmo)
R/ How do You like the party?
5. They worked hard last week. (how)
// Ellos trabajaron duro la semana pasada. (Cmo)
R/ How did they work last week?
6. Five people were killed by the tornado last night. (how many)
// Cinco personas murieron por el tornado anoche. (Cuntos)
R/ How many people were killed by the tornado last night?
7. She has her hair done every Sunday. (when)
// Ella tiene el pelo hecho todos los domingos. (Cuando)
R/ When does She have her hair done?
8. Nancy is sitting down. (who)
// Nancy est sentado. (Quien)
R/ Who is sitting down?
9. Her dog found the ring in the garden. (what)
// Su perro encontr el anillo en el jardn. (Qu)
R/ What did Her dog find in the garden?
10. She has been reading for an hour. (how long)
// Ella ha estado leyendo durante una hora. (Cunto tiempo)
R/ How long has she been reading?

11. He worked overtime because he needed money. (why)

// Trabaj horas extras porque necesitaba dinero. (Por qu)
R/ Why did He work overtime?
12. They have been to Shanghai. (where)
// Ellos han estado en Shanghai. (Dnde)
R/ Where have They been?


1. Mark drinks three cups of coffee each day. (how much)
// Marcos bebe tres tazas de caf al da
R/ How much coffee does Mark drink each day?
2. Mary needs to buy a dress. (what)
// Mara necesita para comprar un vestido
R/ What does Mary need to buy?
3. It's five o'clock. (what time)
// Son las cinco en punto
R/ What time is it?
4. Tom is in his office today. (where)
// Tom est en su oficina hoy
R/ Where is Tom today?
5. She wrote about her life in America in her journal. (what)
// Ella escribi sobre su vida en Estados Unidos en su diario
R/ What did She write about in her journal?
6. He talked to the salesman at the director's office. (who/whom)
// l habl con el vendedor en la oficina del director
R/ who talked to the salesman at the director's office?
7. The mother took the children to the zoo. (where)
// La madre llev a los nios al zoolgico
R/ Where did The mother take the children?
8. Ann came to the city three days ago. (when)
// Ann lleg a la ciudad hace tres das
R/ When did Ann come to the city?

9. Sam ate eggs for breakfast this morning. (what)

// Sam comi huevos para el desayuno esta maana
R/ What did Sam eat for breakfast this morning?
10. The bookcase has three shelves. (how many)
// La librera tiene tres estantes
R/ How many shelves does the bookcase have?
11. They are talking about their new boss. (who)
// Ellos estn hablando de su nuevo jefe
R/ Who are talking about their new boss?
12. I saw Fumiko at the library yesterday. (where)
// Yo vi Fumiko en la biblioteca ayer
R/ Where did I see Fumiko yesterday?


1. Her favorite part of being married was the weekend. (what)
// Su parte favorita de estar casado era el fin de semana
R/ What was Her favorite part of being married?
2. Cold air rolls downhill at night. (when)
// El aire fro rueda cuesta abajo por la noche
R/ When does Cold air roll downhill?
3. It could happen slowly. (how)
// Podra ocurrir lentamente
R/ How could it happen?
4. They can't read existing signs because of a foreign language barrier.
// No pueden leer las seales existentes debido a la barrera del idioma extranjero
R/ Why can't They read existing signs?
5. She flies across the country three times a month. (how many)
// Ella vuela en todo el pas tres veces al mes
R/ How many times does she fly across the country a month?
6. They were planning to live on the farm.
// Estaban planeando vivir en la granja.
R/ Where were They planning to live?

7. Weapons can be easily acquired in the United States.

// Las armas pueden ser fcilmente adquiridos en los Estados Unidos.
R/ What can be easily acquired in the United States?
8. The couple's two boats are parked in their yard. (where)
// Dos barcos de la pareja estn estacionados en su patio
R/ Where are The couple's two boats parked?
9. They had waited for three hours when the plane arrived.
// Haban esperado durante tres horas cuando el avin lleg
R/ How long had they waited when the plane arrived?
10. The clerk will be weighing the bananas when we return. (what)
// El empleado ser un peso de los pltanos cuando volvamos.
R/ What will the clerk be weighing when we return?

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