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Acceptable Use Policy

Please Read Carefully

You must accept this Agreement each time you use the Service and it is your
responsibility to review it for any changes each time. The Alameda Video Game
Store reserve the right at all times to withdraw the Service.

1. Use Wi-Fi to look for video game reviews, and other game related searches.
2. Dont use Wi-Fi for inappropriate actions, these actions will ban further use.
3. Video Game Store reserves the right to change or modify these Terms of Use
or any policy or guideline of the Sites
4. The Video Game Sites are not targeted towards, nor intended for use by,
anyone under the age of 18
5. You must not use the service to distribute Internet Viruses, Trojans, or other
Hacking software.
6. Music, video, pictures, text and other content on the internet are copyright
works and you should not download.
7. The service should not be used for more than 1 hour, further use will require
a fee.
By agreeing to the terms of service, I confirm that I accept these terms and
conditions as the basis of my use of the wireless internet access provided.

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