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Last year I traveled to Cusco and | Took a tourist trip 0 Machu Picchu- | will give you some advices: had to get up at 4 am and had to wait until the car picked me up- Then the car carried us to Ollantaytambo and it was cold, then | took the train at 6 am to go to Aguas Calientes, one hour, so | arrived at 7 am: Them | walked 5 hours to get to Machu Picchu, the trip was about It's the link of the travel agency that | recommend you: /s AND HERE 1S THE MAP THAT WE FOLLOWED THAT Day: —— OF ILE Tours Legend BE jedncidhclinen Ui a the landscapes were awesome but it was starting to rain and it was so difficult to return because there was a lot of water and we couldn't go down fast- The train ticket was for 8 pm and we arrived to Aguas Calientes at 8:45pmi! We had to buy new tickets for the 10 pm train: | recommend you bring waterproof clothing and be punctual:

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