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-What do you and your father do:

I am a doctor and my father is a lauwyer

-Whats his name who is he:
His name is augusto.he is my friend
-Where are,they from:
Marco and francis are from india
-How old are their children;
Their children are ten and twelve years old
-What time does you sister watch tv an Monday:
My sister watches tv at 9 on monday
-Do they get home by bus
No,they dont.they get home by car
-Who is she
Her name is carla.she is my friend
-Where do they work
Marco and francis work in a hospital
-How old are your parents
My parents are forty and fifty years old
-Where are you sister and you family live
My sister lives in new your and my family lives in peru
-what are your parents like?
My parents are intellingen
-what do you and your father do?
T am a student and my dad is a lawyer
-what is your favorite dishes?
Our favorite dishes are ceviche and pasta
How do you like your (university)
-where does your brother go to work?
Where are they?
-they are next to tha table
-they are earrings
-no, its not,the desk is benind the table
She plays in the stadium?
-no she doesnt.she plays in the park
You can speak two languages?
-yes,we can,we can speak two languages
They are you from?
-my father and mother are from italy
You work very hard
He teaches mathematics
She kisses me every morning
He speaks german
He is running in the park
My father is driving the new car
T am going to work
You are reading books
Stefan is listhing to music
What did you eat for lunch
John lived in paris in 1999
My dog died last month
He is a student
I am running
I am not happy
I an from argentina..fther is from peru
Have ahave.. are several .. .how
Do you seell your
12:00 am : Its midday 1:45 Its one fourty- five
,,, work.. .. wthat do you do..she she not.. old are she.. have.. were are you..
What time they go home .. live.. .. .. ..
She speakspeak have 7:00have .. 8:00

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