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(Summary of Noli Me Tangere)
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Crisostomo Ibarra was a young Filipino who studied in Europe. After
seven years of being there, he returned home. Capitan Tiago knowing that
Ibarra was coming decided to prepare for a celebration where in it was
attended by Father Damaso, Father Sibyla, Senior Guevarra, Doa Victorina
and other elite persons. In this afternoon, Father Damaso humiliated Ibarra
but instead of fighting back he decided to go and respectfully tell them that
he has an important matter to do.
Ibarra and Maria Clara was affectionately in loved with each other. She
was treated by Capitan Tiago as his own daughter. Ibarra visited her the day
after and spent time with each other commemorating their love for each
other from childhood.
Before going back to San Diego, Senior Guevarra already told him
about his fathers death. According to him, Don Rafael was accused by Father
Damaso as one who stand against the government and church because of
not attending the church and confession. This accusation worsen when Don
Rafael had been accused again. It happened when Don Rafael defended a
student against a tax collector and in their fight, the tax collector
accidentally hit his head into a stone which caused his death. He wasnt able
to defend himself because of many individuals who stand against him and
pushed him to be in jail. Unfortunately, when his case was about to be
resolved, his father got sick and died but Father Damaso denied of his
Catholic burial and decided to transfer him into the Chinese cemetery but
because it was raining hard and the body of Don Rafael was too heavy to
carry, the graveyard caretaker decided to throw Don Rafael into the lake.
Ibarra has no intention to fight back against Father Damaso instead, he
continue his fathers plan of putting up a school since he believed that
education would give the way to his country's progress. During the
inauguration of the school, Ibarra would have been killed in a sabotage if
Elias wasnt there to save him. And instead of Ibarra, the hired assassin died.
After the inauguration, Ibarra hosted a luncheon wherein Father
Damaso attended despite of not being invited. He insulted again Ibarra but
decided to keep his mouth shut but when Father Damaso slandered the
memory of his dead father, Ibarra lost his temper. He picks up a fork and
lunged at Father Damaso, holding this onto his neck which about to stab him
to death but Maria Clara stopped him. Ibarra aborts his plan to kill father
Damaso and this resulted to Ibarra and Maria Claras broken engagement

and he was excommunicated. The friar instead wanted Maria Clara to marry
Alfonso Linares de Espadaa, a Peninsular who just arrived from Spain.
With the help of the Governor-General, Ibarra's excommunication was
lifted by Archbishop of Manila and he bring him back into the Church once
again. A revolt happened soon after, both Spanish officials and friars
implicated Ibarra as its mastermind. Ibarra was arrested and detained.
Meanwhile, in Capitan Tiago's residence, a party was being held to
announce the upcoming wedding of Maria Clara and Linares. Ibarra, with the
help of Elias and the sympathetic Governor-General, took this opportunity to
escape from prison. Before leaving, Ibarra talked to Maria Clara and accused
her of betraying him, thinking that she gave the letter he wrote her to the
jury. Maria Clara explained that she would never betray him and that she was
just forced to surrender Ibarra's letter to Father Salvi in exchange of the
letters written by her mother, Doa Pia. The letter states that Father Damaso
was Maria Clara's real father.
Maria Clara, thinking Ibarra had been killed in the shooting incident,
was greatly overcome with grief thats why she asked Father Damaso to
confine her to a nunnery. Damaso reluctantly agreed when she threatened to
take her own life, demanding, the nunnery or death! without knowing that
Ibarra was still alive and able to escape, as it was Elias who had taken the
On Christmas Eve, a fatally injured Elias awakens in a forested land
owned by Ibarra's family, where he had instructed Ibarra to meet him. Elias
found the sacristan boy, Basilio cradling his already dead mother, Sisa. The
woman descended to madness after knowing that Basilio and Crispin were
chased out of the convent by the sacristan mayor on suspicions of stealing
two gold pieces.
Elias said that he would die soon and told Basilio to build a funeral
pyre and cremate his and Sisa's body. He told Basilio that, if nobody reaches
the place, he will to return later and dig some of Ibarra's treasures and gold
buried in a concealed spot near their graves then use them to get education.
In his dying breath, he instructed Basilio to continue dreaming about
freedom for his motherland with the words:
I shall die without seeing the dawn break upon my homeland. You
shall see it, salute it! Do not forget those who have fallen during the night.
Elias died thereafter.

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