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ARC 225

Islamic Art & Architecture

Quiz # 2

Prof. Amer A. Moustafa

Student Name

Fall 2013

Mon, Nov 4, 2013

ID #


- Mark your answers clearly.




1. __T__

It was not until the Abbasid period/dynasty that pottery was promoted into an art form.

2. __F__

At the time it was built, Al-Hakim Mosque was located at the center of Fatimid Cairo.

3. __F__
4. __T__
5. __T__
6. __F__
7. __F__
8. __T__

The development of the muqarnas technique was possible due to the advancement in
lusterware crafts.
Subjects of decorative arts during the Fatimid dynasty were focused primarily on community
and ceremonial events.
Astrolabe was a mechanical instrument used for observing astronomical (star) movements
and locating the direction of qibla (Kaaba, prayer).
The three Sammara decorative style differ based on the kind of mixture of materials used in
The minaret of the Samarra (Al-Mutawakkil) mosque was famous for its large scale,
rectilinear form.
The Khalifs palace was located at the center of the round city of Baghdad symbolizing the
power of the ruler.


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Graders Signature


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