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Odd Number Nim

17 markers - any interesting objects you can find . . .
The winner is the person who ends up with an odd number
of markers.
How to Play
Lay out a row of 17 markers.
Take turns picking up 1, 2, or 3 markers.
Play until all of the markers are gone. The person who ends
up with an odd number of markers wins.
This game can be played cooperatively. After you play
several times, discuss strategies with your partner for the
best way to play the game. Talk through your moves and
share your thinking as you play.
One way to play cooperatively is to start with 18 markers.
Take turns picking up 1, 2, or 3 markers. At the end of the
game, both players win if they each have an odd number of
Try creating another Nim game where both players can win.

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