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As the world progresses into modernity, children becomes a greater asset to the
community hence they must be protected (Jamaluddin, Talib, & Yusoff, 2002). Hence, the
Malaysian Child Act 2001 (Act 611) was derived with a set of laws and
regulations to protect children in the state (Parlimen Malaysia, 2010). Act 611
was drafted as suggested in Pelan Induk Tindakan Nasional or (PINTAS) as an
effort to review the social laws. By comprising three main social laws which
are Akta Mahkamah Juvana 1947, Akta Perlindungan Kanak-Kanak 1991,
Akta Perlindungan Wanita dan Gadis 1973 was enacted into one law to avoid
enforcement difficulties and addresses the childrens needs and perspective
for a better intervention (Parlimen Malaysia, 2010, pp. 237-239). This is
because, prior to Act 611, problems arises in the enforcements of the law
whith issues such as piecemeal legislation whereby there too many acts to
be reffered to resolve an issue, the current law at the point of time is
outdated to the progressing society and the current law prior to act 611 did
not emphasise on children and teens development (Parlimen Malaysia,
2010, p. 238). Hence, with Act 611 that was established in 2001, it would not
only improve the enforcement of the law, but to also handle social problems
that arises among our youngsters (Jamaluddin, Talib, & Yusoff, 2002;
Parlimen Malaysia, 2010). In contrary to the previous laws, Act 611 offers an
emphasise towards aspects of life, protection, development, the importance
and responsibility of the family and the participation of the society towards
children development (Parlimen Malaysia, 2010, pp. 238-239). Besides that,

law also potrays the seriousness of Malaysia in implementing United

Nation Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC) albeit there are some of
the reservation that contravenes with the religious practices and social
norms of Malaysia resulting in the removal of 4 reservations from the UNCRC
in drafting Act 611 (Mohd,n.d., p. 214).

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