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Chapter 2


Data model is used to describe data, data relationship and constraints on data. A number
of different data models have proposed. They can broadly be classified into two
Object-based logical models.
Record-based logical models.
The object-based model can be defined as a collection of conceptual tools for describing
data, data relationships, and data constraints. The record-based model describes the data
structures and access techniques of a DBMS. There are various different object-based
models. Some of the more popular ones are:
The entity-relationship model
The binary model
The infological model
The semantic model
Of these, the most widely used one is the Entity-Relationship Model. It has gained
acceptance as the ideal data model for database design. This model was introduced by
Peter Chen in 1976, and since then it has been reformed by several persons. The entity
relationship model (E R Model) is based on a perception of real world that is made up
of a collection objects or entities and the relationship among these.
Conceptual Model
Before going to explaining the entity-relationship model, we will briefly discuss database
design. Database design involves designing the conceptual design model of the database.
The conceptual model reflects the entities and their relationships, based on the data
processing needs of the organization. This can be considered equivalent to the conceptual
The conceptual model is a communication tool between the various users of the data. It
is developed without any concern for physical representation. The conceptual model is
used to organize, visualize, plan and communicate ideas. It is independent of the database
management system. Before actually implementing the database, the conceptual model
is designed. At this stage, requirements of all the users are considered to decide upon the
actual data to be stored in the system. This conceptual model is then mapped to the DBMS
that is actually to be used.
Data analysis is the first step in designing a conceptual model. Data analysis begins with
collecting information about the data. This usually involves using a questionnaire or a
similar method to obtain a list of data that the organization needs. Existing forms, bills,
reports are starting points for data collection. The data analysis involves identifying
entities, their attributes, and the relationships between attributes. The E-R Model is a way
to form and represent the conceptual model of database design

Basic concepts of E-R Model:

An entity relationship diagram is a graphical representation of an organisation's data
storage requirements. Entity relationship diagrams are abstractions of the real world
which simplify the problem to be solved while retaining its essential features.
Entity relationship diagrams are used to:
identify the data that must be captured, stored and retrieved in order to support
the business
activities performed by an organisation
identify the data required to derive and report on the performance measures, that
an organisation should be monitoring.
Entity relationship diagrams have three different components:
Entity : Entities are the people, places, things, events and concepts of interest to an
organisation. In short, anything which an organisation needs to store data about. Entity
can be concrete like employee, book, project, publisher etc. and can be abstract or a
concept for example title, job, company etc. which have no physical existence. Entity set
represents collection of things. For example, an EMPLOYEE entity set might represent
a collection of all the employees that work for an organisation. Individual members
(employees) of the collection are called instance of the EMPLOYEE entity set.
Attribute: Properties or characteristics possessed by an entity are called as attributes.
Attributes are same for each entity set but their values may differ from each other. For
example, EMPLOYEE entity set has attributes name, age, empid and salary but the values
of these attributes may be different for each employee in the entity set.
Domain :The set of possible values for an attribute is called the domain of the attribute.
Some of the examples are:
The domain of attribute marital status is just the four values: single, married,
divorced, widowed.
The domain of the attribute month is the twelve values ranging from January to
The domain of attribute empid of EMPLOYEE entity set consist of only positive
Key attribute :The attribute (or combination of attributes) that is unique for every entity
instance e.g the account number of an account, the employee id of an employee etc.
Simple Vs composite attribute
Simple attribute: An attribute that cannot be divided into simpler components is called
simple attribute. E.g age of an employee, pub-id of a book title of a book entity.
Composite attribute: An attribute that can be split into components is called composite
attrbute. E.g Date of joining of the employee can be split into day, month and year

Single Vs Multi-valued Attribute

Single valued : Attributes that can take on only a single value for each entity instance are
called single valued attribute. E.g. age of employee, pubid of a publisher
Multi-valued: Attributes that can take many values for each entity instance are called
multi-valued attributes. E.g. skill set of employee
Stored Vs Derived attribute
Stored Attribute: Attribute that need to be stored permanently. E.g. name of an
Derived Attribute: Attribute that can be calculated based on other attributes. E.g. : years
of service of employee can be calculated from date of joining and current date

Figure 1: Type of attributes

Regular Vs. Weak entity type

Regular Entity: Entity that has its own key attribute. It is also called independent entity
because it does not dependent on any other entity for existence. E.g.: Employee, student,
customer, policy holder etc.
Weak entity: Entity that depends on other entity for its existence and doesnt have key
attribute of its own. It is also called dependent entity because its existence depends on the
existence of another entity. E.g. : spouse of employee, the spouse data is identified with
the help of the employee id to which it is related.
The dependent entity is represented by a double lined rectangle and the identifying
relationship by a double lined diamond . the identifying relationship is the one which
relates the weak entity with the strong entity on which it depends




Figure 2: Weak Entity

Null Values :Null value of an attribute is considered if that attribute does not have a value
for a particular entity. A null value is a value that is unavailable, unassigned, unknown,
or inapplicable. A null value is not the same as zero or a space, because zero is a number,
and a space is a character. For example, in phone_no attribute is having Null value then
it means the value may not be applicable.
Keys :A key is a single attributer or a combination of attributes whose values uniquely
identify each tuple in that relation. In other words, no tow entities in an entity set are
allowed to have exactly the same value for all attributes. A key allows us to identify a set
of attributes that are suffice to distinguish relationships from each others.
Superkey :An attribute, or group of attributes, that is sufficient to distinguish every tuple
in the relation from every other one. Each super key is called a candidate key
Candidate key :A candidate key is any set of one or more columns whose combined
value is unique through out that table. Since a null value is not guaranteed to be unique,
no component of a candidate key is allowed to be null. There can be number of candidate
keys in a table.
Primary key :The primary key of any table is any candidate key of that table which the
database designer arbitrarily designates as primary. The primary key may be selected for
convenience, comprehension, performance or any other reasons. Every entity must have
a primary key. The primary key is an attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely
identifies an instance of the entity. In other words, no two instances of an entity may have
the same value for the primary key. Sometimes it is useful to use more than one attribute
to form a primary key. When a primary key for an entity is made up of more than one
attribute the key is called a composite key. The terms composite key is also used to
describe primary keys that contain multiple attributes. When dealing with a composite
primary key it is important to understand that it is the combination of values for all
attributes that must be unique. It is not necessary for each attribute in the key to be unique.
For example, the entity ENROLLMENT has a composite primary key comprised of the
attributes STUDENT_ID and COURSE_ID. Each instance of ENROLLMENT must
contain a unique combination of values for StudentID and CourseID. However, there can
be duplications of StudentID or CourseID. So, it is possible for many instances of
ENROLLMENT to have the value MIS100 for CourseID, but each of those instances
must contain different values for StudentID.

Figure 3: Primary key

Alternate key :The alternate keys of any table are simply those candidate keys which
are not currently selected as the primary key.
Foreign key: A foreign key is a set of attribute(s) whose values are required to match
values of a candidate key in the same or another table. A foreign key is a copy of the
whole of its parent candidate key i.e if the candidate key is composite, then so is the
foreign key
Foreign key values do not (usually) have to be unique
Foreign keys can also be null
A composite foreign key cannot have some attribute(s) null and others non-null

Figure 4 : Foreign key

Relationship : A relationship type between two entity types defines the set of all
associations between these entity types. Each instance of the relationship between
members of these entity types is called a relationship instance. For example:

EQUIPMENT is allocated to PROJECTs

TRUCK is a type of VEHICLE

Degree of a Relationship : The degree of a relationship is the number of entities

associated with the relationship.
One - Unary
Two - Binary
Three Ternary
Unary Relationship: A unary or recursive binary relationship occurs when an entity is
related to itself. An example might be "some employees are married to other employees".
A unary relationship is represented as a diamond which connects one entity to itself as a
loop. The relationship below means, some instances of employee manage other instances
of Employee.



Figure 5: Unary Relationship

Binary Relationship: Binary relationship association between two entities is the most
common type in the real world.


Works for


Figure 6: Binary Relationship

Ternary Relationship: A ternary relationship involves three entities and is used when a
binary relationship is inadequate. Many modeling approaches recognize only binary
relationships. Ternary or n-ary relationships are decomposed into two or more binary

Figure 7: Ternary Relationship

Cardinality and Connectivity
The connectivity of a relationship describes the mapping of associated entity instances in
the relationship. The values of connectivity are "one" or "many". The cardinality of a
relationship is the actual number of related occurences for each of the two entities. The
basic types of connectivity for relations are: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-tomany.
Relationships can have different connectivity
one-to-one (1:1)
one-to-many (1:N)
many-to- One (M:1)
many-to-many (M:N)
One-toOone (1:1) relationship: A one-to-one (1:1) relationship is when at most one
instance of a entity A is associated with one instance of entity B. For example, "each
employee in the company has been assigned his own office. For each employee there
exists a unique office and for each office there exists a unique employee.










Figure 8 : One to One

One-to-Many (1:N) relationships A one-to-many (1:N) relationships is when for one

instance of entity A, there are zero, one, or many instances of entity B, but for one

instance of entity B, there is only one instance of entity A. For example a department has
many employees or each employee is assigned to one department.







Figure 9 : One to Many






Figure 10 : Many to one

Many-to-Many (M:N) relationship A many-to-many (M:N) relationship, sometimes

called non-specific, is when for one instance of entity A, there are zero, one, or many
instances of entity B and for one instance of entity B there are zero, one, or many
instances of entity A. For example employees can be assigned to no more than two
projects at the same time and projects must have assigned at least three employees.
Therefore a single employee can be assigned to many projects; conversely, a single
project can have assigned to it many employee. Here the cardinality for the relationship
between employees and projects is two and the cardinality between project and employee
is three.










Figure 11: Many to many

ER Notations for Cardinality: An entity may be associated with one, none, or many
occurrences of another entity. In ER diagrams, the types of relationships are represented
as follows:

Figure 12: Cardinality

Represents zero and represents one.
Dashed line between entity box and relationship box represents optional existence
A crow foot represents many type of relationship
Represents minimum of one and maximum of one existence of entity instances in
a relationship
A is associated with a minimum of zero Bs and a maximum of 1 B.

Figure 13: Minimum of 0 and maximum of 1 relationship

A is associated with a minimum of 1B and a maximum of 1 B

Figure 14: Minimum of 1 and maximum of 1 relationship

A is associated with a minimum of 0 B and maximum of that is any number greater
than 1.

Figure 15 :Minimum of 0 and maximum of >1 relationship

A is associated with a minimum of 1 B and maximum of that is any number greater

than 1.

Figure 16 : Minimum of 1 and maximum of >1 relationship

Relationships can also differ in terms of their cardinality. Maximum cardinality refers to
the maximum number of instances of one entity that can be associated with a single
instance of a related entity. Minimum cardinality refers to the minimum number of
instances of one entity that must be associated with a single instance of a related entity.
The following examples of binary relationships illustrate the concept of maximum
cardinality . If one CUSTOMER can be related to only one ACCOUNT and one
ACCOUNT can be related to only a single CUSTOMER, the cardinality of the
CUSTOMER-ACCOUNT relationship is one-to-one (1:1).




Figure 17 : one-to-one (1:1) relationship

If an ADVISOR can be related to one or more STUDENTS, but a STUDENT can

be related to only a single ADVISOR, the cardinality is one-to-many (1:N).




Figure 18: one-to-many (1:N) relationship

Finally, the cardinality of the relationship is many-to-many (M:N) if a single

STUDENT can be related to zero or more COURSES and a single COURSE can
be related to zero or more STUDENTS.




Figure 19: many -to-many (M:N) relationship

Relationship Participation
Total : Every entity instance must be connected through the relationship to another
instance of the other participating entity types
Partial: All instances need not participate
E.g.: Employee and Head-of Department
Employee: partial
Department: total
All employees will not be head-of some department. So only few instances of employee
entity participate in the above relationship. But each department will be headed by some
employee. So department entitys participation is total and employee entitys
participation is partial in the above relationship

Head of

Partial participation

Total participation

Figure 20 : Relationship participation

Partial :All instances of the entity type Employee dont participate in the relationship,
Head-of. Every employee doesnt head a department. So, employee entity type is said to
partially participate in the relationship.
Total : But, every department would be headed by some employee. So, all instances of
the entity type Department participate in this relationship. So, we say that it is total
participation from the department side.

Attribute of a relationship: These attributes best describe the relationship rather than
any individual entity

No. of Days





Figure 21: Relationship attributes

Extended E-R Features

Superclass and Subclass: Certain instances of an entity class can include attributes that
are not needed in other instances of the same entity class. In these cases, it is useful to
use a superclass/subclass structure. This structure is also called a generalization/
specialization hierarchy.

Subclass: A subgroup an entity type which has attributes that are distinct from
those in other subgroups
Superclass: An generic entity type that has a relationship with one or more
a. Subclass entities inherit values of all attributes of the superclass
b. An instance of a subclass is also an instance of the superclass

Specialization : Specialization is the process of defining a set of subclasses of an entity

type; this entity type is called the superclass of the specialization. The set of subclasses
that form a specialization is defined on the basis of some distinguishing characteristics of
the entities in the superclass.
Consider an entity set EMPLOYEE with attributes Name, Employeeid, Address,
Birthdate, Jobtype. An Employee may be further classified as one of the following


Each of these employee types is described by a set of attributes that includes all the
attributes of entity set employee plus possibly additional attributes. For example,
SECERATRY entities my be described further by the attribute TypingSpeed, whereas
TECHNICIAN entities may be described further by the attribute Tgrade and ENGINEER
entities may be described by EngType. The processof designating subgroupings within
an entity set is called specialization. The specialization of EMPLOYEE allow us to
distinguish among EMPLOYEES according to whether they are SECERATRY,

We call each of these subgrouping a subclass of the EMPLOYEE entity type, and the
EMPLOYEE entity type is called the superclass for each of these subclasses. In terms of
E-R diagram, specialization is depicted by a triangle component labeled ISA. The label
ISA stands for is a and represents, for example, that a customer is a person. The ISA
relationship can also be referred as superclass-subclass relationship.








LicencePlacte No.


LicencePlacte No.

Figure 22(a)







Figure 22 : Specialization

Generalization: Generalization is a reverse process of abstraction which suppress the

differences among several entity types. It is a form of abstraction that specifies that two
or more entities that share common attributes can be generalized into a higher level
entity type called a supertype or generic entity. The lower-level of entities become the
subtype, or categories, to the supertype. Subtypes are dependent entities. For example,
consider the entity types CAR and TRUCK shown in Figure 22(a). Because they have
several common attributes, they can be generalized into the entity type VEHICLE, as
shown in Figure 22 (b)
Generalization process can be viewed as inverse of specialization process. Therefore in
figure 1(b) we can view {CAR,TRUCK} as a specialization of VEHICLE, rather than
viewing VEHICLE as a generalization of CAR and TRUCK.
Constraints and characteristics of Specialization : To model an enterprise more
accurately, the database designer may choose to place certain constraints on a particular
specialization. These constraints could be of various types.












Figure 23: Condition defined constraint

Condition-defined Vs User-defined constraint : In some specialization we can
determine exactly the entities that will members of each subclass by placing a condition
on the value of some attribute of the superclass. Such subclasses are called conditiondefined. When we dont have a condition for determining membership in a subclass, the
subclass is called user-defined

a) Condition-defined: In condition defined lower-level entity sets, membership is

evaluated on the basis of whether or not an entity satisfies an explicit condition or
predicate. For example, if the EMPLOYEE entity type has an attribute JobType,
as shown in Figure 23 we can specify the condition of membership in the
SECRETARY subclass by the condition (JobType=Secretary), which we call
the defining predicate of the subclass. The condition is a constraint specifying
that exactly those entities of the EMPLOYEE entity type whose attribute value
for JobType is Secretary belong to the subclass. This type of specialization is
also called attribute-defined.
b) User-defined:. Membership in such a subclass is determined by the database
users when they apply the operation to add an entity to the subclass therefore the
membership is specified individually for each entity by the user, not by any
condition that may be evaluated automatically. For instance, let us assume that,
after 3 months of employment, the employees of a software company are assigned
to one of four work team. We therefore represent the teams as four lower-level
entity sets of the higher-level employee entity set. A given employee is not
assigned to a specific team entity automatically on the basis of an explicit defining
condition. Instead, the user in charge of this decision makes the team assignment
on an individual basis. This assignment is implemented by an operation that adds
an entity to an entity set.
Disjoint V/S Overlapping constraint :
A second type of constraint relates to whether or not entities may belong to more than
one lower-level entity set within a single generalization. The lower-level entity sets may
be one of the following:
a) Disjoint: In a disjoint hierarchy, an entity instance can be in only one subtype.
For example, the entity EMPLOYEE, may have two subtypes, CLASSIFIED and
WAGES. An employee may be one type or the other but not both. Figure 23
shows disjoint and Figure 2. 22 (b) overlapping generalization hierarchy





Figure 23 Disjoint generalization

b) Overlapping: An overlapping category is when an entity instance may be in two
or more subtypes. An example would be a person who works for a university
Overlapping in lower-level entity set is the default case. We can denote
disjointedness constraint in an E-R diagram by adding the word disjoint next to
the triangle symbol.

Completeness constraint
The third constraint on specialization is called the completeness constraint, which may
be total or partial.





Figure 24 : Overlapping generalization

Total v/s Partial Spcialization
a) Total Specialization: A total specialization constraint specifies that every entity
in the superclass must be a member of least one subclass in the specialization. For
example, if every employee must be either an HOURLY_EMPLOYEE or a
SALARIED_EMPLOYEE} is a total specialization. (figure 2.23)
b) Partial specialization: In partial specialization some of higher-level entities may
not belong to any lower-level entity set. For example, if some EMPLOYEE
entities do not belong to any of the subclass {SECRETARY, ENGINEER,
TECHNICIAN}, then that specialization is partial.( Figure 2. 21)
Partial generalization is the default. We can specify total generalization in an E-R
diagram by using a double line to connect the box representing the higher-level entity
set to the triangle symbol.
The disjointedness and completeness constraints are independent. Therefore, we have
the following four possible constraints on specialization:
1) Disjoint, total
2) Disjoint, partial
3) Overlapping, total
4) Overlapping, partial




Figure 24: Total Specialization

The E-R model has one limitation that it is not possible to express relationships among
relationships. In such situations we use aggregation. Aggregation, is an approach of
modeling a relationship set as a higher level entity set or, in other words, aggregation
helps to model the participation of one relationship set into other relationship set. For
example, consider publisher database in which an author writes a particular book and a
publisher publishes the book on a specific date written by a particular author. To model
the situation, an E-R diagram is shown in fig. 25.






Figure 25 E-R Diagram with Redundant Relationship

The situation is modelled by associating publisher with entity set author and book
through a relationship publish as shown in fig. 25. But this model produces redundant
information since every author-book pair in publish is also in writes so better method
to model the situation is aggregation. Aggregation is an abstraction through which
relationships are treated as higher level entities. We can treat the relationships set writes
along with the entity sets author and Book as a higher level entity set called author-book
as shown in fig. 26.






Figure 26 E-R Diagram with Aggregation

So, Aggregation allow us to indicate that a relationship set participates in another

relationship set. Aggregation is depicted by a rectangle as shown in fig. 26. Writes
relationship can be represented as a ternary relationship involving publisher, author and
Book. But it is not correct as publish and writes are two different relationships having
different attributes, as publish has the attribute pub_date which specifies the date of
publication and writes has the attribute from which specifies the time since the author
is writing a particular book.

Steps in ER Modeling
Step 1: Identify the Entities
Step 2: Find the relationships
Step 3: Identify the key attributes
Step 4: Identify other relevant attributes
Step 5: Draw complete E-R diagram with all attributes including Primary Key
Case Study 1 : ER Model For a college Database
Assumptions :
A college contains many departments
Each department can offer any number of courses
Many instructors can work in a department
An instructor can work only in one department
For each department there is a Head
An instructor can be head of only one department
Each instructor can take any number of courses
A course can be taken by only one instructor
A student can enroll for any number of courses
Each course can have any number of students

Step 1: Identify the Entities

Step 2: Find the relationships
One course is enrolled by multiple students and one student enrolls for multiple
courses, hence the cardinality between course and student is Many to Many.
The department offers many courses and each course belongs to only one
department, hence the cardinality between department and course is One to
One department has multiple instructors and one instructor belongs to one and
only one department , hence the cardinality between department and instructor is
one to Many.
Each department there is a Head of department and one instructor is Head of
department, hence the cardinality is one to one .
One course is taught by only one instructor, but the instructor teaches many
courses, hence the cardinality between course and instructor is many to one.
Step 3: Identify the key attributes
Deptname is the key attribute for the Entity Department, as it identifies the
Department uniquely.
Course# (CourseId) is the key attribute for Course Entity.
Student# (Student Number) is the key attribute for Student Entity.
Instructor Name is the key attribute for Instructor Entity.
Step 4: Identify other relevant attributes
For the department entity, the relevant attribute is location
For course entity, course name, duration, prerequisite
For instructor entity, room#, telephone
For student entity, student name, date of birth
Step 5: Draw complete E-R diagram with all attributes including Primary Key

Figure 27
Case Study2 Banking Business Scenario
Assumptions :
There are multiple banks and each bank has many branches.
Each branch has multiple customers
Customers have various types of accounts
Some Customers also had taken different types of loans from these bank
One customer can have multiple accounts and Loans

Step 1: Identify the Entities

Step 2: Find the relationships
One Bank has many branches and each branch belongs to only one bank, hence
the cardinality between Bank and Branch is One to Many.
One Branch offers many loans and each loan is associated with one branch,
hence the cardinality between Branch and Loan is One to Many.
One Branch maintains multiple accounts and each account is associated to one
and only one Branch, hence the cardinality between Branch and Account is One
to Many
One Loan can be availed by multiple customers, and each Customer can avail
multiple loans, hence the cardinality between Loan and Customer is Many to
One Customer can hold multiple accounts, and each Account can be held by
multiple Customers, hence the cardinality between Customer and Account is
Many to Many
Step 3: Identify the key attributes
BankCode (Bank Code) is the key attribute for the Entity Bank, as it identifies
the bank uniquely.
Branch# (Branch Number) is the key attribute for Branch Entity.
Customer# (Customer Number) is the key attribute for Customer Entity.
Loan# (Loan Number) is the key attribute for Loan Entity.
Account No (Account Number) is the key attribute for Account Entity.
Step 4: Identify other relevant attributes
For the Bank Entity, the relevant attributes other than BankCode would be
Name and Address.
For the Branch Entity, the relevant attributes other than Branch# would be
Name and Address.
For the Loan Entity, the relevant attribute other than Loan# would be Loan
For the Account Entity, the relevant attribute other than Account No would
be Account Type.
For the Customer Entity, the relevant attributes other than Customer# would
be Name, Telephone# and Address.

Step 5: Draw complete E-R diagram with all attributes including

Figure 28

Reduction of an E-R Schema to Tables

Convert ER model into relational schema (a specification of the table definitions and
their foreign key links) There are well defined rules for this conversion
Converting Strong entity types:

Each entity type becomes a table

Each single-valued attribute becomes a column
Derived attributes are ignored
Composite attributes are represented by components
Multi-valued attributes are represented by a separate table
The key attribute of the entity type becomes the primary key of the table

Date of


Years of




Figure 29 Strong Entity example

Here address is a composite attribute

Years of service is a derived attribute (can be calculated from date of joining
and current date)
Skill set is a multi-valued attribute

The final Relational Schema:

Employee (E#, Name, Street, Floor, Building, Date_Of_Joining)
Emp_Skillset( E#, Skillset)

Figure 30 Conversion of strong entity to tables

As per the rules:
Derived attributes are ignored
Composite attributes are represented by components
Multi-valued attributes are represented by a separate table

Converting weak entity types

Weak entity types are converted into a table of their own, with the primary key of the
strong entity acting as a foreign key in the table. This foreign key along with the key of
the weak entity form the composite primary key of this table

Figure 31 Weak Entity example

The Relational Schema:

Employee (E#,Name, .)
Dependent (Employee, Dependent_ID, Name, Address)
Here dependent is a weak entity. Dependent doesnt mean anything to the problem
without the information on for which employee the person is a dependent.

Figure 32 Conversion of weak entity to tables

Converting relationships
The way relationships are represented depends on the cardinality and the degree of the
relationship. The possible cardinalities are:
The degrees are:
Binary (1:1)
Case 1: Combination of participation types: In binary (1:1) relationship if combination
of participation exists, the primary key of the partial participation will become the

foreign key of the total participation. In figure 33 there is a partial participation of

Employee entity in the relationship HeadOf , because only one Employee can become
head of the department. But there is a total participation of Department entity because
every Department must have a head of department. Therefore the relational schema
would be
Employee(E#, Name.)
Department (Dept#, Name,., Head)

Figure 33 Binary (1:1) Combination of Participation type

Figure 34 Conversion of total and partial participation to tables

Case 2: Uniform participation type: If both the entities take uniform participation in the
Binary (1:1) relationship the primary key of either of the participants can become a
foreign key in the other.

Figrure 35 Binary (1:1) Uniform participation

Figure 36 Conversion of Uniform participation to tables

Binary (1:N) : The primary key of the 1 side of the relationship becomes a foreign
key in the relation on the N side.

Figure 37 Binary (1:N) relationship

Figure 38: Conversion of Binary (1:N) relationship to tables

Binary (M:N) : A new table is created to represent the relationship. The new table
contains two foreign keys- one from each of the participating entities. The primary key
of the new table is the combination of the two foreign keys.

Figure 39 : Binary (M:N) relationship

Figure 40 : Conversion of Binary (M:N) relationship to tables

Unary (1:1) : In unary 1:1 relationship the primary key field itself will become foreign
key in the same table.

Figure 41 Unary (1:1) Relationship

Figure 42 Conversion of Unary (1:1) Relationship to table

Unary (1:N): In unary 1:N relationship the primary key field itself will become foreign
key in the same table.

Figure 2.42 Unary (1:N) Relationship

Figure 44 Conversion of Unary (1:N) Relationship to table

Unary (M:N): In unary M:N relationship, there would be two resulting table, one to
represent the entity and another to represent many to many relationship. The primary key
of the entity will be copied two times in the new table, and will become a composite
primary key.

Figure 45 Unary (M:N) Relationship

Figure 46: Conversion of Unary (M:N) Relationship to tables

Ternary Relationship : Ternary relationship will be represented by a new table. This
table will contain three foreign keys- one from each of the participating entities. The
primary key of the new table is the combination of all three foreign keys. If relationship
has any attributes it will become the attributes of the new table.


No. of Days





Figure 47: Ternary Relationship

Figure 48 Conversion of Ternary Relationship to table

Converting specialization
Generalization is concept of representing entity sets in the form of hierarchy. Higher
level entity set is represented by table containing attribute common to lower level entity
set. Lower level entity set is represented by table containing column as primary key of
higher level entity set and a specialized attribute corresponding to that lower level entity









Figure 2.48 Specialization


Figure 50 Conversion of specialization to table

Converting Aggregation
If an aggregated entity set combines two entity sets with one relationship and this
aggregated entity set is related with one more entity than

Each entity set is represented by one table

The relationship between aggregated entity set is represented by one table, and
the final table structure depends upon the relationship between the tables.
The relationship between aggregated entity set and related entity is represented
by one table, containing primary key from each table.

Deriving Logical Schema for Banking Application (Figure 26)

1) Each Entity represented in the E-R model can be defined as a table in the relational
scheme. All the attributes of the Entity will become columns of the table.
1. We can translate this Entity to a CUSTOMER table with the following
CUSTOMER Customer#,Name,Telephone#,Address)

2. Similarly a Bank table can be created with Bank Bankcode, Name and
Address columns
BANK (BankCode, Name, Address)
3. Weak Entity types are converted into a table of their own, with the primary key
of the strong Entity acting as a foreign key in the table. This Foreign key along
with the key of the Weak Entity form the composite primary key of this table.As
per this guideline, a Branch table can be created with the following structure.
BRANCH (BankCode, Branch#, Name, Address)
4. Each relationship can be defined as separate table in relational schema. Key
attributes of participating entities will become key attribute of the Relationship.
We can define Loan_Detail table with Loan# and Customer# together as
primary key with other relevant attributes like DateOfSanction, InterestRate,
LoanAmount, Duration etc.
LOAN_DETAILS (Loan#, Customer#, DateofSanction, InterestRate,
LoanAmount, Duration)
5. In a Many to Many relationship, it is necessary to create separate tables for
participating entities and relationships. In the banking application we have
Customer and Loan Entities have a Many to Many relationship. Hence one
should create separate tables for


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