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Home Work

Makasar, September 26th 2016

Let me introduce my self. My name is Friski Apriliani but you can call me April.
Okey, today I want to tell you, why I become a nursing?!. Actually, I wasnt be a
nurse because I was be a teacher. But when I had graduated in senior high school,
my boyfriend told me that I must became a nurse. He wanted to make me a nurse
because he was working as the doctor. But I still want to be a teacher as far as me
and him split.
Until one day, I got the bad news. He had an accident an coma. Three days
passed, he awoke from a coma. And more he tell me that he really want to make me
a nurse. When it was my position is really tought. Several times he begged me to
agree to his wishes. And finally, I agree eith his desire.
After I had agree with his desire, he go away to Allah. I now hold the mandate
very difficult. I must be study in nursing academy and I dont like it. But, promise is
promise. I have done all the way to become a nurse.
Three years laters, Alhamdulillah I have graduated in Nursing Accademy of
Anging Mammiri with a better score. I am happy to keep his wishes. And last week I
was warking in Jala Ammari Hospitals of Navy. And at the same time I continue to
study in Stikes NANI Hasanuddin Makassar. Big hope that I had been completing
study on time and my career goes well. But actually I still want to be a teacher but
its okey if I can be a teacher sometime Insha Allah I can be a lecturer. Aamiin
Thus my story and thanks for reading my story.

Friski Apriliani

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