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1. LOVE isn't complicated itself but people make it as one.

2. LOVE is not blind only you doesn't mind.

3. If you're going to decide what to follow between heart and brain use both.
4. Life is unfair so think about lots of tricks to win the struggle.
5. don't settle for only having one plan because it's always a trial and error.
6. let time heal your pain don't quit nor escape for it will just add up into yo
ur agony.
7. You can delay your dreams and desires but you cannot delay time for it is eve
r running.
8. If you fail don't be afraid to try again for something new who knows it's the
best answer to your question.
9. Make yourself a better version of yourself and not on imitating others.
10. Learn the essential of forgiving yourself so you can forgive others.
11. Peace of mind is like walking down the street in the middle of the night wit
hout any fear or threat.
12. people become irrational if correct thinking is stirred up with too much emo
13. Learn to love your flaws for it is your motivation to become better.

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