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Thesis statement: The conversational use of bipolar disorder (manic depression)

with mood swing as the superintended definition.

Controversial and/or popular personalities, events, places, and phenomenon can
easily get a slot into anyones conversation, and the chain of communication will
work on. It is profound that changes occur as ideas get passed on by one person to
another, an inevitable yet impeccable occurrence when communication takes place.
Along with the changes in those concepts definition and eventually its use,
problems arise. One example is the conversational use of bipolar disorder with
mood swing as the superintended definition. The manic depression, popularly
known as bipolar disorder, has found its place in small talks representing the words
for lighter state of emotion transition such as a reasonable switch from happiness to
sadness induced by external factors.
Understandably, these misrepresentations of words for felt state of emotion take
place due to reasons such as felt urgency to exhaust idea(s) and get it
communicated, lack of word(s) to express concepts, trends, peer-related forces and
other social factors.
But these misrepresentations can pose problems that cannot simply be taken for
granted (find better word for this, haha). These problems arise in such
The arbitrariness of the use of words as tools for conveying concepts is almost
always taken into consideration when paired with other of words, all for the purpose
of communication.
do When the word bipolar alone does not exhaust any substantial and sufficiently
comprehensible idea aside from conveying two ends of extreme. Delving into the
Decipher talk, conversation
Many potential problem rise as people

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