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Business 100WFall, 2016

Kacie Wills Discussion Sections

Course website:
Office: HMNSS 2305
Office Hours: T 11am-1pm, Th 6-7pm F 4-5pm
You have 50 points from the discussion portion of the course.
Factored into this will be your weekly attendance and participation in
discussion, as well as your attendance and participation at writing
workshops. Missing workshops or failing to bring your ticket-in will
result in a significantly lowered grade for this portion of the course.
Discussion Section Weekly Expectations:
5-7 assigned articles from The Economist (assigned articles will
be posted each week on the course website)
Weekly participation in discussion and writing activities
Over the quarter, you will be required to give two presentations:
1) (25 points) Electronic Presentation of Assignment 3 that will be
submitted to me (see important dates) via ilearn and which I will post
to our course website.
2) (25 points) In-class Presentation on an article from The Economist
that I will assign.
From the syllabus:
You must make an electronic presentation once you submit assignment three. A second
oral presentation will be required evaluating one article from The Economist that your
TA will assign to you and several students. This second presentation will be a group
presentation, and you will deliver this presentation in class. One of the oral
presentations, the presentation for assignment three, will be delivered over an electronic
medium (and submitted through the lecture link on ilearn); the other presentation will
take place in person during one of your discussion sections. Your presentations should
be between three to five minutes. It is recommended that you dress professionally for both
presentations and use appropriate visuals (e.g.PowerPoint or Prezi).
**detailed Presentation assignments will be posted to our course
Discussion Section Important Dates:
Week 4-5:
Sign up for in-class presentations

Week 5-6:
Video presentation due
Week 7-9:
In-class presentations

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