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Claudia Hofford

H. Anatomy and Physiology
Mrs. Babson

2-7 Introduction to imageJ-kermit the frog

1. How do you view an image using ImageJ? Explain how you opened the
image to view it.
I opened ImageJ, went to file, new, image, and selected Kermit the Frog
from my documents.
2. How can you find the X and Y coordinates for a location within an image
and why might this be important?
You can find the X and Y coordinates for a locations within an image by
placing your mouse over a location on the image and the coordinates appear
below the tool options in ImageJ. This may be important if we were looking
at an image and wanted to tell another person who was viewing the same
image to know where to look.
3. What happened to the resolution of the image as you continued to
magnify it? Compare the image you saw at a lower magnification to the
quality of image you saw at the highest magnification
If you continued to magnify the image of Kermit the frog the resolution
greatly decreased. At the highest magnification the quality of the image is
extremely low and it has become difficult to see what we are viewing.
4. What happened to the appearance of the image when you changed the
brightness? The contrast?

When you changed the brightness of the whole image it became blinding
depending on the amount of brightness you added. The contrast created
more drastic differences between the colors and the shadows.

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