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start L Giad a LS Fan irung cap 7s ; [2 sna xudrednr6ne HP TP. HO CHi MINE Bién soan: Lé Hoang Phudng va nhém eng tac TENG HAN Che Mev Nea (Phan Trung Cap) NHA XuAT BAN TONG HGP TP. HO CHI MINH 3 Loi noi déu 1. Gido trinh "Tw Hoe Tiéng Han Cho Moi Nguvi" nay duge bién soan dua tren bd sach ella cée gido su Sang - Oak Lee, Hi - Won Yoon, Jae - Young Han, Mee - Sun Han va Eun - Gyu Choi tai vidn nghién citu ngon ngit cla Bai Hoc Quée Gia Seoul. Né gém ba tap vdi 25 bai trong mdi tap. 2. BO séch nay duge bien soan tudn theo aking tiéu chi chung sau déy vé ngi dung: a. N6i dung phai dé hoc (dae bist trong tap 1 va tap 2) b. No phdi mang tinh gidi tri ciing nlue gido duc (clac biet tap 3). ©. 6 phdi phan dnh ede dae trung vé ngit din va ngit phap cia tiéng Han Quéc. d. N6 phdi gidi thigu cde khéa canh van héa cia ngusi Han Quée theo mét cach thie tu nhién va nguyén ven. e. N6é phdi bdo dam cde cd nhdn c6 thé tu hoe mot minh ma khong edn cé su tra gip ctia gido vién hode 12 thude méi truang lép hoc. 3. Cée bai hoc tit 1 dén 5 cla tap 1 6 muc dich gic thiéu va thye hanh méu tu ting Han Quoc Han'gil. Mau tu nay di ra dai tren 500 ném truée day (dich xde la vao nim 1443), do bai vua Sejong dya tren su khdo sat than trong cde date trung ngit dm hoc cia tiéng Han va cé [2 day la bang mau tu mang tinh khoa hoe nhat. Déi véi nhitng hoc vién bude déu lam quen véi tiéng Han, ho sé cdm thay réng vige hoc nhitng he thong ngiz am rat logic va dé dang. Cach thuc hanh viét ky ty ciing duge dua vao nhém gitip hoc vién lam quen v6i edu triic cia Han'gal. Cac hoc vién edn liu ¥ dae bigt dén thit tw nét va phdi béo dam rang cdc nét phai each déu nhau va mdi am tiét phdi ndm sit sao bén trong mot 6 vuéng. 4. BE cue mot bai hoe bao gém tit vung, phan phat am, mét phan bai hoa chinh, phiin ngwt phép va phan bai tap thyc hank. Trong phdn ticuung, cdc tit moi trong bai hoc duge trink bay véi phan gidi thich tm luge bang tidng Anh va tiéng Viet. Nhung phan gidi thich nay cung céip cho ban doc chi tiét tong quat vé ngi nghia ciza cdc tit, dé biét them cae dinh nghia séu xa han, hoc vidn nén tham khdo tit din hode nguéi n6i tiéng Han ban ngi, O phan huéng dén edch doc cae tit vung dav biét hode nhing tit ung kho, cée din dac trung cua tiéng Han Quée cing sé duge hoc mét cach chink xae 6 giai doan dau tién dé ngan ban doc nhiém thot quen xdu bhé chink sua sau nay. Trong nhing bai khéa chinh, céc bai hoi thoai hdp ddn duoc dua vio. Séch cing dua vao ede khia canh khéc nhau ctia van héa Han Quéc vén le diéu cdn thiét trong vide hoc tiéng Han. Dé thuc hign diéu do, sch dé vdn dung thong tin van hoa vio mét bai kha theo mot cach thie rat tw nhién va da cd gdng trinh bay van héa Han Quée hien dai, tranh nhdn manh nhitng nén van hoa 6 truyén. Su phan chia bai khéa chink trong bai hoc thanh hai phan dot Rhi cling duoc thuc hién dé gitip thay déi canh quan cia bai hoc. Phan gidi thich vd cdc chis ditim nga phap cang duge trinh bay theo tiéng Anh va tidng Viet nham giip cho dai b phan hoc vién khéng c6 dicu ign theo hoc mot gido vién c6 thé hiéu r6 noi dung hon. Tuy nhién, nhing vt du khong c6 phin dién dich cting duge dua vio dé yidi thich cdch suv dung ngw phap. Cae bai “ip khuyén khich hoc vién thué hanh ti vung va chad diém ngit phap duge bé trk trong méi bai hoe. Danh muc tit vung va chit diém ngit phap, phén gidi thich ting Anh va tiéng Vist cia cde bai khéa chinh duge tim thay & phan cudi ctia quyén sich, Tuy nhitn, trong tap 1, niung bai tap etic tidng Anh vit tiéng Viet duge dua vao ngay sau méi bai khéa chinh. G tap 2 va tap 3 bai dich tiéng Anh va tiéng Viet cua nhiing bai h6i thoai duge dua vao cudi sich. Day chin le quan diém cla cae tac gid bai vi trong khi bai dich tiéng Anh va tiéng Vide sit dung 6 nhimg giai dogn déu tien thi no clang cd thé tré nén thita thai doi vdi nhilng hoc vien co trinh dé cao hon, Déi voi nhitng hoc vién é trinh dé nay bai dich chi mang tinh tham khéio, nhém kiém tra nang doc hiéu, dé kham pha nhitng ¥ nghta giao tiép da dang vuot ra ngoti khuén kid trong tit dién, va dé tidp edn véi nén van hoa va xd héi Han Quéc théng qua ede chu thich ben dudi. G cudi cudn séch cé phan danh mue tit vung va tham chiéu ng phdp vdi con sé theo sau mdi tit vung cho biét thit tu bai hoe ma tit vung do xudt hien. V6i noi dung phong phti, bé eve mach lac, dé hiéu chung toi hy vong rang bd sich ndy sé la céng cu hoc tap tiéng Han tot nhat cho ede ban doc. Nhém bién soan ALZ Bait: Li chao (Greetings) O19] - Ti vung BAZ i ngay nav! nhimg ngay nay (nowadays, these days + 2aleh : sau thdi gian dai (after a long time) soda : mot diéu gi dé bat thuting (particwlar thing, something wrong) + aHadet : dang yéu, duyén dang (to be cute, charming, lovely) 6 + oygal : mhu thé nao (how) + aopat : bao lau (how long) + at + ste khoé (health) * ste - Cach phat am (Pronunciation) gal AA7g3}7) 8. aaa] Meals Lao] ei}.2. Aol a AAD: R22 olga zpuiatel 22” a abate a. Alarg : 2eyto] 7]? al, Ba¥o]o S$. Yepee] 2]. 2? AVY: Ro] oy] 2. all Pea Berle} a? AMD Ul, BU Baers Zz. Dao nay em c6 khod khong? Gigo su: Professor: Ann. Professor: Ann Professor. Ann. Em vin khoé Cang da lau réi thay trd minh mdi gap rhau, phai khong? Da, cang lau réi. Khodng bao lau thay nhi? ‘Mot nam. Diéu gi bat thudng xdy ra vai thay trong sudt thoi gian qua khong a? Khong, khong cé diéu gi xay rac How have you been these days? T've been well. It's been a long time since we last met, has’nt it? Yes, it’s been a long time. How long has it been? One year. Has anything unsual happened to you during that time? Professor: No, nothing unusa! has happened. Ann: Gido su: Ann: Gido su: Ann: Gido su: Ann: Gio su: sul, ayt soda] 2. rope] ze] # Aa. Cée-con cia thay van khée phai khong a? A, chung van khoé. Vay nguiii con ln nhat ciiz thay may tudi ri a? Con én nhét cia thay da sdu tudi. Vay dita nhé nhit cing 1a con trai a? Khong, né 1a cor: gai. ft ding yeu. Phai, ching rat dang yéu. Céie con tia thay 9 An) Your children are healthy, aren't they? Professor: Yes, (they are) all healthy. Ann: How old is your oldest child? Professor: Our oldest child is six years old. Ann: Is your youngest child also a son? Professor: No, she is a daughter. Ann: Your children are very cute. Professor: Yes, they are really cute. + 1 - Ng phdp (Grammar) - 1. Phén cuéi cia gée déng tit c6 phu dm -¥. Mot vai dong tit tan cling bang - 1 la déng tit bat quy tac ma trong mét 86 truéng hap - chuyén thank Verb stems ending in the final consonant - 4 Some verbs whose stems end in - u are irregular in that in certain environments the final stem sound - 9 changes into -- 1b Khi ma -w duge theo sau bang mot nguyén am, -4 chuyén thanh -}. Hay xem cdc vi du dudi day: When the final -11 of the stem is followed by a vowel, changes into 4. See the examples below: FAdet — Hels] a : dang yéu (to be cute) oc — ey A Bt ndng (to be hot) 10 2) Nhung khi - 1 c6 phy Am theo sau, khéng ¢6 suf thay adi. Hay xem cdc vi du sau: But when the final - ¥ of the stem is followed by a conso- nant, no such change takes place. See the following ex- amples: wa] efobs. : khong néng (not to be hot) 182] eto} —: khong khé (not to be difficult) 3) Tuy nhién, ede dong ti tn etng bing -¥ c6 quy the khong bao gits déi géc tir cia ching. Hay xem cde vi du sai There exist, however, -» regular verbs which never change their stem. See the following examples: Br} — Bohs — : kéo ra (to pull out) alt — 4J12 mht lén to pick up (as with finger tips) + S2N| - Bai tap (Exercises) 1, W719} Qe] Hg VelES BF Sa] wsplal wala. Bale aay A AME Bt AAS. 1) ‘elaace UTS BE ( ). 2) oheabep ABS 2 ( ). 3 ae & tal7t ( ) i ¢ 11% xt@ - Phén b6 sung (Supplement) *UH9) 71S0 S49 USE Ws does VAS chase do] beslaich. 7124 He MAS dee Vee F att. * Cae tén goi danh cho méi quan hé gia dinh ¢ Han Quée: Do he théng gia dinh 6 Han Quéc chju anh hudng cia nho gio, céc tit migu té méi quan hé gia dinh 1A mot bd phan cia ngon ng Han duge phat trign cao. Sau day 18 vai tit co ban: * Names for family Relationships in Korean: Because of the Confucian family system in Korea, words describing family rela- tionships are a highly developed part of the Korean language. The following are some of the more basic terms. ao}H] 4] Ong ndi (paternal grandfather) @ojL] ba ndilpaternal grandmother) ~ 2] 0} 2] Ong ngoai (maternal grandfather) 2} 80] L]_ba ngoai (maternal grandmother) ©} 2] cha (father) ©] n]L] me (mother) ©} con trai (son) xd con gai (daughter) Cae tir sau tuong ting déi véi tiéng Anh “anh em" va “chi em": The following words all correspond to English ‘brother’ and ‘sister’: Cae tit duve sit dung cho yak | Ab (Words used by For} | Anhem | mea Si : a | (Brother) | ter) qi. x Anh trai | 3 4 (Older) wate al eS Trai (Male) pel ae Wey og! oe | ashe bre] [tte] a I (Younger) fatal a Gai (Female) (Younger) Anh (chi, em) rugt da gia khong bao git duge goi bang tén cita ho, ma luén goi bang danh xung 4, ++}, 2.0}, hose 1]. Older siblings are never called by their names, but always by the titles ®, St, @.¥h, or edu, Céc tén goi nhiéu hon nita danh cho méi quan hé gia dinh sé duge gidi thiéu trong bai sé 21. More names for family relationships will be introduced in Les- son 21. — Al2 af Ho] BM Bai 2: Hoc tiéng Han * O19] - TH vung (Vocabulary) ngay bay gid (right now) bong ban (Ping-Pong, table-tennis) bai p vé nha (homework! chuta (yet) 14 aH] ale}: thich thd, sy vui dita (to be interesting, to be fun) Sah: mot minh (alone) ale}: choi (md trd chai) fo play (something) lat: kho khan (to be difficult) 234) 4: tuy nhién, nbung ( but, however) + ure - Cach phat am (Pronunciation) al ay “at Bayh =} aehy Ala] of, dal] 3012? = yh Role. AB]: 2S Ez} sola? E .ohl a, APE Hal] Voy s. Als] 3] at Eo] 9.92 € Mela BS Aw 1 AS] ES YP Ua AL? SAS Fal] Hl [Zhe] Gola. 15 Sunhee: 0 Sn day luc nao vay? John: Toi chi vita méi dén day thoi. Sunhee: Hém nay ban dén mot minh a? John: Khéng, ban téi cé mat ¢ bén ngoai Sunhee: Tai sao anh ay khéng vao trong? John: Anh dy dang choi béng ban bén ngoai. Sunhee: John né, ban khong choi béng ban sao? John: Toi khong co thdi gian vi phai lam bai vé nha. Sunhee: Oh, when did you get here? _ John : I just got here. - Sunhee : Did you come alone today? John: No, my friend is outside. Sunhee ; Why doesn’t he come in? John: — He is playing ping ing outside. Sunhee : John, don't you play ping in ? dean I have no time because of homework. ay 13) rh :Qpo]S BR a] doh} sedo}.a? wd Sidoj a. Sunhee: John: Sunhee: John: Sunhee: John: Sunhee John S-nhee = John : Sunhee : John : 16 salto] ab spi.a2 oa, of] 4 Pal a. asoy7} ola al.a ul, oF lei} 8. 2Qaint ae} s]e}8. Ban hoc tiéng han bao lau réi? ‘Mot nam. Ban noi tiéng Han tét chi? Khong, chua tot dau. ‘Ting Han khé lém, ding khong? Phdi, né van rat kho. Tuy nhién, rat tha vi sett How long have you been studying Korean? One year. Do you speak Korean well? No, not yet. Korean is difficult, isn’t it? Yes, it’s still difficult, However, it’s interesting. a + 44 - Ng phap (Grammar) 1. Trang tir 5 hay tiép dau nga E- The adverb % or the prefix %- 12+ dong tir hanh dong % hay géc dong tit hanh dong +-2] £3h} “B+ Action Verb or Action Verb Stem +-2) %-8}c} Bale] E 7hR. Satel] 7H) Rah. 2. Toi khéng thé dén trudng. I can't go to school. 2) Gée dong tir miéu t& +-2] Za}e}.” Descriptive Verb Stem + -2] 28}c}. ole] Al Raya. Didu nay khong tot. This is not good. Chui 1) Khi trang tir 2 hay tiép ddu ngit ¥- duge sit dung véi cdc dong tix hanh déng, ching cho biét diéu khong thé xdy ra. Cho nén tif tiéng Anh tuong tng cia ching 1a "khéng thé” hay "khong c6 kha nang". When the adverb % or the prefix R- is used with action verbs, it indicates impossibility. Therefore, its English equivalent is ‘can't’ or ‘unable to’. 2) Nhu trong céc vi dy trén, & hay - duge sit dung bing hai hinh thie ma khong c6 sy chuyén déi ¥ nghia cia cau. is As in the above examples, % or B. is used in two kinds of formations without changing the meaning of the sentences 3) Khi ching duge sii dung vi mot dong tif miéu ta, chi e6 binh thie D.V.S + -2] -2 8}x} A ¢6 thé xdy ra. Noi chung D.V.S +-A] ec} duge sit dung nhiéu hon D.V.S +-2] Ya}e} When it is used with a descriptive verb, only the D.V.S. +-2] %3}t} form is possible. Generally D.V.S. +-2) etx} is used much more than D.V.S +-2] 3}c. 2 Trang tit Qh hay tiép déu ngit 2}- +A.V.S The adverb b or the prefix ¢}- + A.V.S Rall U 7hNo1.a. Toi sé khong dén trutng. Twill not go to school. a} allele. Toi sé khong an. Iwill not eat. 1) @- 1a hinh thife duge thu nho tit of}. Hinh thife dé duge s* dung nhiéu hon hinh the day du. Q}- is the contracted from of o}.4. The contracted form is used more often than the full form. 2) Thong thudng ching duge sit dung véi cée dong tir hanh dong, trong khi hinh thife -2] etc} duge si dung véi dong tir miéu ta It is normally used with action verbs, while the -2| 9c} form is used with descriptive verbs, 19 3) Mau cau V.S + -(2)% Qk S}c} theo nghia de: “néu mot ngudi nao dé lam diéu nay diéu no (hay 1a diéu nay diéu no), né sé khong lam”. The pattern V.S. + -(2.)8 gk s}t} means literally does so-and-so (or is so-and-so), it won't do’. ala 71d ek ep. Ban khong duge di bay gid. You must not go now. 4) Mau cau 46 cing xudt hién trong ede céu héi noi ma ching trao déi tiéng Anh "Toi khong thé lam diéu nay diéu no sao?” hay " Khong thé lam diéu nay diéu no sao?". Hay xem cdc vi du sau: The pattern also occurs in questions, where it corresponds to English ‘can't I do so-and-so?" or ‘can't it be so-and-so?" See the following examples: - als 7b et U7}? i, toi khong duge di ha? Can't I go now? al, 41 7a ek uch. Khong (tic 1A diéu dé duing), ban khong thé (hode khong duge) di ngay bay giv. Ngay bay No(i.e., that's right), you can’t (or must not) izo now. oh 2, at 7=e Se Vang (tite 1a diéu a6 sai) ban c6 thé (hode duge) di ngay bay gia. Yes (i. e., that's wrong), you may (or can) go now. 20 ¢ G&A - Bai tap (Exercises) 1. BAS} Bel AS BGS PAZ weed Bale. B27) he Whe Pech. - URE he @ heed. dE the Baber. 1) He Se det. -¢ ) -¢ ) 2 BAel aS ach. -¢ ) = ) eS ae et. + ) a ) 2S EV ( dol VSR SAA WLS AS Hep Geaa, BS ap) dela BAS (WD UH. De tele aC) Boh De BHE a ( ated. 2) S9e Aare () Oe 24 - A3ab ‘Bai 3: Nyay cudi tuan » 04] - Ti vung (Vocabulary) + =u cudi tufin (weekend) + aay thu tir ¢ letter) x. (nghi ngoi) Wt (to rest) well trang thai dic biét (especially) Khoa kién tric (architecture) Als gin dinh (family) Ax}: vidt (to write) alt}: sy nghi ngoi (to take a rest) Ae: truyén thong (tradition) el] =: tac phdm nghé thuat (work of art) ¢ “4s - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) Mola AS adel a aoe 53] ae AN Fatal ola) Boia? ofAbst: YES) Male wol.a.” VAS ppl Avo. 22 AWA Ae selebel) qola] FH aldela. Fle] & al ystel.a obsbat: AS Salute] F a]ete} a. Gido su: Em da trai qua ngay cudi tudn nhu thé nao? Asako: — Em da viét thu cho ede thanh vién trong gia dinh. ‘Thé con thay da trai qua may ngay cubi tudn a? Gido su: Tai nghi ngoi d nha. Asako: 23 Thé em khong nghi ngoi gi hét trong suét ngay cudi tuan sao? Sau khi viét thu xong em eiing nghi ngoi day chit a Professor: How did you spend the weekend? Asako : I wrote letters to my family members. How did you spend the weekend, sir? Professor: I took a rest at home. Didn't you take a rest at all dur- Asako : ing the weekend? Then, (after writing the letters)I did take a rest. aad orbs Age ous wa ots 2 @stel) 4] 9] Bato} ae) glo] a Hl, AHP] aLO4g. FE ERS sel a] AR? ols} AS To] AAR STB af a. 1 QS Bah Paya of. HLS He] obs} 87 BH FOR. adel 2 SOA Be UE WSS A SH] $eh.2. Gido su: Cude sdng cia em é Han Quéc c6 thi vi khéng? Asako: Da, rat tha Gido su: Asako: Gido su: Asako: Professor Asako : Professor. Asako : Professor: Asako : eo Bil 24 Em thudng lam diéu gi cho yéu? Em hoc ngén ngif va van héa Han Quée. Thé em thich cai gi dac biét nhat trong nén van héa Moi thir déu t0t, nhung em dae biét thich kién trée va cde tée phdm nghé thudt truyén théng. Is your life in Korea interesting? Yes, it’s interesting. What do you do mostly? I study the Korean language and Korean culture. What part of Korean culture do you like especially? Everything’s good, but, among them, 1 especially like traditional architecture and works of art. - Ngi phap (Grammar) 1 Cach thanh lap thi qua khit :V.S + -9k-(-91-, -9d-) + dudi tix (-0} &..). Dé tao thanh thi qué khut cita be it dong tit nao, ban chi cdn chen trung td -9}-(-q-, -9]-) vdo gita géc dong tit (cong thém trung t6 -A)- chi sy tén kinh) vd duéi tu The past tense formation : V. 5. +-9}-(-@]-, -@-) + ending (-0} g., etc.): To make the past tense forms of any verb, you need only insert the past tense infix -9}-(-91-, -3-) between the verb steno (plus the honorific infix -A]-) and the ending. Vi dy: Gée dong ti Trung 1 puoi tir (Verb Stem) Past (A)-9h- ah- oo a ae aye -h- 2 -3h- (B)-sd-: 7hAI- -9h- me = Bal oa a- sa aqe)al- -2a- (©)-at- -a- Bush -al- Fels -a- appr -a- thi quakhs (Ending) Infixd Dang qué Dang rut gon chit (Past (Contraction) Form) FINA Bola a BT 2 soya (78ke1 8) 2k] 2. (2.9he12.) KO 8. CLEAR) APB RY CHE alelR) HEL. (PPADS) HPAL S. wd] 8 Pls) Bela. atajol a Sys A Popa a Ahab etaiel. 2. OR. Stato a Foray a Adare} se 1) Nhu da dé cp, sy thay déi nguyén 4m ctia ki hiéu chi thi qua khi, phai tuan theo cdc quy tac y hét nhu quy tae ding cho phan. duéi cia trang thai nguyén mAu : The vowel change of the past tense marker, as you have no- ticed. follow the same rules as those given for the infinitive mood ending: -9h- sau -o}- va -9-; -9- after-o}- and -9¢-; 26 -93- ding sau bat ky nguyén am nao; -91- after any vowel; qj- ding sau 3}-, gée tit cla dong tit 3}c} -aj-after 8}-, the stem of the verb 8}x} does. 2) Cée hinh thite duge dua ra d dang rat gon thong dung hon dang quy tac. The forms given in the column Contraction are more frequently heard than the regular ones. 3) Nguyén Am cudi -0}.9. ctia kiéu néi than mat lich sy khong bao gid thay déi. The vowel of the -0}.9. ending of the polite informal style never changes. . 4) Thi qua khit mang ¥ nghia hoan tt, xde dinh hanh dong hay trang thai va vi vay ma luén 6 qué khit. The meaning of the past tense marker is completed, definite action or state and so usually past. 2. Than dong tit cudi trong mot nguyén am - 0 cudi cing: Verb stems ending in a final vowel -< Vi dy: Than dong Trung té Qué Nghia tir thiquakhy = khit (AyD “ae gle} tat (to put off, to extinguish) a -%- Qt} ma (mat) to open (one's eyes) =z ae t+ trdi tren, moc (to float, to rise) gee} “a Me viet az (B) 2c} ~~ ace oj ar} -Q- ac Sad -g- each epeh obec} yep ai ase} ofc} -3h- obs} » Q1G24Al - Bai tap (Exercises) B27]: aU} + hohe} 1) Bee = ( ) 2) Abe ( ) 3) Abe} ( ) 4) Ach ( ) 5) St} ( ) 2719} Bo] TS HSS ‘ately ay lén dep buén ban vui vé gay dau don "& Bol wpyto] Mai] s. 2 Mrs} go] Fo}Al ors Fao aves. YS TA Wal g. 27) ech ola Ut ¥ballal Geskcb Deep otal Evol al BAbS ( ) 2) acy eyed he alse ( ), 3) acy 2S ofA HE BES ( ). Ey pela UE Bod ( ). a4 sty o19| - Ti vung (Vocabulary) ga}: tiéu thuyét (novel) a cudn (sdch) ( volume) o]ofl: cu chuyén (story) #: mot it (a little) B: mét cdich chae chin (surely) Bye}: ket thiie (to end) ae: thei xua; ngay xita, ngay xuta (the old days) * a on 30 ure - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) Buyer acted] otdald] al aay :UHOLz e AALay gley a? TAS EAE. dai] 29 sal # Selo) Ut Fala. SAS oh Age]? sul, tale} 2. 2 ope o]of7] ai] 9? abe] As olopriaa. 31 & san] alae 2? a: avlalgle 2. 2y2)Rk S ojejgo| a. alg} : 121g o] AS Yo} Bala. & 4% Moles. ao Bach. # alah. Yoonhee: Ban cé cuén tiéu thuyét nado viét bing tiéng Han Quée khong? Ann: C6 , Wi 6 Mot cudn. Chinh Ia cudn nay day. Yoonhee: Ai cho ban cuén sdch dé vay? Ann: Gido su cia t6i cho. Yoonhee: Khi nao? Ann: Tuan réi, sau khi tan hoe. Yoonhee: Ban doc hét cuén séch a6 chuta? Ann: U, doc hét réi. Yoonhee: Dé Ia loai gi vay? Aan: Cau chuyén théi xua cua Han Quoc. Yoonhee: Thi vi chi? Ann: Rat thé vi, Nhung né hoi khé. Yoonhee: Ann: Yoonhee : Ann: Yoonhee Ann Yoonhee : Ann: Yoonhee Ann: Yoonhee : Ann: Yoonhee : Ann: Yoonhee : Ann. 32 Vay thi, doc tint cud N6 dé hon mot chit. Cam on. Chae chin téi sé doe n6. sdch nay. Do you have any novels written in Korean? Yes, I have only one. This is the very book. Who gave you that book? My Professor gave it to me. When? Last week, after class. - Have you read the whole book? Yes, I have. What kind of story is it? It’s a traditional Korean story. Was it interesting? It was interesting. But, it was a little difficult. Then, try reading this book. It’s a little easier. Thanks. I'll be sure to read it. 33 241 - Ngi@ phdp (Grammar) Dé chi mot didu, mot nguvi hay mot noi, ‘74, “A, ‘el’ duge ding trong tiéng Han nhu sau: ola diéu nay (this thing) aA diéu d6 (hay, ching) that thing(or, it) 42 diéu nay (that thing) se2 _mét diéu tot (a good thing) ole a mét diéu chéc chin (certain thing) oly a moi thit (everything) ord a c&i digu ma (which thing) dake mét nai lam viée_ (a place to work) oo} nguoi nay « (this person) 2 ngudi kia (that person) AR ngudi no (that person) Fe mot nguai tt (a good person) eee nguii nao (what person) od 2 mét nguti che chin (a certain person) ae aR) mét noi dé nga (a place to sleep} $e ol(Z) mot vj tri tot (a good place) AG2H| - Bai tap (Exercises) wet Be) oh BBE alse WS Yel veto] Bua. BRS Fag -] MS Fag. AS FAB. LAS FAL. BAS Mia. AMS FHS ABE Pa. 1) ABI wag ~¢ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2) SPL slo}. -( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( » 6 ) 3) sp} analy a. al ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( NG) 2 che sho] Ss zeke ae | wale. st ( ) Do ( ) YRC FT 3. ES OLS Qs} go} Baa. nee Dae 3) BHet} 4) dec 4.( Jol de Ge wrod ep yore, Bd eal TAL, FI}, 1 Bal, sl nD ¢ ) 2 41e].2.2 + of fol] gto} 9. 2) ( ) 244489 + APAAA 2 4J0] 2, Sho] 2 ull Se} tol ay5ah ce Bai 5: Buc tranh (Pictures) + 019) - TW vung (Vocabulary) + ay gidng nhu (sane + ol nhiéu (many) ary ldn (to be bigs + old cai gi, Logi gi (what, what kind of 37 + cc: — khde nhau (to be different) + a3 mét it (a Little) Soe cdi ma, cai gi (which, what) + Bhp: sng, vui tuoi ( to be bright) + hs - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) aoha We] we ae) 2 £3]: 0] 2s} A zo] Hoh? ad oh a, Behe. . £3]: Wo] depa? ad iohie, oF Peta. Ofte Ao] F] FB? -o]le] $c] AS. 3] 0) 0] S x] AQ? wu, $e) As. Balls. Yoonhee: Bite tranh nay va bie tranh kia giéng nhau phi khong? 3S Khong, ching khae nhau. Yoonhee: Chiing khée nhau nhiéu khong? Ann: Khong, ching khée nhau ft 14m. Yoonhee: Bite nao lén hon? Ann: Bue nay thi In hon chit it & Y onhee: Bue nay Ién hon Ann Phai, né Ign hon chit ft. Nhin ne. Yoonhee : Are this picture and that picture the same? Ann : No, they are different. Yoonhee : Are they very different? Ann: No, they are alittle different. Yoonhee : Which one is bigger? Ann This one is a little bigger. Yoonhee : This one is a little bigger? Ann Yes, it's a little bigger. Look. £3) 044 140] v} Sopa? ah. Je] ve] Fop. #3]: 9] BA? el: ] 22Jo] Ao} c] Bpoh.a. #9: Be Ve Sosa? 39 ase, AS Ue AS Sopa. Lea} 130] vy] Fela. #3): aA] QE SYS Ae YQVEts. usu, zaHe. Yoonhee: Buc tranh nao ban thich hon? Ann: ‘Toi thich buic kia hon. Yoonhee: Tai sao? Ann: Buc tranh kia c6 mau séng hon. Yoonhee: Ban thich mau sing phai khang? Ann: Phai, toi thich mau sang. Vi thé, t6i thich edi kia. - Yoonhee: Chinh vi vay, cing 1a ly do tai sao ban ludn mac do quén mau sdng! Ann: Phai, ding réi. ete Yoonhee : Which picture do you prefer(like more)? Ann: I prefer that picture Yoonhee : Why? Ann That picture is brighter in color. Yoonhee : Do you like bright colors? Ann: Yes, [like bright colors. So, I prefer that picture. Yoonhee : So, that’s why you always wear bright colored clothes! 40 Aun: Yes, that's right. % m4 - Ngif phap (Grammar) 1. Ho}g. “la nhiéu”, duge sit dung cho sé lang nhu la v6 sé. Te phan nghia lie 04. (hinh thie b6 nghia: B-2-, trang tit: yo} ) gore. 4 ‘is much’ is used for number as well as for argo] Bets C6 nhiéu sinh vién. There are many students. Bo) Wehg. C6 nhiéu nude. There is much water. WE yo] Beas, Nhiéu sinh vién hoe. Many students study. o| tho] SHE wo) ah. Sinh vién nay hyc cham (hoe rat nhiéu) This student studies hard (a great deal). 2. £, phu thuge vo ngit ednh, c6 thé ed nghta lé (1) “m6t sd Luong nhd”,"mét chit it”; (2) “mét con sé nhé","mét vai"; (3) “mét ti”, “trong m6t chit”; (4) ‘mot khodng cach ngdn”,... Xem vi du phia dudi 41 2t depending on the context, can mean (1) ‘a small quantity’, ‘a little’ ; (2) ‘a small number’, ‘a few’ ;(3) ‘a moment, ‘a little while’. (4) ‘a short distance’, ete. See the examples below: So] 43 Baath. Toi can mot it tién. I need some money ADU FAB. Vui long dua cho toi mét it. Give me a few more, please. BT Mell AP} Mol 2. ‘Mot it thai gian ngan truée hic ban toi dén. A little while ago my friend came. AG HA Be] USNS, Dj thém mét doan nite tai dén bén dong song, A little further on, I came to a river. + 012ml - Bai tap (Exercises) 1, B7|S} Go] BPSK wD a ES MAH BAA >) 10] £3} 4 RE Eheeh 1) Wee ebate} cach. a ) ( ) 2) ofa] 2) 9} of} epSch. -¢ ) ( ) 42 3) 0) Be 4 cp ach. a ) ( ) 2. B2)s} Qo] ‘ABI we} SHIA ( ) Sol] AS Be Beh sao] Bala. B77) AbaRe Ae} (Be) ae}. Dass age) dee. 2) aR ARBARECE() eh 2) Peas we) eH, 3 B19} zo] Foial HolsS 1SA PETS ALAA. B27) :(4, $4, ath he Fao ad. 1) G18, Hk, ae) 2) (oR, AES 8] ep) DAS, AS, BD 4) (2A, 3h, Aled 019) - Tit vung (Vocabulary) hale khi nao, vé khong théi gian n&o (when, about what time) oa] gidng cai nay, trong each nay (Like (his, in this way) BE: thug thuting (usually? eel aa Be: + ue- leis. sated aR & rk 2M tN x £ 44 noi nado, 8 ddu (what place, where) s6m (early) luén luén (always) Cach phat am (Pronunciation) Woda & hea] wae edule] Bel] glo1.2.? ala glels.. dztel.2. 9] a) shu. dal 42k) 22 A AlZt Aol upzbo} a. ofr} Zhe] 22 ste] OV 2. 2 Sale] o} Br] U4 74-22 :u, daly a4 7pe. RES. a} hg 8] 7A] s. At PS. John Mother: John: Mother: John: Mother: John: Mother: John: Mother: Youngmin 6 nha khong? NO Ichéng c6 nha. N6 da di ra ngoai. Bay gid lam sao day? Céu ta di ra ngodi khi nao vay? Di ra ngoai céch day mot giv. Cau ta di dau? Di hoe. Bi hoc sém vay sao? U, né luén di hoc sém. Chau hiéu réi. Thi, chdu chao bic a, ‘Tam biét. Is Youngmin at home? - He is not at home. He went out. What shall we do ? When did he go out? He went out an hour ago. Where did he go? He went to school. He goes to school this early? Yes, he always goes early. I see. Then, good bye. Good bye. eee enIne 46 = Pals, gxlo]ul Ae] 4)? ofp sek, Eolas. Jel) 7} ob] gb Hea E:aRlol ofmhujal 7 ahasta.s? agglelts ela] 9}.99 oli BE LF ul A} Fell spa. = 2Sk Val 427 & BH AA! 21Fol 9}... segalolis @4 that) zy? oly a, eBdlelts By Aue 7H] Be HR. é VATU. Ae cp) assed. yy: Ul, LBA) ss. John: Xin cho. C6 phdi nha Youngmin khong a? Me: 6, chéu John a. Youngmin chua vé. John: Bac 1 me cia Youngmin a? Chdu chao bée. Thé khi nao thi Youngmin vé nha a? Me: N6 thudng vé nha khodng bén gity chiéu. John: —'Thé hém nay thi cau dy vé nha lie may gid? Me: Hom nay, né sé vé nha khodng sau gis chiéu, John: Youngmin luén dén trutng sao a? 47. John: Mother: John : Mother: John: Mother: John: Mother: John: Mother: Phai, Youngmin lu6n dén truvng va hoc Héa ra la nhu vay. Vay t6i nay chau sé goi dié U, nhé nhé, lai bette Hello. Is this Youngmin's house? Oh, you are John. Youngmin has not come (back) yel Are you Youngmin’s mother? Hello. When will Youngmin come home? He usually comes home around 4 p.m. When will he come home today? Todoy, he will come home around 6 p.m. Does Youngmin always go to school? Yes, Youngmin always goes to school and studies there. I see. I will call back this evening. Yes, please do. «+ 44 - Ngif phap (Grammar) 1. 444 cd nghia la “budi t6i”. Duta vao ngit ednh, né cing 06 nghia la “bita an t6i”. Trong cach tuong tit, o}% co nghia la “budi siding’ hay “bita diém tam”. Trong khi % c6 nghia la “ban ngay”, ¥} c6 nghia la "ban dém”. 48 {4} means ‘evening’. Depending on the context, it also means ‘supper’. In the same manner, 0} 4] means ‘morning’ or ‘breakfast’, while 3} means ‘daytime’, 4} ‘night’. o}alal) Hele sHho}.22 Ban lam gi vao buéi sang? What did you do in the morning? Boll Folk shale 2? Sut ngay ban lam gi? What did you do during the day? Aa) Pel spi] 2.7 Bu What do you do in the evening? - 3 Alo PAA? Ban dem ban di ngii lic may gid? t6i ban lam gi? At what time do you go to bed at night? 2, 9.44 duge sit dung trong dam thogi véi nghia la “budi sang” va tuong dutong vai tiéng Anh la “a.m”. Tit phan nghia la 9%, duge sit dung trong dam thogi véi nghta la “buéi chiéu” va tuong duog vai tiéng Anh la “p.m”. 9-4 is used both as a conversational term of ‘morning’ and as a technical term corresponding to English ‘a.m.’ The opposite word is 9%, which is also used both as a conversational term for ‘afternoon’ and as a technical term corresponding to English ‘p.m." uel ngay mai (tomorrow) B.2] ngay mét (the day after tomorrow) 33] ngay kia (two days after tomorrow) 49 2.4 hom nay (to day) oi] hom qua (yesterday) 12) 7] hom kia (the day before yesterday) _ dua vao ngit cénh, 06 thé, ob nghia la (1) “thi gio réi hay thoi gian du thita”,(2) “mét 16 héng” hay “vét ran”,(3) “ca hoi”, (4) “su phong thi khong than trong”... depending on the context, can mean (1) ‘spare time or time to spare, (2)‘a gap! or ‘crack’, (3) ‘chance’, (4) ‘an unguarded moment’, ete. % Boll4] ubgto] Zels}.a. Gi6 théi xuyén qua ché hé 6 cdnh cita The wind is coming through a chink in the door. & Fo} Bey. ‘Toi khong c6 thi gid ranh. (hay 1A: Toi bi thei gian ép chat.) I have no leisure.(or : I am pressed for time.) Tid tit -6i) 24 06 nghta la “6 tai” hay “trong”. ‘The particle -ol] 4] means ‘at’ or ‘in’. olejot ay Bat apa a? Ban hoc 6 dau? Where do you study? Spale a] Sy 2. Toi hoe d trudng. I study at school. BA(o)Ay a Toi hoc tiéng Han 6 ip hoc. [learn Korean in the classroom. w Nhiing tiéu tit -2|(C}) “dén” va - ol] A) “tit” duge sit dung vdi cde danh titdm chi dén nhiing vit v6 tri v6 gide. Tiéu tit -2\(c}) "dén” chi mot tan ngit gidn tiép la vat v6 tri v6 gide va tidy tie -o} A} nguén hay géev6 tri v6 giée. "chi mét But the particles -e'](t}) ‘to’ and - Bi - Ngif phdp (Grammar) 1. Danh tir + -el] HHE}(A] Nominal + -0i] @}2}(4}) : ‘depending on...’or ‘according to..,’ Saal apo} ho] cHHUeh Gia (tién) phu thudc vao mén dé. The price differs depending on the things. Agel ebay yo] chet. : Tinh cach thay déi ty theo con ngudi. Character differs according to the person. ‘dua vao ...” hay “theo...” 1) Mau cau -o}) u}e}a} ludn di lién véi danh tir. Nghia tiéng Anh tuong ting eda mau céu nay 1a “dua vao ...” hay “theo ...” phy thudc vao tinh huéng. The pattern -0}) w}2}2} is always attached to nominals. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘depending on--~’ or ‘according to...’ depending on the situation. 2) Tidu tir -4] & sau oj] a}2} khong bt bude phai dimg. Tuy ahién, -o) a}e} déi véi tigu tir 2] thi nhén manh hon. The particle -2} after -ol| a2} is optional. However, -<]| a2} with the particle -2] is more emphatic. 2 Budi tit -2] gb biéu thi sy tuong phan: “nhung”. The contrastive ending -2)%b : ‘but’ UE Sfsite]) 7a] eb, AS 714) ekohs. Toi dén trudng, nhung anh dy khéng dén trusng. I go to school, but he does not go. ola $alxk, AAS $a] Gora. Didu nay tét nhung diéu kia khong tét. This is good, but that is not good. 0] AS oleae, an] glo}.a. Quyén sich nay khé, nhung (ching) th vi. This book is difficult, but (it’s) interesting. 3. Dang danh dong tit cia dong tu + - 37: “con 1a” (Adng tix miéu ta) “con lam” (dong tir hanh dong). The gerund form of the verb V.S, + ~ 31: is and’ (descriptive verb) ‘does and’ (action verb). ES UHDS SHIT, Ae Vols FPA, Anh ta hoe tiéng Han, edn t6i hoc tiéng Anh. He is studying Korean, and I’m studying English. 0] AALS HY, 7] BARS wD ah. Ban lam viéc nay thi ré, va ban kia thi dat tién. 95 This desk is cheap, and that one is expensive. BYE WES, zhEaHE hele, ‘May bay thi bay nhanh, va 6 6 thi chay cham, The airplane is fast, and the automobile is slow «+ 16m - Bai tap (Exercises) 1, 221s} Qo) FE Apolo] de ab wel wa a Bo] HE AS Boketeh (aah) We oh 71h 1) eat eh (yao) hel seb 2) wal ALE Bh. 7 CSA Mol BRE ao Ah 3) eLo}uy7} Bel obsealeh (UPR Bae abo abet 27/9} 0] FAS SH o]e] Ball a. BS) BAAS FHS eh OAS ARS Ae. “aAaate bs! HAS ASS Ach. 2 He te] Sch. ae Sas Mek Vet. - UR Bo] Qalyh SalE aok Meh abetol 4S ped & heh. able Sle teh. ( a 2) Belis che tet ae] 7174 et. al ) 3) Hs St Fae Seba. FE ETE HBS Rt. =( ) 26 ABA 2 g ‘Bai 13: Mot dac an (A favour) « 043] - TY vung (Vocabulary) + pep: ddi héi, yeu edu (request) + ag: chudin bj (bai hoe) (preparation (of lessons)) + Bay: cfu hoi {question} + apa: tir dién (dictionary) 97 + Ber}: khong biét (to be ignorant of) + be - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) aaa - MRops. ae atl [7 Fal] = A, PHO] Dede aa): aey.a #% sso] ajo) a. —_ FR]: U), ey A]. AS ak 7H} Ajo]? he : ul, 2e}a]e] at et 74} ge].2. #3): ah, O47] ALE glo} a. ate] Hale}: John: A nay, ban sé danh cho t6i mot dae an duge khong? Yoonhee: Cai gi? John: Vui long cho tai mugn quyén séch. Yoonhee: Sach gi? John: Yoonhee: Duge John: 98 Séch ngén ngu tiéng Han. i. Ban khong mang theo sich a? Khong, tdi quén mang theo. Yoonhee: Duge réi, day cing 1a mgt cudn tir dién. John: Nao ching ta cing xem véi nhau di. Um, will you do me a favor? Yoonhee: What is it? John: Please lend me a book. Yoonhee: What kind of book? John: ee hi oe A Korean language book. : wpa] eb .ai] 2? 2 Ul. a abop.a. Als Sz WS MAS este VEAL. BEE Us] Mela. B32] 22 3shadue. A?) AF of PY BAS VEwMeja. LAN} EBA Eel, 0]2] 24] ho] Balch. 99 2 cme. Yoonhee: Sure, go ahead. Didn't you bring the book with you? John; No, I forgot to bring it. Yoonhee: Okay, here is a dictionary, too. Let’s look at them to- gether. John: Ban khong ban ehif? Yoonhee: Khéng, t6i khong ban. John: Bay gis, toi dang chudin bj cho bai hoc hom nay. C6 mét sé diéu ma t6i khong hiéu.~ Yoonhee: Thé né 6 bai nao? John: bai ba. ‘Toi khong hiéu van dé thit ba, 6 phia dudi bén trai, Yoonhee: Toi sé chi cho ban. én day va ching ta cing xem lai vdi nhau. John: Cam on. John : Aren't you busy? Yoonhee : No, it’s okay. John: Now, Iam preparing for today’s lesson. There is something I don't understand. Yoonhee : Which lesson is it? 100 John: It’s Lesson 3. I don’t understand Problem No. 3, there on the lower left side. Yoonhee: I will teach you. Come here and let's have a look to- gether. John: Thank you. « £14 - Noi phap (Grammar) 1, ei] 1a mét tidu tir ding cho cA con ngudi va dng vat. ate] is a noun particle expressing direction toward both people and animals. 2 we} 42) 9. 1a lai thinh edu lich-sy. Véi turedch 1a (thude) dong tir ching gém 6 hai phan We}(¥e} cf) va Fa] (ECP. We} 1a dong tif chinh, dién dat hanh dong chinh “cho mugn’”, trong khi dong tir1é thude #4) 8 dién dat ¥ ma eda hanh dong chinh duge thinh cdu bang thién y cia ngudi néi (“vui long”). We] 34] a is a polite request. As a verbal it consists of two parts we|(Wle]c}) and 34] 9 (x}), We}, being the main verb, ex: presses the main action ‘lend’, while the dependent verb expresses the idea that the action of the main verb is requested in favor of the speaker (‘Please’) 3 Sez]4]_ 9 cé ¥ nghia tuong ty nhu #44} 9. nhumg lich sy hon. G day, dong tir '6 thude = z]4j] 9 1a dang lich sy cia 44) @ va dién dat ¥ ma hanh dong dé duge thuc hign bang thién ¥ cia ngu®i n6i (cho ban). 101 Ez] AQ means the same as 7-2) 9. except that the former is more polite. Here the dependent verb © 2|4i| 9 is a polite form of APA).Q. and expresses the idea that the action is being done in favor of the one spoken to (for you). 4 Danh déng te = +-Qlt}: AVS) agit}: ‘(m6t nguéi nao dé) dang lam". Verbal gerund + -9)v} :A.V.S. 31. 9) C}: (someone) is doing’ ae alg Syabe leet Bay git toi dang hge. I'm studying now. BHets 7s a]z geet. Toi dang day titng Han. I'm teaching Korean. - ES tps WSU eh. ‘Toi dang ché anh ta. I'm waiting for him. 1) Mau cu - 32 910} chi duge ding véi cée dng tir hanh dong va cho biét diéu m& mot hanh dong dang dién ra that sv. The pattern -31 9c} is used only with action verbs and indicates that an action is actually progressing. 2) Mau c4u -2 lc} khong duge ding cho tuong lai gan nh ing Anh, tie la ... Toi dy dinh di thay cho Téi sé di. The pattern -31. 9)t} must never be used for the immediate future os is done in English, i.e., Lam going for I will go. 3) Mau cdu -2 4)r} cling 6 thé cho biét mét hanh dong hay mét trang thai duge bat dau trong qua khi va van cdn dang tiép dién. Trong trudng hop nay, mét tit chi thdi gian + tiéu tir nhu -4e] hay -+¢¢} duge ding dé cho biét hanh dong dé bat ddu trong 102 khi ndo va hanh déng hay trang théi dé tiép dién trong bao lau, The pattern - 2. 9)t} can also indicate an action or state that began in the past and is still continuing. In this case, a time word + particle like -¥-€] or --ah is used to indicate when the action began and how long the action or state has been continu- ing 2 Sh HCE FyspT Vea. Toi da hoc tiéng Han duge nim ndm réi. I have been studying Korean for the past five years. apa Pel 742.2) 7 901 2. Toi da day tit nam ngodi. T have been teaching since last year. 4) Thi, sy pha dinh, wv... thong thudng duge dién dat & dong tir lt} ding & cui, khong bang dong tir dang - 5, The tense, negation, etc., are regularly expressed in the fi nal 9)c}, not in the verb with - 51, AS rieelz alate}. Toi sé chi ban. T will be waiting for you. cia BPs} YAS Vao hic dé tdi dang hoe. I was studying at that time. ALF SPL 97) Geb. Bay gid tdi khong hoc. Tam not studying now. 5) ale} 06 thé duge thay thé béi loi néi kinh cén a] 4]c}. he} may be replaced by its honorific >|) c}. 103 5. Danh tir-+ (0])2}52. 8} duge goi Noun + (o}}2}3t sfc}: is called AAS Focleha 47H Tén dé vat do 1a gi? What is the name of that thing? ae Batoles. thc. Vat dé duge goi la ban viét. That is called a desk. + 1g) - Bai tap (Exercises) 1. Che ESS B71 9} Abo] () be) TS wal bro] Mays. wl daa Sale Voie (ech aA Sag el Sieh 1) Boy AS da ayeh. Czehep) eC y 2) tol LSet. ep eX ) ) AL S}elj | abach. (ARCH) -¢ ) 2 Oe Easel S Ao]S wal Bala. ) ola = RS OF elle, ola] <2 AS Ee} ee} beh 2) 7b Beh. eat $a] alc. 3) le FS VE. As RS UTA 104 Al 14 2 OBE Ao Bai 14: Vieng tham (Visit) 014] - Tit vung (Vocabulary) budi sang (the morning, a.m.) + Ex: dat, dé (to put, to place) + age: dutng (sugar) 105, 86 tay (notebook) tra sm (a ginseng tea) van nhu moi khi (as it is) * tte - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) AS Foe aa Ala ala) a? BSL AF et AAD. a i: RAgastusseiar - AL: of] 2, & hel] 49.4394 2. alg ad Ueda. a: dal] Boj 2a)? Am: E 24) Aa. oo dal piel? BD: EAL S]gho] 2. ojs}al 71a] A. Ann: Cé c6 gido trong 46 khong? Nguoi trg gido: Khong, bay gid thi khong cé. Ann: 106 Cé ta chua dén phai khéng a Negudi try giéo: Khong, c6 ta da dén day vao budi sang. Ann: ‘Neudi try gido: Cé sé quay lai sém thdi. Ann: Co chi méi di ra ngoai mot lét. Khi nao c6 ay sé quay | C6 Ay ra ngoai héi nao a? Nguisi trg gido: Khodng mot gid trude. Vo day ngéi cher di Ann: Is the professor in? Assistant: No, not now. Ann: Has she not come at all recently? Assistant: No, she came here this morning. She just went out for a moment. BE: SMS ole] FOa a. ap EAlAoy a? aru ah. BEE AS sIAIQ? ol FE AE a? 107 2m: ASS} dabapy el a. a nabs aay) 8, AG:ADS S Yo] SAA? a oh 8, 23 Fag. When will she come back? She will be back soon Ann: When did she go out? Assistant: It’s been around an hour. Come in and wait. Ann: When did she go out? Assistant: It's been around an hour. Come in and wait. Nguvi trg gido: Hay dé cuén tap cla ban 6 day. Ban ding tra phe? Ann: Vang, cdm on. Nguti trg giéo: Ban mudn ding loai tré nao? Ann? C6 c6 loa nado a? Ngubdi tro gido: Ca phé va tra nhan sdm, Ann: Vui long cho em tra nhan sam. Ngudi tro gido: Ban muén thém mét it duéng khong? Ann Khéng a, c6 ctf cho em nhv moi khi 1 duge rdi. 108 Assistant. Put your notebook here. Would you like some tea? Ann: Yes, thank you. Assistant: What kind of tea do you want? Ann: What do you have? Assistant: Coffee and ginseng tea. Ann. Please give me ginseng tea. Assistant: Do you want some sugar in it? Ann No, give it to me as it is. «+ 44 - Ng@ phap (Grammar) 1. Cudi dong tir *-0}/6} 2." Verb ending ‘-0}/0} 2." Ge dong ty = Phan dui Dang géc Dang rat gon (Verb Stem) (Ending) (Original form) — (Contraction) a) = -oh 8, Foe Khong c6 (absent) a -oh. woha. Khong e6 (absent) Qe -o} ah (2°h2) 32 ae “9h. (te) 7a b) ela- -7.2 AD]g1O} 9. Khong c6 (absent) a 18 CNFe1s) MSs FTA -0] 8. PPAR HPA ) 8 49. spo} 2. aa SP oa, Syd Beas 109 1) Dé dong tir c6 dang ‘-g’ cia né, ban try tiép thém phan duéi -0} (- 0], -o]).¢. vo gée dong tit do. To give the verb its ‘9 form you are to add the ending o} (- 0}, -o4).@ directly to the stem of the verb. a) Néu géc cia dong tir dé chia nguyén 4m -o} hode nguyén Am -2. phan dudi-o}.2. phai duge thém vao. If the stem of the verb contains either the vowel -0} or the vowel -2., the ending -0}.2. is added. b) Néu tir gée cia dong tir dé chita bat ct nguyén 4m nao khée, phan duéi o}.. duge thém vao. Af the stem of the verb contains any other vowel, the ending o}.a is added. ©) Tir gée cia a} thude dong ti 3}4j 94a tién hanh cd hai hinh thu ty do va gidi han mang -c] @, tén ciing. The verb stem &}- of the verb 301.9, does in both its free and bound form, takes the ending -0} 2. 2) Phin dudi cia dang -&. tuong ty nhu nhau d cde dang khéc nhau ctia lai ndi, 1di phat biéu, cau héi, cau ra lénh va lai dé nghi. Cach duy nhat ma ban dua ra dé thanh lap mét dang nao dé 1a ngit diéu va dé dai cia 4m khi néi ching. Van dé quan trong 18 nam ving cdc mau cdu ngi diéu. Hoc cdc mau cau ngit diéu cia loai *-9" duge cho dudi day: The ending of the -& style is the same for the various types of utterances, statement, question, command and proposition. The only tools you are given to set off the one type against the other are the intonation and a feature of length. To master the intonation paiterns, therefore, is a matter of great importance. Study the in- tonation patterns of the *- 9. style as given below: 2 Ae Ee Sol} 0 Léi phat biéu (Statement) Sze] 7}, thing (normal) Cau héi? (Question?) Stato] 7.8.2 thuting (often, &5rel) 7}4j] 29) Cau ra \énh. (Command) ‘Ssitel] 7}.2., ng&n, thuong (short) (often, efsto} 7}4i] 2.) ‘Lai dé nghi. (Proposition) a}59) 7}Q. thutng xuyén (often, S52] Alc} 01 Gem] - Bai tap (Exercises) HE Ae ato} MALS. Algo] YS a} Ady s AAT NS Paley of7| 7} abeh ob} 7k FFAl Ep ato) alP7} ach vrei] 41-77} ALAlcH. ao} z)7} oe obey al7} FRAN B71 9} 0] OES EAS MPO] BA. 27]: BAe] Bale ae - oh} aA (SAlcH), wit 1) Bro A] obo} 7} Abt. ~ Bae Ay of Pit ( ). 2) Ab abel ALP7E abet. ~ Ak kel] of 2171 ( ) 3) Qos 2] 7} we aepaleh. OPE eS (Cd, 4) epi ell alaleh. Ue Ball ( ). 112 ANAS eh Bai 15: Giao thong (Traffic) +» Of - Ti vung (Vocabulary) + ebslcp duge khéa, dug obstructed, be block + :binh minh (dawn, early morning) os : hita hen (promise, appointment) + Ee tham chi (separately) 113 > mad : tuyén, dutng (line) ala} xe dign ngdm (subway) + #2 - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) FUNAR Sahih s wa A8. ala} a eas. ASU. 2.24 CHAZ)? . oh1 8, AR WS Hels. Jo] Pay Aa. he JR RAGS Ua de] Ms] yl Aoba. Brora 7t aS Bos. sel = beh B., & :u ae aaa. ahs OF ARES 2] ai7)7} Heys] 8. Youngmin: Toi dén tr&. Toi xin léi. Ban chi tdi lau phai khong? John: Khong, tdi cing chi mdi dén. Toi bi ket xe 14 Youngmin: Giao thong duing nhu déng nghet vao may ngay nay ‘Tham chi khong c6 gi khae gid cao diém ca. Vao hie sdng sém, cing bj tie nghén giao thong. John: Phai, ban néi dung rd Vi vay, rat khé dung gia: Youngmin : Lam late. I'm sorry Did you wait long? John No, I just arrived myself. I got stuck in traffic Youngmin : The traffic seems to be constantly congested these days. There is no difference even in rush hour. Even early in the morning, there's a traffic jam. John: Yes, you reallly are right. So, it’s very difficult to be punctual. th 08 a as} Ale 4 obi} a? cul, Sol O12 teu} a1Gee a eto. = 2S AAs} ALS ko Youngmin: Ban dén trutng khi nao, bing phuong tién gi vay? John: Toi di xe d n ngdm Youngmin: Ban khéng di xe buyt saa? John: Di xe buyt thi rat kh dung gia. Vi vay, toi di xe dién ngam. Youngmin: Hom nay, ban cing di biing xe dién ngdm phai khong? Jobn: Phdi, hom nay toi cing di xe dién ngdm. Youngmin: Ban cé biét tuyén dudng xe dién ngdm nao [a tot khéng? John: Cé, luc dau thi rat kho, nhung bay gi’ thi téi biét ro. Hom nay tdi di tuyén sé hai va tuyén s6 ba. Youngmin : When you come to school, how do you come? John : I take the subway. Youngmin John Youngmin : John Youngmin : John = omy: 116 Don't you take buses? It is difficult to be punctual by bus, So, I take the subway. Did you come by subway today, too? Yes, I took the subway today, too. Do you know the subway lines well? Yes, it wos difficult at the beginning but now I know them well. Today, I took Line 2 and Line 3. Ngit phap (Grammar) - 1. Sudién dat khong chde chdn “73 2c}" Expression of uncertainty “-7] 4c}” a avis 2 Beha. N6 trong c6 vé that thi vi. It looks very interesting. $E2 ols. N6 6 va tét. It seems to be good. oF St Dera. Toi nghi chiing c6 vé rat to, I think it is very big. 117, SBT A Dr. Téi nghi c6 vé ching 6 mot chut rac réi. I think it is a little complicated. ul7} & 2a Boba C6 vé trdi sB mua. It looks like it will rain. =170) o}7] ale 2a Boks. "Toi nghi cé vé né & day. I think it is here. Médu cau -2(-2-) A o}@ cd thé duge ding vdi bat kj déng ti néo vd 06 nghia la: c6 vé va hink nhu. The pattern -2(&) 71 to}.2. can-be used with any verb and brings out an idea of likelihood: looks or seems like. -2 A 2o}R duge ding sau géc cla dong tic ten cting la mot nguyén dm, va ~2- 73 Z0}.2 duge diing sau gée cia dong tit tan cung la mét phy am. -@ 2 Zo}A is used after verb stems ending in a vowel, and --2-7] 0}.2 is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. Danh tit + 2c}: Chung duge trong nhu. (hay ching duge xem nhu) Noun + 3x} : It looks like. (Or it seems to be.) Ae] eat Aroh-2.. Cai 6 ding kia trong giéng nhu trubng hoc. That over there looks like a school. 118 AES ey Woh Anh ta dutng nhu 1a m9t sinh vién. He seems to be a student, ole a4) Beha, Ché nay hinh nhu 1a mot Iép hoc. This seems to bea classroom. 1) 70}. di lién véi ede danh ti dé chi su gidng nhav. Z40}.& attached to nouns shows similarity. 2) Dong tit migu ta 7c} c6 nghia la “la tuong uf”. Ts truéng hop nay, tiéu ti 9}/s} chi sy so sdnh. ol AS Arsh gola. Diéu nay tuong ty nhu diéu kia(Diéu nay va diéu kia ging nhu nhau) rong The descriptive verb 2c} medns ‘is the same’. In this case, the nominal particle of comparison 9}{3} is used attached to the compared. 0|7)-2 24713} #°}A. . This one is the same as that one. (This one and that one are the same.) + O1Gm - Bai tap (Exercises) el lol 4 VW QOnE mf] ols soles wg] oles at ack (o1e4uy ws} vey Jeb) D0) RS adel gdeh o} ae afisk 2b Bet (ae ele] ap] gichy 119 o] ese aheh. wo] apseat ae, (ca2]U} xbay ey a}ep.) 2. B7]s} 20] FEBS Baow We} Male. 27] :obae VA] odeh. Ue] Fop obate} a} opps Ae Azo Sey. 1) o] Be) Aa doleh. Balalet. 2 aatol| SodAkch. oN of ach. 3) Ba7i7} ale}. BE Ist deh 4) Gay} aE Suoleh. une Bat gieh. y Efe] Weta.2. Peo) Epa] a? 2) ob atel] Ae] Saab }a? 3) BZD ALS 4 of] 9 120 - Al 16 St aA WA Bai 16: Loi gidi thiéu (Introduction) + 049) - Tif vung (Vocabulary) + ae : ban bi (friend) + all : lai gidi thigu (introduction) : trugng thanh (major) 121 + Aa :kinh t@ hgc (economics) +e : gia dinh (family) + ey : ton hoc (mathematics) + oy : ngdn hang (bank) + ospe} : lich sit (history) + ts - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) 2 ayapal a seduce A a ahs} a? ae AAs OfAb St: Ag S} i] 2.9 a] ebb tel) 9. 24x, eo] HE A, SUCH. a APSA. 2. 3] oh, Te 22 Lede a3] 7S Asay 45] dob, Boy, ob, op} Yo} hye} che] 2 2 Bo) a EY PSYCH. Usp a, oP yst: Uap. A7 NUE. BF go) AIL A all, Pele BS Wa Abe. Sunhee: Asako: Sunhee: Asako: Sunhee: Sunhee : Asako : Sunhee: Asako Sunhee: al 3l 122 Xin chao. Tdi lA Sunhee Kim Xin chao. Toi 1a Asake. Va, day 1a Ann va John. Ho 1a ban cia t6i 0, ho dé a? Sau day, t6i sé gidi thigu gia dinh tai. Ong t6i, ba tai, bd va me. Va, em toi Manho. Noi xin chao di, Xin chao. Rat vui khi duge gap gia dinh ta. Tat cd gia dinh ta déu séng chung vai nhau phdi khong a? Phai, tat ed ching toi déu sding cig nhau. How do you do? I am Sunhee Kim. How do you do? I am Asdko. And, this is Ann and John. They are my friends. Oh, are they? Then, I will introduce my family. My grandfather, grandmother, father and mother. And, my brother Manho. Say hello. How do you do? Glad to meet you. Do you all live together? Yes, we all live together. Ae AS ancy. Sate. Bub allele, QTC}. Dejst Sao] bape] eUEb Sed 7} ahr) sh eye} 123 oh 2] Sunhee: Anni Chunho: Cha: John: Sunhee Ann: Chunho Cha : duhn AUS SIAC. F131 Abel) CB Ly Ch. Al ABEL Ball spo] dey Alte Qe Eh WPA go ahh a) ABS obat ste] at eeleh Toi chuyén vé mén todn. Mon todn thi rat thu vi. ‘Toi cling hoc ton. Vi thé, tdi lam vige d ngan hang, Mon todn thi khong hung tho doi vai t0i. Tiéng Han thi thd vi Tdi van chua hoe chuyén nganh nao ca. ‘Toi 1a nhan vién cong t1 m vige cho mot cong ty kinh doanh. Chuyén nganhreda toi 1a kinh té. Toi la thy ky Ngan hang. Toi lam vige ¢ Ngan bang cia Mi Chuyén nganh cia £61 18 lich stt Tam a mathematics major. Mathematics is really in- teresting. I studied mathematics, too. So, I work in a bank. Mathematics is not interesting to me. Korean is inter- esting. I do not have a major yet Tam a company worker, I work for a trading com pany. My major was economies. Tam a bank clerk. I] work at an American bank, 124 My major was history. 44 - Noi phdp (Grammar) Sa hitu cia dai tis nhan xing Possessive of personal pronoun 1) Uy “ban” Ia tir duge dig trong giao tiép than mat. “ban” duge ding binh thudng véi tiéu tit chi sy tuong phan -4¢; trong khi uj) “ban” phai luén duge ding vi tiéu tit cha ngit -7}. Mot nguvi duge dé cap dudi dang L} th) ludn 1a ban than hode 1a edip dudi cia ngudi ndi. Uy ‘you’ is used as an informal term of address. 4 ‘you' is regularly used with the contrast particle -t, whereas uj} ‘you’ must always be used with the subject particle -7}. A person addressed as 14 or is always a close friend or an inferior of the speaker. 2 So vi v7", 7}al “ban” la tix duge ding cia nam gidi va chi thudng duge ding trong pham vi ngudi lén hon véi néi chuyén ngudi nhé hon. Tuy nhién, di khi no duge ding givta nhimg ngudi ban than dé dua vui. No eding duge ding khi dé cap dén ngubi cé dia vi x4 hdi thap hon hoge cp dudi. Né duge ding hoac véi -7} hode -+=. Comparing to "13", 2}: ‘you’ is a man’s word and usually used by older persons in reference to younger persons. How- ever, sometimes it is used between close friends for fun. It is also used in addressing persons of lower social status or inferiors. It is used either with -7} or -+= . 125 + (Gx - Bai tap (Exercises) 1 Bais} Bel FEE Apolo URL SPS Wo} wala B7] URE wih Shae, (22)2) He Se} wpa. 1) HR Saab ( is SRS atop aheh 2) 0) BE weho] aj awrt. (8) Be apd Sed. 3) Asie arb ach Case Egat. & $3t2 F Saste} (Rabe eh 2. BI Vel () Sal VAS eda wepo ay z f. aa] 2a B27] :0] 2-2 04) Relet. -1Ae ul Leo}eh. 1) 0} Stal Oh) aloleh a , 24 Sele epeayeyeh =e , 3) ef) Bo} oles ely? ‘ ) TH “4 ) 127 AIT Bae _ Bai 17: Ngon nga Han — (Korean language) + 0{9| - Tw vung (Vocabulary) + wy ee} rhe (to learn +a gan, ving in cn (near, around? + ae Kyongbokkung (the Kyongbokkung + wjsshef —: tuong tu (to be similar: «+ #4 - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) wheel BE NIA ANE eas RES: Ofte 714] 7}? & : tate) AY. BEE Sate a lu = Gshe weet gud. RIE: SUE feo] VEU}? & Qite 244 FA alee. aha: ate] ol gal Hla @ c Asis} wag cba hid. Manho: Ban dy dinh di dau va; John: Toi dy dinh dén trutmg. Manho: ‘Tai sao ban dén tru’ing? John: Toi c6 ¥ dinh hoe tiéng Han. Manho: John: Manho: John: Manho John: Manho : John : Manho John : 129 Trung hoc 6 dau? Trung hoc 6 gan Kyongbokung. Ban di hoc bang phuong tién gi? Toi di bing xe dién ngdm va xe buyt Where are you going? Tam going to school. Why are you going to school? Tam going to learn Korean. Where is the school? - The school is near Kyongbokkung. lg: pate] ols} we] r27) 27 al: SEola] A. Be] we) Peps ae Ss tees doy yzz).a? hu], 2Bapat wlset aE gles. of@ zo] weal A: oge}2} manyS Sse] e wo)’ ep a. 130 Os: ab AMM DES. Manho: — How do you go to school? John: Igo by subway and bus. shenneeneey Misook: —'Tiéng Han rat khac bi ng Anh, ding khéng?. Ann: Di nhién, ngi phdp rat khdc biét. Misook: — Cach phat Am va tit vung cling Ikhdc, ding khong? Ann: Phai. Nhung chting cing eé nhing diéu tuong ty nhau. Misook: — Tutong tuf cdi gi? - Ann: Tir “nhiéu" trong tiéng Anh 1a “go]’/ mani / (cong 6 nghia la "nhiéa") trong tiéng Han. Misook: — Diéu dé rat tha vi. tee Misook: Korean is very different from English, isn’t it? Ann : Of course. The grammar is very different. Misook: Pronunciation and vocabulary are different too, aren't they? Ann : Yes. But there are similar things, too. Misook : Which things are similar? Ann: Many in English is ‘fo)’ /mani/ in Korean. Misook: That's very interesting «+ 1 - Ngi phdp (Grammar) 1 Tiéu tic -2 | -3} “nhu hay gidng ahw” Tiéu tit -2} } -3} 20] mang nghia véi hay di kem. Tuy nhion tidu tit -9} | -3} 30] 6 trong tinh hudng khée (phy thude vao ngit cénh), c6 nghia nhu hode giéng nhu. The particle -2} / -3} 2°] : ‘like or as’ ‘The particle -9} / -3} 30] means with or accompanying. This particle -9} / -3} 0] in other situations (depending on the context), however, has the meaning of as or like. TUS USS AH Ags} eo] wei). Anh ta néi tiéng Han gidng nhu nguti Han néi He speaks Korean (just) as Koreans do. TL HAYS Obes} Sol sa S. Tdi thuong sinh vién dé giéng nhu con trai cia ti. I love that student like my son. ofals} ae] Qa) Joppa a Hay thie day sém nh ban da lam vao hém qua. Please get up early as you did yesterday. [213 eo] SRA AS BTS. Khong cé gi quan trong bang thii gian. There is nothing so important as time. 2 Gdc cba dong tir tan cing bing Verb stems ending in ‘-2'; PEC FE(CH) ‘sings, ‘calls? mas Bue. Toi da hat mot bai hat. I sang a song. WE Bee Soha Ban cé thé hat mét bai hat. You may sing a song. eS Self aya. Ban phai hat mdt bai hat. You must sing a song. - AS Ba] El. Béi vi ban da hat mét bai hat. Because you sang a song. 1) Khi gée cia dong tir tan cing la 2 due theo sau bing nguyén 4m ©] va cing lic dé duge ding trude bai nguyen Am -o}{-¢}) hay - 9 (--9), thi am tiét cudi -2 duge di thanh -z}(-e}) va phy 4m - 2 duge gap doi. When, the verb stem ending in = : is followed by the vowel ¢} and at the same time preceded by the vowel -o}{-}) or -2. (9), the final syllable -2. is changed into -z}(-2}) and the consonant - « is doubled. D2(ch) chon Iya 2) 133 choose Shar th. chon (n6). T I chose (it), Bet wala. C6 gang chon di. Try to choose, please. BIS $s Ban cé thé chon lya. You may choose. Behok puch. Ban phai chon lya. You must choose. . Khi gée ciia dong tir duge theo sau bing phy 4m hay nguyén am khac vdi -0], thi khéng cé6 su thay déi vi tri. When the verb stem is followed by a consonant or a vowel other than -0}, no such change takes place. a] v}Al412. Xin ding chon (n6). Please don't choose (it). neadgue. Toi s@ chon (n6). I'll choose (it) SLE}. Ching ta sé chon (né). 134 Let's choose (it). 227) Esse} Téi khéng chon (nd). I didn’t choose (it). + Q@Mi - Bai tap (Exercises) 1. B7)9} Zo] HS GY SS Ht Feyay wap] 7) Ba] a. 27) BBr} -Use BPE a BS) =U BFE (Beh) FE sty 1)‘ 2ery ee ac) ) SBh aa Uwe ( |) obich. » fen aa GS () este) eh 2. M71} Bel () Hel) Hola) PS LAS so] Wa) a. 27): (tah, 4h, ehcp) ~ ats} olaHe chee. D OVe, 4b Ech 2) OBA A WE A, EH >, AT, AEH 4) (dU, SA. Pe ShH) Alissa} & 2 Bai 18: Vao budi sang (In the morning) + 049] - Tit vung (Vocabulary) + Qiao) sim (early) + opah : duge si (pharmacist) + ahyep gap (to meet) + 3} phim (movie) 136 + of 2 vg (wife) + ay : gido vién (teacher) + 3a : nha hat (theater) + ¥S - Cach phat am (Pronunciation) Awd ar abteuc BAUS 73] ae 248: 014 QA} ete] AU ee: Rado!) APE a olga} daa aut Hale Saoly lahdeh al gas Saadeh andes Fe de sl Bak: A patel] A) 7] ue}. So Ava Ach. 12] al ofa earch, ee oh, tela a? aad S 7} Ba] Fal) a. og ah: ui), ae} al B. 7HR ee} Ba a, sates Younghwan:Ban dinh di dau ma vao budi séng sém qua vay? Ann: ‘Tai dinh dn ngan hang. Younghwan:Ban dinh én ngan hang sém vay sao? Ann: Chung toi lam vige & ngan hang. Chéng toi cang 1a thu ky ngdn hang. Ban lam viée gi, Choi? Younghwan:Toi day hoc 4 trwing. Toi la gido vién tiéng Han Quéc. Va, vo toi 1 duge st Ann O,vay sao? Vui long day toi tiéng Han di Younghwan:Duge théi. Thinh thoang dén t6i choi di Younghwan Where are you going, so garly in the morning? Ann Tam going to the bank. Younghwan : You are going to the bank this early? Ann We work at the bank. My husband is also a bank clerk. What do you do, Mr. Choi? Younghwan : [teach at a school. ! am a Korean teacher. And, my wife is a pharmacist Ann Ah, is that so? Please teach me Korean. Younghwan : Yes, 1 will. Come see me from time to time. 138 2 seats Fle shiguy? gab: ale ahah. eat ASHE Bebeeh. & so] Patel PHISUH Awol Sabo] WHE. eJab: ul, alte abo Sabo) Yspe Boho = aby ygol.a7 Fae otal VEU 38: 913) aol DUE aby sae dale dolehe Shy, John: Hom qua ban lam gi Younghwan:Toi da gap mot ngusi ban. ‘Va chting tdi da xem phim. John: Ban di xem 6 rap nao? G Seoul ¢6 rat nhiéu rap chiéu phim. Younghwan:Phai, ching toi xem phim d “Rap Anbang’ (e6 nghia Ja "rap hat 4 trong phong") John: Rap Anbang? Né6 4 dau? Younghwan:G trong nha toi. Rap Anbang cé nghia 1a “ti vi". 139 John : What did you do yesterday? Younghwan: I meta friend. And we saw a movie. John : Which theater did you go to? There are many theaters in Seoul. Younghwan : Yes, we saw a movie at ‘Andang Theater’ John: Anbang Theater? Where is that? Younghwan: In our house. Anbang Theater means “television set”. * YY - Ngif phdp (Grammar) - 1. Céch ding tir 4-902) Nghia chinh cia 41 1 “ngudi nao dé chao dai true” hay “nhiéu tudi hon”, nhung ngay nay tir nay thuding 4m chi dén gido vin (theo truyén thong thudng 1a nguti nhiéu tudi hon eae hoc sinh cia ho é Han Quéc). Nhiéu tudi hon xting dang duge t6n trong trong xa hi A Dong. Léi ni kinh cén 41-34) thudng ding nhiéu hon +4 J va ludn duge ding khi xung ho v6i gido vién. Tuy nhién, khi mét gido vién néi véi gido vién khdc, khi mot ngudi nao cao hon vé than ph4n (sp ciia gido vién, cha me ...) dé cap dén mét gido vién hay gido vién néi én chinh minh, dang don gidn 44 duge ding. Usage of the word 4192): The original meaning of 4144 is “someone born earlier,” or “an et: der,” but nowadays this word usually refers to teachers (who are traditionally older than their students in Korea). 140 As elders are generally considered deserving of respect in East Asian society, the honorific "4443 is much more common than the plain 448, and is always used when addressing one’s own teacher. However, when one teacher addresses another teacher, when some- one of higher status (the teacher's boss, parents-in-law, ete.) ad- dresses a teacher, or a teacher refers to himself, the plain form ALAL is used. 1 MAA wel gla? Ong khoé khong, éng Park? (khong duce néi béi sinh vien) How are you, Mr. Park? (not spoken by a student) 2) aie tare] Bagadey Toi la gido vién tiéng Han. Tam a Korean (language) teacher. G2 - Bai tap (Exercises) wis} Ze} Fel7l HAS wee] BAS BA: A, Fe] Sat ~ Ale] Fe] ste] eh, | tt, Mal US es DY. Seb Naa, Fad 2s, ad 140 2. wis} zo] upzoy a wal A wi Us @oleh He algal = (RRA) UE A 1) Bale tspalelep. Qa} 2 £93 RS 2) AR Ach AF OAR MASS Fobgrey 3. UHR LYSE wheal) wa al wag. D aS Av aech, 2) ABS Cayo Vay 2. 3) a] aR} Boll VAhola. 4) Ra Erato A] gloy.2, 4. () ate] URL Ho] s wre] ay Be} Ha] 2. B77) Pe OTS 1 ( ) ast gleta? DC Ae Fobspay a? DC ae Sele? 4) ( ) ae] $872? S)( ) H2B oh alae 142 Fires SSAct - Nao ching ta cing hat (Let's sing a song) aa slal Gaal tat \ AVEAa Val) ad ol al Avtaul 143 A19s+ SS OB Bai 19: Ngan hang (Bank) 043] - TW vung (Vocabulary) + 2a) : ngay trong tudn (day of the week) + Belch : bai (to be wrong) + oat : ti8n lai (trén mOt khodn vay) interest (on a loan) +54 : con dau (stamp) 144 ey : lich (calendar) + ale tién gufi ngan hang (deposit) + AAA : mau dan (application form) + te - Cach phat am (Pronunciation) a Aas. ee} yaad aS Al S23] Fe slay - eya: yaaet A a} ele sg 139] Maelo] ea. Sagal oP uch. 681 184 q}uyeh AALS sa steyatyeh Al 8} Al7} BSE. ci of Aint SE stefo] 312] 92 salethie. 2 eee. 145 Sunhee: Hém nay 1a thir may? The ky: Thi hai. Sunhee: Thi hai, ngay mudi ba thang nam. Thu ky: Khong, ngay mudi tam théng su. Dé la lich thang nam. Sunhee: — TOi sai rdi ‘Tai sao lich cia thang vita réi lai con a6? Thu ky: Toi xin Idi. Toi sé déi ngay lap tue ateee Sunhee ; What day is it today? Clerk: It’s Monday. Sunhee ; Then, it’s Monday, May 13th Clerk : No, it’s June 18th. That's a May calendar. Sunhee : I was wrong. By the way, why is there last month’s calendar? Clerk; Lam sorry. I will change it immediately. 146 [Ae AL. A Selo] B-Fe] Fy} ol aby} Woba. Sunhee: Thu ky: Sunhee: Thu ky: Sunhee: Thut ky: Sunhee: Sunhee : Clerk : Sunhee : Clerk : 0) AAAS Aas. VALAAE ch eos. SAME PAL ae chet Fag, sul. AA7] ekeh slated &. Toi mudn md mét tai khodn Ban muén mét tai khoan thong thusng phai khong? ‘Toi muén mét tai khodn tiét kiem. Puge ri, ty 16 uu dai trong tai khoan tiét kiém thi cao hon tai khodn thong thung. Hay dién vao mau don nay. Tei da dién day da vao don réi. Dua cho tdi déng méc va ché mét lat nhé. Vang, tai sé ngéi 6 dang kia. I would like to open an account. Do you want an ordinary account? T want a savings account Okay. The interest rate is higher in a savings account than in an ordinary account, Fill out this application form. Sunhee : Clerk : Sunhee : 147 I've finished filling out the application form. Hand me your seal and wait a moment please. Yes, I'll be sitting over there. « #8} - Ngif phap (Grammar) 1. Trung t6 gid thuyét -3)- Thong thudng, trung té chi dinh -2]-, néi rd hay yéu céu myc dich eda chi ngi, ké hoach hay thdi biéu. Tuy nhién trung t6 -3- trong tinh hudng khdc, ¢6 nghia gid dinh hay phéng don The suppositional infix -7\- Generally, the intentional infix -3-, stating or asking for the subject’s intention, planning or schedule. The infix -7)- in other situations, however, has the meaning of supposition or conjecture. A Ao] Flo] z. ‘Toi cho rang cudin séch ¢ ding kia thi hay. I suppose that book over there is good. Fol w]7} VAHR, ‘Tri c6 18 sé mua vao bubi chiéu. It will (probably) rain in the afternoon. tel} SAO] Aol a. Toi nghi anh ta la sinh vién. I think he is a student, =o] 24 7H Lg. ‘Tai cho ring anh ta da di. I suppose (--) he must have (-3}-) gone already. 148 2, Trung té chi dinh -2- The intentional infix -7- Cau phat biéu Statements lal 7H a. ‘Toi cé ¥ dinh vé nha. T intend to go home. USTs Ses. ‘Toi sé hoc tiéng Han. Twill study Korean. aes Balada. Toi dinh day tiéng Han. - T intend to teach Korean. Cau héi Questions PLS sp )ael a2 Ban dinh lam vide gi? What do you intend to do? fle £4)? Ban sé @ day phai khong? Will you be here? USWS THI) MIL? Ban sé hoe tiéng Han phai khong? Will you study Korean? 149 3. Gée dong tir + -o}{-0},-0J)oF29 o}.2. : (c6 thé) sé phai ‘The Verb stem + -0}(-¢4,-0})o} 4 o}.@: will (probably) have to. we] 7hopaloy a. Ti sé phai di nhanh lén. Twill (probably) have to go quickly. UIDs FH alobgeis. Toi sé phai hoe tiéng Han. Twill (probably) have to study Korean. 71A}z Hohalo] a. Toi sé phdi dén bang xe Ita. T will (probably) have to come by train. FEE UA FPA OHM. Anh ta sé phai di ngi sém. He will (probably) have to sleep earlier. 1) Danh sy chi ¥ dae biét d0i vidi nhiing gi cing xay ra cita hai trung té -9}- (thi qua ‘khw) va -2]- (trung té gid thuyét) nhu duge minh hoa 6 trén trong vi dy cudi. Pay special attention to the co-occurrence of the two infixes -9}- (past tense) and -2)- (suppositional infix) as illustrated above in the last example. 2) Trong khi trung t@ chit dinh -J- chi duge dimg véi dong tir hanh dong va 4} , thi trung té gid thuyét -2- ¢6 thé duge dung véi bat ky dong tir nao. While the intentional infix -2)- is used only with action verbs and 3 , the suppositional infix -2\- may be used with any verb, 150 Chil ngir thudng 1a ngoi that ba. The subject is usually the third person. + OGmm| - Bai tap (Exercises) 1 CHEE PRS] ES] abo] gS lop wah. w]e Bly} eh “AVES Ht SANE. Due BUS SF eh ve ads + ade. 2 ya) AS Eats? ual 4G) SASS alate. Btls Eel Sch “AGS ESS too] Saleh. 3) 2, M719} 4ro] Aseell shay Bala. ve aad Sf $d. 1) Wal7} SRde|geow Bas pS AVA IA? 2) 222 SAUNT. 4S He HSE Aol asd 3) 10% 34L& FAA Uc}. 108 731-e SAE 151 A} 20 3} 2) Zh Bai 20: Théi gian (Time) + 019) - Tit vung (Vocabulary) + OR buéi chidu (afternoon) + up bén ngoai (outside) + sa 2 gid (wind) say : budi tai (evening) we : khong nhiéu (not very, not much) 152 udi ti (evening) owe : khong nhiéu (not very, not much} + Sc} :lanh, lanh léo (to be cold, chilly) sae : kem, nude dé (ice) « ‘8 - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) a eskeuet wpe 3 aaadad aay. 171: a alley. ofa] gt 2h. 3 a: dale say opp]: BE OF 6 A|Hol Palucp. og Rb: a]o) WA) 74] 10 B AM. 6AlAL 4) 50 HOY apt}. ey: ZAP SLANE}. HALE 6 A] Btol] SFU EH. Yop] AF 7] rpeI Aa. Younghwan:Cé éng Kim & day khong a? Me: Khéng, khéng c6. Ong ta chya dén. Younghwan:Ong ta sé dén vao lic ndo? Me: ‘Thong thudng, éng ta dén khoang séu gid chiéu. 158 Younghwan:Bay gid, da la bay gid kém mudi rai, Da tréi qua hon ndm musi phiit rdi. Me: DOi khi Ong ta dén tr8. Ngay hom qua ong ta dén lic sdu gid rudi Mbi ngéi va cha mét Lat. Younghwan : Is Mr. Kim here? Mother : No, he is not. He has not come yet. Younghwan : Around what time will he be back? Mother : — Ordinarily, he comes around 6 p.m. Younghwan : Now, it’s already 10 to seven. It’s already 50 minutes past six o'clock. Mother: — He’s late sometimes. Yesterday, he came at half past six. Take a seat and wait a moment. hy 4): baal, o]p]ud, chy ster. AB, oe. oyPyy] :o]a] 2a] a. AVA AA 2204.2. opal: we] 7iebel deus alse. Bohgueh. VS Be] aichela] astoia. ojo] : wae a7} o}ah 2? :#9R. wigto) Br age Beets. ah VAAN, ole) tGAlch ofp]: Fal As] a ab shag. BAYS eye. Ba: Ba, me. Con vé réi. Vo yeu. Anh vé réi. Me: Mi vao. Ong Choi & day. Ba: Ban chi lau phai khong? Toi xin 1éi. Younghwan:Khong, toi chy khong lau lim dau. Me: Thai tiét bén ngoai nhu thé nado? Ba: ‘Trai lanh, C6 gié va nhiéu bang. 0, éng Choi. Chung ta ngéi xudng day. Me: Trude tién, mii mot taich cd phé. Baa an t6i sé sém duge phye vu. tents Father: Father, Mother, Lam back. Honey, J am back. Mother: Come in. Mr. Choi is here. Father : Have you been waiting long? I am sorry. Younghwan : No. I haven't been waiting long. Mother: How is the weather outside? 155, Father : It's cold. It's windy and icy. Well, Mr. Choi, let's sit down here. Mother: — First, please have a cup of coffee. Dinner will be served soon. + Bi - Ngi phap (Grammar) 1. Nhitng tix duge phan loai theo nhiing cdch ding riéng biét. Trong tiéng Anh dién dat bén ty gidy, hai dau gia stic, vA mot binh dung sifa, cac tis ti, dau va binh déu néi lén cdc vat thude vé ban chat cia nhiing thi duge dém va don vi do ludng duae ding. Céc tit nay 1a ede ti duge phan loai riéng. Trong tiéng Han c6 nhiéu tif thuée loai dé. Hau hét chung duge ding véi sé tigng Han, chi mét sé it vdi sé dém géc Han. Trong bang liét ké dui day, hay ché ¥ dén cdc hinh thitte s6 dém khi ding trude mot sé tit duge phan loai riéng biét. a Classifiers In the English expression four sheets of paper, two head of cattle, and a pitcher of milk, the words sheets, head and pitcher tell us something about the nature of the things being counted and the unit used for measuring. These words are classifiers. In Korean there are many of them. Most are used with the Korean numerats, only a few with the Chinese numerals. In the list given below notice the shape some numerals take when occuring before certain classifiers. al al Al Al Uy A): gid (o'clock) ab aak FALE A alzb ul 412}: id (hour) ae FM AM WR: aa a AAR My ab nam (year) an (times) 156 az FA AB — Ah: goi (thudc...) pack (of ciga- rettes, etc.) SEAR AR A APR Ul ARE: ngudi (dan da) (people (plain) ee FR AB ul ¥: nguvi (kinh edn) (people (honorific) a vfs} Foe] A) be) ul) o}e}: con vat, con of (animal, fish) Ga FB AA) Ws nhay len, am thanh (lén, nh6) (bound, volume) aay Fa} AAR] ae nha 6 (house) + Gq) - Bai tap (Exercises)- 27) 9} to] EAP RS] Bas. 27) 29a] 1534 - oH A] 412 Buel. - oh Aly AL Be] abe. 4) 34] 45% 2) 12) 3) 114) SOR 4) 24] St + 2 Xte - Phdn bé sung (Supplement) * Cach tinh thii gian theo truyén théng eta cdc nude A Dong. ‘Truéc khi cé hinh thic tinh théig gian 24 gid cda ngudi Tay Phuong, nhing ngudi A Dong chia ngay thanh mudi hai phan bling nhau, goi 1a “4)", mdi phdn duge tinh theo tén mot con vat Khéc nhau. Tén cia nhiing con vat nay cing duge ding theo thi ty dé 4m chi dén cdc nam 1992 1a nam con khi. Mot cdch dé hai tudi cla mét ngudi 1A hdi ho duge sinh ra n&m nao (he 1a ‘t* gi). Ngutti nay dép lai véi tén eda con vat cong véi tif cua tiéng Han ‘u}* (vi du nhu 1992 = 9) 40} )) Traditional Time-keeping in East Asia Before the advent of the 24 hour Western system of time-keeping, East Asians divided the day into twelve equat parts, called “2)" and each given the name of a different animal. These animal names are also used in the same order to refer to the years. 1992 is the year of the monkey. One way to ask a person's age is to ask in which year they were born (what ‘a}" they are). The person, responds with the Korean name of the animal plus the word ‘x’ (e.g. 1992 = 4140) ). 158 (Gung “Hoang dao” Thai gian Nam clia ngay a | al comchvst | apa] 23-14] | ala 1972, 1984,» Sle comb) [aay i- aa} [ay 1973, 1985, aja concop | qla} 3-54) | a 1974, 1986, - | Sa conthd | Ba) 5-72] | Bret 1975, 1987, -~ al | & coming | 314) 7-94] | Bel 1976, 1988, -- at fe coneén | Apx] 911A) | ey 1977, 1989, ~ | conga] 2} 11-134] | aay 1978, 1990, Pl | conciu ] BJA] 13-154] | oFai 1979, 1991, Al | algo] conkhi | Ala} 15-174] | Fe] 3h 1980, 1992, | at conga | #4) 17-192] | te 1981, 1993, e| am conchs | #24] 19-214) | hall 1982, 1994, ++ a | 41 conton | HAL 21-234] | salah 1983, 1995, -» a21st Be A Bai 21: Thife an (Food) o49| - Ti vung (Vocabulary) ala) + aby rac} he ral : bita An (meal, dinner) mi thap cm (chop sueysooy]) :eay (to be hot, spicy) : sau, sau khi (after, later) :mén thit ham (stew) 160 + eal : ky ning, ky xdo (skill, deftness) + aber : dita (46 An com) (chopsticks) * ‘2 - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) AR] aarp ayeal wee: ohal, ala] uaa. aeopey a): 94, of} aha} BR soles abel Baa. oii: all, of7] ale}. Wals] elo}e}. ohya] :o]pju, olat S pala sa, ayy oF stg) Fu. We APALE. UPS 2. WU $4] Sal} a Soha, Manho: Ong a, bita An da sin sang réi a. Ong: Nao ching ta cing an. Manho: Me a, nhanh len. Me: Vang, day nay. An cham cham thdi. 161 Ba: Me a, mai me ding thir mén nay Ba U, mén thit ham rat thom ngon. Manho: — Mén Chapebae cing rat ngon. Me nau an rt tuyét. Manho: Grandfather, dinner is ready. Grandfather :Yes, let's eat. Manho Mother, please hurry. Mother: Yes, here you are. Eat slowly. Father : Mother, taste this please. . Grandmother: Yes, the stew is very tasty. Manho: The Chapchae is also tasty. Mother is a very good cook. $olshil.a? a] ab eucy Mal BF SAS Sopspa] ay gd Age as S48 1 eu al Mol Ae ES SS gh ea ae Wud Aa) Dold BSE BAS OS Hoh god a, Al7}ate] ghola. Al) Sell a7} Sal a. ereeereeee Sunhee: Ban thich thifc an nao? Ann: ‘Toi thich moi thd. Sunhee: Ban cé thich thie an Han Quée khong? Ann: C6, toi rat thich, —— Nhung né6 qua cay. Sunhee: Ban c6 thudng an thie 4n Han Quéc khong? Ann: Toi thuéng An thie an Han Quéc vao bita trua. Sunhee: Ban khéng an thie an Han tai nha a? Ann: Khong, toi khéng thé an thie an Han 6 nha. Ching tai khong ¢6 dia Sunhee: Tdi sé dua cho ban sau. Sunhee : Which food do you like? Ann: I like everything. Senhee : Do you like Korean food? ‘Ann Yes, I like it very much But "s too spicy. 163 Sunhee : Do you eat Korean food often? Ann T often eat Korean food for lunch. Sunhee : Don't you eat Korean food at home? Ann : No, we can not eat Korean food at home. We don't have chopsticks. Sunhee : I will give you some later. + Gx - Bai tap (Exercises) 1. HE 719} zo] Mabe Uwe] LAIR, 27] sell, heh (te) ele otal) = ofp, Reals 1) 6]e), eb (oho al AE ot al) Sole} (VE Ze] Ha Saja) 3) Aol, Bo) HE Caled a) 2 FRO SY QE WS TE. 2) Vay BA 1) Saleh, Baal 2lehst af BSoh Aaa] Deb HAL 2) add, hide] 774-4) 2? AAW. ho] FAH? 3) BE BA? Ae. EA EU 164 4) Stok 2), gbe7) 4] Beh teueh. opi], daz} AE Hobe 3) Ho eto] ala]? Sol 20) 9h? + 42 xtz@ - Phan bé sung (Supplement) 2 USES] bs aba (2): SES] 71} ab EAE Saat ololay Bye wah VF Yor whe we yee We ge] Ae 2 47b ELON BE ER 4 “Ten goi” trong quan hé gia dinh (11) Nhu duge dé cap dén trong bai mét, cdc tir biéu thi méi quan hé trong gia dinh duge nang cao dan. cde tif sau tyong duong ting tir mot véi tir tiéng Anh “cd, di” va “cha, bac”: Names for Family Relationships( II ) As mentioned in Lesson 1, words denoting family relations are quite highly developed. The following words all correspond to the English word ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’ respectively: Jo] 2] cd, di (aunt) of ashe at ony z}2] 2) el ‘Vo cia anh trai bs (Father's older brother's wife) ole] $2) Fel Vo cia em trai bé apeolmu, Gs. (Father's younger brother's wife) 165 ob z}2] og Chi gai ciia be oad Father's sister uel hu. eg opiuel lu. beg Ao Chi gai cda me Mother’s sister ey] 2] ba} ai} o} eed oes) eat eae ae Vo cia anh em trai me Mother's brother's wife 230] 9) cha, bac (uncle) ol) ad He obmals} Anh trai cla bo (Father's older brother) ops] z}e] Ba Em trai cia bo (Father's younger brother) Sus} bal Chéng cua chi be (Father's sister’s husband) [aug | oaacee | ores) va} al rn Anh em trai cia me (Mother's brother) Mothers br ole) al Chéng ciia chi me (Mother's sister's husband) A223 Al Bai 22: Mia (Season) + 019} - Ti vung (Vocabulary) + Ala: mila (season) + a}ses}c}: dm Ap (to be warm) Ta: di boi (swimming) Balatcf: khong thuan tign, khong dé chju (to be uncom fortable) + Qa: néng (to be hot) 168 + 2)@8}x}: anh (to be cool) « #t& - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) ‘3h Helstc} apa F obbsL: Dal7} HER. Us] alee i}, US 7b A Fehn, Ale] Usb} FBlsts, zp Alley SS ae) Wet fae US) Daye clu] a? 2748? _ 2 DES] ee 21S el abet Aol 7} ward. ey a7} AR He) HAE Uses] w+] gp wl Eat veh e] es aepe asp yao] @ Basle se. of Ab ad: 2B 2]_R. of, 247] HAZ} Sha. ») i Rial ea. eet Asako: Thi tiét tot. G Han Quée thdi tiét ludn Wt phai khong? Misook: Phi, thai tiét rat tot ¢ Han Quéc, Su thay déi cua mila thi rat rd rét, va mdi mua déu 6 gid tri riéng biét. Thai tiét 6 Nhat ra sao? Asako: G Nhat, thai tiét khde nhau tit khu vue nay qua khu vue khde. 169 Nhung thoi tiét khu vue noi ti dang sdng thi tuong ty véi khi hau d Han Quée. Misook: Vay thi ban sé khong thay bat tién lim khi song 6 Han Quéc. Asako: Vang. 6, xe buyt dang dén. Misook: Mdi ban lén xe tude di Asako ; The weather is nice. Is the weather always nice in Ko- rea? Misook : Yes, the weather is very nice in Korea. The change of seasons is distinct, and each season has its merits How is the weather in Japan? Asako ; In Japan, the weather differs from region to region. But the weather of the region where I live is similar to the weather of Korea. Misook: Then, you must have less inconvenience living in Ko- rea. Asako: Yes. Oh, the bus is coming. Misook: After you. PARSE: Bh, OLS, AHR, AS Falla) oft MALL Hobspal a? | HR ALS Foballa. AY 2)eh, a BE Fopa 2. ols. ade 7a) Hops a7 170 AE HS Lge] SOR, ASS HIS A+ ales ABAD AVE EE FopA. AGU, 9 ASS Hosp? ©) gp: as Aalst SoheH.a. Asako: Mua nao ban thich: mia xuan, mua ha, mia thu hay mia dong? Misook: Ti thich mia dong lanh léo. Tuy nhién, t6i cing thich mia xudn Am dp. Ban thich mia nao nhat? Asako: Ti thich mia hé nang néng. Ching ta cé thé di tam bién vao mia he. Tuy nhién, toi cing thich mia thu mat mé Ly do, tai sao ban thich mua déng lanh léo vay? Misook: ‘Tdi thich trugt tuyét. Ching ta c6 thé trugt tuyét vao mia dong. Asako: Which season do you like: spring, summer, autumn or winter? Misook: I like cold winter. However, I like warm spring, too. Which season do you like best? Asako: I like hot summer. We can go swimming in summer. 171 However I like cool autumn too. By the way, why do you like cold winter? Misook: I like skiing. We can enjoy skiing in winter + 241 - Ngif phdp (Grammar) fu tric chi kha nang -2($-) $(7}) gle}: “6 thé lam nhu vay”, “didu nhu vay c6 thé Lam”. The potential - 2(2-) 4-(7}) 9lt}: ‘can do so-and-so’, ‘so-and-so can do’ AIS 12 S0b USHUEh. Toi cé thé an trua. - Tean eat lunch. Ae 2 7 Weep. ‘Toi khong thé di bay gid. T can't go now. AE Azle US FOP USE. Toi cing c6 thé 6 lai day. T can stay here, too. Ax 7 he HP dare. ‘Toi ciing khong thé é lai day. I can't stay here, either. 1) Cau trac chi kha nang - a(S) <-(7}) Qe} duge ding véi dong tir hanh dong cing nhu véi dong tir 9]- va c6 thé biéu thi kha nang cia mét hanh dong hay mt trang thai. Dang phi dinh cla né 1a - 2%) 4A7h) She}. Tiéu tir -7} diing sau 4~ 6 thé khong ding eang duge 172 The potential - 2 (-&) +-(7}) 3h} is used with action verbs as well as with the verb 4]- and indicates possibility of an action or state, Its negative form is -2(£) (7) Wet. The particle -7} after 4- is optional. 2) Cau trie chi khd nang -& 4(7)) cH Se} duge dat sau gée dong tir tan cing bing mot phy Am: 244(7}) ale}/gle} duse dat sau gée dong tir tan cing voi mot nguyén am 4471) eH @E} after verb stems ending in a conso- nant: 2-7) QeHee} after verb stems ending in a vowel. 3) Thi thugng duge thé hién 6 dong tir cudi 3Lt}. Xem cde vi dy sau: The tense is normally expressed in the final verb Wt}. See the following examples: a AS ae Ch aeders. Toi c6 thé di ngay luc dé. I was able to go at that time. cL] oO] AS Bt HP US a 2. Anh ta cé thé lam diéu nay. He is probably able to do this. Eto] 2 FOP MAAS. ‘Toi nghi anh ta cé thé di. I think he can go. i7t However I like cool autumn too. By the way, why do you like cold winter? Misook: I like skiing. We can enjoy skiing in winter « 4 - Ngif phap (Grammar) 1, Cau trie chi kha nang -2(-2) 4(7}) gle}: “ed thé lam nhu vay”, “didu nhu vay c6 thé lam”. The potential - 2 (8) 447}) 9le}: ‘can do so-and-so’, ‘so-and-so can do’ AS AS FC) ded. Téi cé thé An trua. T can eat lunch. ala 7D Bae. ‘Toi khong thé di bay giv. T can't go now. AS 7) WS FOP Us. Toi cing c6 thé 6 lai day. I can stay here, too. As 7) VS POD Ase. Toi cing khéng thé @ lai day. I can’t stay here, either. 1) Cau trie chi khd ning - 2%) =(7) att duge ding voi dong tit banh dong cing nhu véi dong tit 9]- va cé thé biéu thi kha nang cia mot hanh dong hay mét trang thdi. Dang pho dinh eda né la -2(&) (7H) Qe}. Tidu tir -7} dmg sau 4- 06 thé khong ding cing duge. + 01G4| - Bai tap (Exercises) 1 BAS} Vol he VAS S wo} May a. B27) 28 BE Meh e #o] BARS ch] of wag. 2. B13} ate] (9) Bal al! 27) Wed a7 HD. “Ha dal} Sala. 1) a= Apel] (ep, 2D WAVES el] (Sep. 3) Le fa) o]P] AP Atel] (APBED. 4) WS BY EAE (alah). 3. CHE BS hal Bal} a. 1) ols AALS 7h Fos} 2? D Fs Hs spa] a? MASS Fels} 2? 4) Bole Ue] eo} mda 27 175 A)233} ok OF - ai 23: Hiéu thudc (Pharmacy) + 049] - Tit vung (Vocabulary) + Bar}: bi bénh to be ill, sick (hon.) + cpalcf: bi dau (to get hurt) + ay: cam lanh (cold) 176 + oF thutic (drug) hr}: gay dau (to be painful) %pA]Cp: gui (to sleep (hon.)) + al: ho (cough) 2]. Y#: thé bdo hiém y té (medicare card) » 4S - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) Bao A aap araler a org achat. B] >: Qhtg 3} 4) 2? ofc} 7} Wea 2? Ag: 0] 4d8b i] W471 Ee] obsh a. LAe& chal4e] a? sof 4s, 23a] oa. nS: o}a) RB HE B01-92 oh], Ale] AeyAA? Ada): la) Sail} wake] a. aeHAl EH Ao1.a. ey 7S SD MBE o}spa. alae yp RS S zo] Baa? ALS]: SLU TH. trees Misook: Ban khée khong. Ban cdm thay dau 6 dau? Sunhee: Misook: Sunhee: Misook: Sunhee: Misook: Sunhee: Misook : Sunhee : Misook : Sunhee : Misook : Sunhee : Misook : Sunhee > 177, Ky la, mat téi ty nhi bj dau. Ban cé bj thuong mt khong? Khong, t6i khong bj gi cd. Dem qua ban khéng ngi duge phai khong? Hay ban ¢6 bi nhi&m lanh khong? Hém qua téi cé nhiéu bai vé nha. Vi thé, téi khong thé ngi Va, toi bi ho va dau dau. Tdi sé cho ban ding {t thuée nhé? Duye, cdm an. How are you? What's the matter(Where do you feel the pain}? Strangely, my eyes hurt suddenly. Did you injure your eyes? No, I did not. Didn’t you sleep well last night? Or else, did you catch acold? Thad a lot of homework yesterday. So, I couldn’t sleep. And, I have a cough and a headache. Shall I prepare some medicine for you? Yes, thank you eee 178 AA fo) Baa. olte el obs al aa) qbalola. aelyl Seta? Lor LF SUS Aaa. Dol aa S salle. a}: obzbo) BY ebal7i.a? BBYSO) ed 1400U Heh. aa} :o}7] alot a. FU, SIR eh. M’sook: — Thuée ctia ban day. Sunhee: Tai ding thuée nhu thé nao? Misook: Dung Va nhé cai nay vio mat khi bj dau. Sunhee: Toi hiéu réi. Vay tdi sé da hon chi”? 4i nay sau khi an, Misook: Ban sé sém hét bénh thoi. Vé nha va nghi ngoi. Sunhee: Thude nay bao nhiéu tién? Misook: Néu ban e6 bao hiém y té, thi 1.400 won. Sunhee: —_Tién day. 179 Misook: Buge, cam on. Misook : Here is your medicine. Sunhee : How do I take the medicine? Misooh: Take this after eating. And drop this into your eyes when they hurt. Sunhee : I see. Then, will I get better? Misook ; You will get better soon. Go home and rest. Sunhee : How much does the medicine cost? Misook: If you have medical insurance, it’s 1,400won. Sunhee : Here you are. Misook Yes, thank you. « 1 - Ngf phdp (Grammar) 1. Cach noi gidn tigp - 51 sfc}: “Mot ngudi nao do noi ring” Khong khé dé hiéu mau - fr}, n6 thuting di vdi kigu ndi chuyén gidn tip (ngoai trir mot it trudig hgp, nhu... trong trudng hop dong tif -o]- 4 thi hién tai va dang ménh lenh). Mét s6 lai trich din lap lai chinh xéc ede tir cia ngudi n6i. Tuy nhién, véi su trich din cia nguéi Han, theo phong cach than mat, thuéng dua ra y chinh cita edi gi hay diéu gi duge néi, tir quan diém cia ngudi dua ra Idi trich dan d6. Lai trich dan van gitt lai thi gée. The indirect discourse -31 sc}: “one says that” 0. It is not difficult to understand this pattern. 9. 8}c} which is usually attached to the plain style to express indirect discourse (except in a few cases, e.g., in the case of the verb of the identifica- tion -0]- in the present tense and unperative form). Some quota- tions repeat the exact words of the original speaker, However, a Korean quotation, particularly in the informal style, usually gives the gist of what is or was said, from the point of view of the person reporting the quotation. The quotation does retain the tense of the original * Dang tuding thuat gidn tip: The declarative indirect discourse form. 1) }atel) Zbepat Bye. Anh ta néi anh ta da di hoe He says he went to school. aol] pach sr yet. C ‘Anh ta néi anh ta sé di hoe. 2d He says he will go to school. 3) ARS] ayolebe ayep Anh ta néi anh ta la sinh vién. He says he is a student 4) 26] eyelgerw Yue} Anh ta nj anh ta da IA sinh vién He says he was a student. Chi thich: Dang -(o})2}3t 3}r} nay chi duge ding trong trudng hgp dong tir néi -0]- ¢ thi hign tai (-z}-9 s}r} dat sau cdc dudi tir tan cing bing nguyén am: -o]z}7 8}c} dat sau cdc dudi tit tan cing bang phy Am). Trong tat cd cdc trudng hgp khac tan 181 cig - 3. #}v} duge di lién ngay sau dang tuimg thuat cia dong tu, The ~(0])2}3t 8}¢} shape of this ending occurs only in one case with the copula -0]- in the present tense (-2}-2 abc} after nominals ending in a vowel; -0]2}. 3}c} after nominals ending in a consonant). In all other cases the ending -31 8\c} is attached directly to the plain declarative form of the verb + Q1qt2M) - Bai tap (Exercises) ( dell Sede eto WI) ARE, Aleh, He], ole], ey LC) ul7h skerd #alep, DC Vul7b Aaa ay? . 3)( 9h} 2} 3] abel) Yh 4) Ast] of 141.22 (7h etebep 227) 3} eo] Babe wpe} af wala = Wiel aad, Pel} obs ENS Bil Bey A rjel7t beeps BR. WEE ofa Ae REE Ho) obs. BaloiA Zeb are Asay Mays. 182 3) AQLe BS UP Bo] Boys. MLS Ho] obsh. a 3. B7ls} qo) FES a edes wa was. B7peke seals. Hag, =k a AAS. 1) eo] BS YOR. cpa] og. 2 WS AMAA ASH eb. 183 AL24 PW A Bai 24: Xe buyt (Bus) +» 049) - TW vung (Vocabulary) of 3 san bay (airport) + aelrp chiém (thé gian) to take(time! 184 + asa: khu vue, tram (station) + AlSe]: tram Souol (Seoul Station) + she}: duing (to be right) zach di thang qua (to go across, go over) * se - Cach phat 4m (Pronunciation) 3a aalurt stele} ane ths : Sab rsa] guy BALA Be MAS eb. & he :ae}ed alate] dehy aaa Pay ade), # Sela AL SelPAnS of gai] aA? ASLS eb. whee. John: ‘Toi di dén san bay nhu thé nao? Manho: Dén sdn bay bang xe buyt tai tram Seoul. John: Vay sé mat bao lau? Manho: John: Manho: John: John Manho : John Manho : John : Manho : dJehn : 185 mit khodng mét gid. ‘Tir day dén tram Seoul bing phuong tién nao? Di xe dign ngam. Cam on. How do I get to the airport? Take the airport bus at Seoul Station. Then, how long will it take? It will take about an hour. How do I go to Seoul Station from here? Take the subway. Thank you. ora [eV Sab AS a guy ES 8, 7 SY AE ASU. P77 AS Se] Rae? ASAo] Sp var} glebw SAS o1Re AAC] Beh BA ASA BH] fel RYU, ob ad 9] John: Hanh kha John: Hanh kha John: Hanh kha John: P. ssenger: John Passenger : John: Passenger: 22] *) SOL AS 186 BERS Sabb) 7? ofS. A 7}A41 600M) BAS Epa a. Xe buyt o day dua tai dén sin bay phai khong? ch: Khéng, xe buyt dén san bay khong d day. Day c6 dung la tram Seoul khong? ‘Toi nghe néi xe buyt dén sn bay di ngang tram Seoul ch: Day & tram Seoul Tuy nhién, cé nhiéu tram ditg xe buyt quanh Seoul. Vay, chuyén xe buyt nam miuoi mét sé dua toi dén san bay chi? ch: Khong, hay di ngang qua dung va dén xe s6 600. Do I take the airport bus here? No, the airport bus doesn’t come here. This is Seoul Station, right? T heard the airport bus passes Seoul Station. This is Seoul Station. However, there are several bus stops around Seoul Station. Then, will that bus no. 51 go to the airport? No, cross the street and take no. 600. 187 #241 - Noi phap (Grammar) Dang tudng thuat nghi vn gin tiép: The interrogative indirect discourse form: 1) Sse) 7eUE eet. Anh ta hdi e6 phi ban (anh dy, c6 Ay) di hoc khong. He asks if you (he, she) go to school. 2) Syste seu bon Beh ‘Anh ta héi xem ban da di hge chua. He asks if you (he, she) went to school ciate) SPUD Ud. ae ta héi ngudi dé ta ai, . He asks who that person is. . Dé trinh bay dang néi nghi van gidn tiép, mau chi 31 8} c} duge gin tryc tiép véi dang cau hdi ciia dong tif mot cach ro rang To express the interrogative indirect discourse, the pattern -51 3} t}s attached dirrectly to the plain question form of the verb. Dang tuding thudt lai dé nghi gidn tiép: The propositive indirect discourse form: 1) Stel] 7}ap at Ah}. Anh ta néi, “Ching ta hay di hoc”. He says, “Let's go to school”. 2) AAS Babs et. Anh ta néi, “Ching ta hay an trua”. He says, “Let's eat lunch”. 188 3) Well ghahat eye}. Anh ta n6i, “Ching ta hay & nha”. He says, “Let’s stay home”. Chit §: Dé trinh bay dang dé nghi tryc tiép, mdu chit - 7 8}c} duge di kém tryc tiép dén dang cau héi cla dong tix mot cach ro rang. To express the propositive indirect discourse, the pattern 1 Sc} is attached directly to the plain question form of the verb. 3. Dang tuéng thudt ménh lénh gidn tiép: The imperative indirect discourse form: 1) ste 7Fe}at het. Anh ta néi, “Hay di hoc” : He says, “Go to school”. a 2) AAS Rees Bd, Anh ta n6i, “Hay &n trua”. He says, “Eat lunch”. 3) US SP shep a Buch. Anh ta néi, “Hay hoe tigng Han”. He says; “Study Korean”. 4) male 7)epe] pat that. Anh ta néi, “hay dgi trong phdng hoc”. He says, “Wait in the classroom”, Chi $2 1) Dang ménh lénh gidn tiép duge chi ¥, -31 3}c} khong due di kém véi dang ménh lénh mot each ra rét. 189 As far as the imperative indirect discourse is concerned, - 3 8} is not attached to the plain imperative forms. 2) Dé trinh bay dang ménh lénh true tiép, -(2)2}3. 3}e} di kem véi tir gée cla dong tu. To express the imperative indirect discourse, -(2)2}32. 3t} is attached to the verb stem. 3) -2}51 sfc} sau tir géc cia dong tit tan cing véi nguyén Am, -(2)2}52 8}e} sau tir géc iia dong ti 1a phy am. -2}31 3}e} after verb stems ending in a vowel; -(£)z}31 3}t} after verb stems ending in a consonant. 4. Bay gig chung ta cing so sénh dang ménh lénh vdi dang ménh lénh truc tiép, chi ¥ dén sy thay déi nguyén am mot cach dc bigt. - Now let’s compare the plain imperative forms with the imp"erative indirect discourse, particularly noting the vowel changes. Dang ménh lénh bink thutng: Plain imperative forms: AAS oleh Ze delet. Dang ménh lénh theo 16i n6i gidn tiép: Imperative indirect discourse forms AAS Yoeke tug LE lea yu. 5. Dang ménh lénh gidn Khac (dang lich sy): Another (polite) imperative indirect discourse form: 190 1) ead & Bod She} gh ]ry. Anh ta néi, “Vui long chi cho ti diéu do” He says, “Show me that, please. 2) Uaehs 72a Pepe sch. “Vui long day tiéng Han cho tai” Anh ta né He says, “Teach me Kerean, please”. Chit $2 3}¢} di kém true tiép voi dang ménh lénh binh thugng ova dong tit Qe}, The pattern -. 8}c} is attached directly to the plain impera- + Gem - Bai tap (Exercises) 1. 8719} geo) wo} x) Mas. 271: PIE Go} ay he F Roh ebSL ate. 7} eh Deh 1) o} Bale] A aide] leu at = shal ARgo|/Eadet = SEAL ab gbo} etch, 2) 1% ze] AALS 7H Qo]r} apeltad: ~ AVL ARtOL/91 ch 27k Fee)/8] Ac} 4) ohio} head 7} ech = slab, esl 5) tel Alo 7/2}. ~ aha eadeh = a7 Haba CH. 4% xt - Phan bo sung (Supplement) efe}o) ole) cebeP ee BAHe fel oes Ae seh Nghia khac nhau cia dong tit ‘e}c} Different meaning of the verb “eh Lt) 0} the} baal) she dét chay (to burn) al) t0] ee} 1.2) $A) ago] sich. lo Kang (to be anxious) a) $e] ee} 1.3) abete) ato Seb bi ram nang (to be sun-tanned) A) AF RLS & Fo) DH Efe} 21) Sb ol BS ale. cudi ngya (to ride in) al) a] 28 ele 2.2) (2ajo) 44 Bul Z) ele} Felt. gi lyst qua (to slide) oll) Bohs ehh 3.1) ofl eS heh. pha hily (to be paid) at) a ett 3.2) BH ARS ee} gianh gidi thudng (to win a prize) of) be chet 3.3) & Sel] le] rh. pha véi chat long (to mix with a liquid) of) ASL ebc+ Mot chit lam c&-phé (One makes coffee). 192 a2 tS Bai 25: Trang phuc Han Quéc + 049] - TY vung (Vocabulary) + abe: do quan truyén théng cia ngudi Han Quoc (Korean iraditional clothes) + a)e}: vay (skirt) + of Sele}: di vdi (to go with) + aa: ngay 18 hOi (festive day) + eal: bit tat truyén théng cha ngusi Han (Korean trad. socks) + ajme]: do vét truyén théng cba ngusi Han (Korean. trad. jacket) + ope: mét bd quan do (a suit of clothes) + opt vé (socks) do choang truyén théng cia ngusi Han (Korean trad. coat) + tS - Cach phat am (Pronunciation) zd ohBSHES. ae BE ee so] zo] abst RYU aE Obs als} sul, o1zle] atolls. She R., a ole Mel a? Be} Falta? 413] : 047] 0] 210] 44 ate}o) 51°] 229] 2) Ph eH @. PE epee. 0] SF AES 41h et. wo) aN a dels NS we] a) Ann: Day 6 phai la trang phuc Han Quéc khéng? 194 N6 v2 Ann: Sunhee: Ann: Sunhee: Ann: Sunhee: Ann: Sunhee: Ann: Sunhee: Ann: Sunhee: Ann: Sunhee: dep. Vang, dé la dé Hanbok (Han phyc). Day 1a edi gi? C6 phai day 1a do cainh khong? Day 1a Chogori, va day 1 Chima (vay). 6, phai. Chang khde véi y phuc Phuong Tay. Di nhién la khdc réi. Nhing ngu’i Han cé thuémg mac Hanbok khong? Trong qua khi, tat c& nguai Han déu me Hanbok. Ngay nay chting ti mac 4o quan Phuong Tay nhiéu hon, nhung vao cae ngay Ié hoi, chung tdi mac hanbok. tHe) Is this a Korean costume? it’s very beautiful. Yes, it is a Hanbok(Korean costume). What's this? Is this a blouse? This is a Chogori here, and this is a Ch ima(skirt). Oh, yes. They are different from western clothing. Of course they are different. Do Korean people usually wear Hanbok? In the past, all Korean people wore Hanbok. These days, we wear western clothing a lot, but for festive days, we wear Hanbok. peeeeerenne’ a AR AS Uo ola ald], Ge] Ao] o}-Sel7}-9.2 ae Fal al PBS glo] RAR. Abs WA] qa. Aste} WL. A ol Ae sola? prada? Ua]: DAS wy Alolehat aa. Fabs} Be ole) 2. dab aS of} gs} che2] 9 Ada]: “LHS. PARES AI veI 9} Pas go} s. @ :Q8e 128 Asa) $2] obs? FRE Vod 32) dohs.- Ann: Toi cing mudn mac Hanbok. Nhung khéng biét Hanbok ¢6 hgp véi toi khong? Sunhee: — V4y thi hay thit Hanbok cita toi trude di. Mac vay trude va sau 46 Chogori. Ann: Cai nay 1a gi? C6 phai vo khong? Sunhee: Ching duge goi la Poson. Cang gidng nhu vé théi. Ann: Hanbok cia dan ong 6 khée Hanbok cia dan ba khong? Sonhee: Di nhién 1a ching khae nhau. Dan 6ng mie Chogori va quan. 196 Ann: Néu ban mac Hanbok, ban khéng thay lanh vao mia dong sao? Sunhee: Néu ban mae Turumagi, ban sé khong thay lanh. dav. Ann: L would like to wear a Hanbok, too. But will a Hanbok look good on me? Sunhee : Then, try on my Hanbok first. Put on the skirt first and then the Chogori. Ann: What are these? Are they socks? Sunhee: They are called Poson. They are like socks. Ann. Are men's Hanbok different from women’s Hanbok? Sunhee: Of course, they are different. Men wear Chogori and pants Ann: If you wear a Hanbok, aren't you cold in winter? Sunhee: If you wear a Turumagi, you are not cold. + 1 - Noi phdp (Grammar) i. Lién tir diéu kién tan cing VS + -(2)R1 eu". The conditional conjunctive ending V.S. + -(2.)%3: “if” D) Aa ye] 7, Ae 7PMOLR. Néu thay gido di, em cing sé di. Tf the teacher goes, I will go, too. 2» aye] $29, wad Néu né tét, ching ta hay mua né. 197 If it is good, let’s buy it. Ho] APA Aa, LHe 2H Rabe Able} a. Néu anh ta mua déng hd, t6i sé mua chi 3) =. xe hoi. If he buys a wateh, I'll buy a car. 4) Eo) VO. S wel FAA. Néu ban c6 tién, cho toi mugn mét it. If you have money, lend me some please. Néu anh ta Ja nguivi Han, néi véi anh ta bing tiéng Han. If he is Korean, speak to him in Korean. Chis §: 1) Dang diéu kign -(2)R1 tuong ung _véi “néu” trong tiéng ‘Anh, nhumg né khong tuong duong hoan toan. No thuémg 4m chi dén mét truting hgp ca bidt. No e6 thé duge ding véi bat ky dong tir é moi dang. The conditional form -(.©.)"3 corresponds to the English “if”, but it is never equivalent to “whenever”. It regularly refers to a single instance. It may be used with any verb and ang form. 2) Néu chi ngif ciia ménh dé if khac véi cha ngit cia ménh dé chinh thi thudng dit tigu tir -e]/-7}. Néu cd hai chai ngil déu 1a mét, tiéu tir duge them vao chii ngir cla ménh dé if la — 2) The subject of the if-clause, if different from that of the main clause, usually takes the particle -°]/-7}. If both subjects are the same, the particle added to the subject of the if-clause is --&]-% AHO] Sain rae Néu anh ta dén, xin hay di. 198 If he comes, please go. URS TES ah+H, Paley a. Néu t6i gap anh ta, ti sé di If I meet him, I will go. 3) Trong tiéng Han ménh dé phy thude di truée ménh dé chinh, trong khi trong tiéng Anh thi ty cé thé dao nguge. In Korean the dependent clause precedes the main clause, while in English the order can be either way. 2. Danh céch: Nominal + -(6]) 221 1) Sa7]eba eat ale} a. Néu Ja Pulgogi, tdi rat mudn An. If you mean pulgogi, I'd like to eat it 2) AR Apeolepal, ehygloya. 7 Néu la ngudi Han, t6i sé gap ho. Hf you mean Korean people, I'll meet them. 2) GH SAolejel, Felolehs. wt alel.a, Néu la thie an Han, Toi sé an bat ct! mon nao. If you mean Korean food, I'll eat anything. 1) Mau danh each + -(0])e ha két thac mot ménh dé phu thude va duge theo sau béi ménh dé chinh. Dang mau nay tuong duong véi tir “néu 1a...” trong tiéng Anh. The pattern nominal + -(0])2}84 ends a dependent clause and is followed by a main clause. The pattern corresponds to En- glish “if one(you) means such and suc! 2) -2}ei dung sav danh céch tan cing bing nguyén am; -0]z}@ ding sau danh each tan cing bing phy am. 199 -2}9 after nominals ending in a vowel; nominals ending in a consonant. o]2}Ri after 3. V.S +-(2)e}3 “néu ngudi ta yéu edu ai dé lam diéu gi thi hay lam”. V.S +-(.2)2}8 ‘if one tells someone to do so-and-so" 1) 7S, 7H) 2. Néu t6i néi ban di, thi (ban) hay di. If i tell you to go, then (you) go. - 2) ehA, 2aR. Néu tdi néi ban dén, thi (ban) hay dén. If I tell you to come, then (you) come. 3) ole oe, laeueh. Néu ban ndi t6i an ci nay, thi téi sé an. If you tell me to eat this, then I'll eat it. 4) ©} ALE APE a1 e}a, 512) Ao} a. Néu ban néi t6i sita lai chiéc xe hoi nay, thi tdi sé sita n6. If you tell me to repair this car, then I'l repair it Cha §: 1) Phan dudi-(2.)2}"4 chi duge ding véi dong tir hanh dong, dé két thuc mét ménh dé phu thudc va duge theo sau la ménh dé chinh. Tiéng Anh tyong duong véi mdu nay 1a “Néu ngudi ta you cau ai dé lam diéu gi thi hay lam nhu thé di”, Non-final ending -(©)2}84 used only with action verbs, ends a dependent clause and is followed by main clause. The English equivalent of this pattern is “If one tells someone to do so-andso 2) -(2)2he 1a dang rit gon cia -(2.)2}32 3/41. Dong tir 200 ding véi - 2.) 2}a} duge lap lai trong cau ehioh. -(2)eha is a contraction of ~(2-)2}2 8a. The verb with ~(.2.)2}9 is repeated in the main sentence. 3) Thi duge trinh bay trong ménh dé cudi, khong ¢6 trong ménh dé phu thudc vi -(2.)2}a. Xem vi du sau: The tense is regularly expressed in the final clause, not in the dependent clause with -(2.)¢}4. See the following examples: hepa, 7} &. Néu t6i bai di, thi (ban) hay di. If I tell to go, then (you) go 7H PYAOLS Néu ban néi toi di, thi (t6i) sé di. If you tell me to go, then Tl go. 4) -2}m1 sau tir géc dong ti tan cing 1A nguyén 4m; -9 2}4 sau tir géc dong tit 1A phu 4m. verb stems ending in a consonant. + O1GSn| - Bai tap (Exercises) 1, 27) 9} 20] BAR wee} BAA. BI): Bel) F7HE RET. Bps}o} at zt Zlolch. - Fol] HIKE HLA, apspolol) zt glelet. 1) Wael Beaty. Soll Ss Rolct. 201 2 Wah ‘ th. yb dal 4) alk ch UE UES clade = aheua, + t2$ Abe - Phan b6 sung (Supplement) aye) 248) ‘Trang phuc Han Quéc. Korean Costume A Glossary of Vocabulary Danh muc tw ving 4 shop? .. 7 ~ bag. stint . 2 fall, autumn. 12 . 16 , a5, wo. 20 FIVER ose aed to be same wn a5 lie... 23 anxiety, worry. 9 health .. 1 to go across, go over Hh architecture ... 3 to take(time) a WINER... .roone . 12 to marry to be modest the Kyongbokkung... economics... calculation. 203 season. meat to choose .. notebook. airport... fruit ef cookey. 3 science €La887OOM sosessee watehing (games) SOUP Korean linguistics volume oo. to be cute, charming, lovely. orange -~ asitis... ek. but, however. “ee cLeeh to be sun-tanned. ach fo extinguish .... theater .. near, around here toend ... expectation, hope to raise feeling. a 204 21a train : 7a) COUBA & ve after, later ue four days wt ‘man .. & daytime seach tobe strange, N0f FAMILIA ss sesecseseies A wel iced noodles 10 =A tine 15 ech 10 plAY venenerrose a) ee basket ball... 2 eh 10 Pll, PACE srrnreseesrseees HE snow... 8 &) pact to be different. 5 chaleh to get hurt ... opseabe} to be warm ae differently, separately ee calendar ... wl strawberry. # cog, hen .. e SWEME rne alal instead of .... at college, university wget to be hot eh wholesale vpa}ch hte} neat wel 2 tet wach wal Sa os oe so 205 stamp 9 toarrive 19 Germany 8 fo take care Of wroscneseresee 12 Ori€n seosessetsoee 20 pig ‘ 20 Korean coat tobe fat to run, hop... backhill meaning mountain climbing ... 12 fm) 10. Be SHINY ce 16 to be obstructed, be blocked... et) 10 MCC session 18 to touch ... Is many s horse 20 10 BEFIGM cesses 24 to be hot. spiev.. . 15 festive day... oa day after tomorrow 19 to be ignorant of... 13 neck, throat pecarnanee B portion = a BODY cosssssecsseve ot what, what kind of. 7 eelah wie who 2A upeey wae ah west oI “4 wae} ah Gc} 4a 4 oa we. ya 3 . 16 outside. sea, ocean ... wind to be busy to receive to be bright right now ... schaol vacation, holiday .. bread ship, boat ... to be hungry. tolearn Korean socks not very, not much .. particular thing, something wrong usually .. spring to pull out, pluck to call Ah Ae ayagabe} se al 431 able we ae a4 aa alt ag wot ANG 2 a aaa eA ra 207 bulgogi : grilled beet to to be not well .. to stick to .. rain - to be similar, alike. airplane... apple . people to love. lion dictionary. society sociology shin dawn Seoul station .. teacher by any possibility sugar sleigh time .. cow introduction boy.. novel. skill, deftness .. swim., Bekaess 4 ee ach 4h veh “a Ae ajgatey ae qe 4 nF Au aly sad ob oh on ofa oyech ain] obs ob ot 208 mathematies 16 homework... 2 10 Ride ooesee 3 to takea rest ... 3 to be easy 9 towrite.... a) watch, clock. 5 countryside . 3 to be cool... 2 market 7 City Halt... a examination 9 family 3 meal, dinner 10 newspaper u written application 19 mistake. 7 & errand .. baby wife yet mornings to be painful, sore me gide drug. - pharmacist .... os 18 promise a> lamb 20 socks. 25 209 a suit of clothes which, what... to be dark... what place, where .. what, what kind o how . to be difficult. to be young, to match esterday... when, about what time. how long deposit. awork of art.... preparation(of lessons) . once upon a time. for along time the morning, a.m. afternoon ... to shout, ery out.. left side .. apt aispebe Zyl at aa aha 210 day of the week nowadays, these days Aragon ones umbrella SPOFE vr rrrenese playground... monthly salary money wn bank . medicare card . Chav aoe medical science ... like this, is this way... here, this way. story interest(on a loan’ to understand. ginseng tea doll. the first .. early... early fo put on... BREE ESAS Baiaka RB car. to boast.. in detail bicycle ... last year BRS Swot sleep... 2u1 to take, grasp .... to eat, have... chop sueylso0y]... 10) venssroee the rainy spell in summer .. POSE ss firewood . to be interesting, to be funny Korean jacket evening RSoakSn ERR i 5 Boo stop, station. please . homeland fq linia to graduate alittle tolike weekend... to sleep to be important .. mouse to pass by. subway ... stew eo meal, dinner .. 212 ala) to pick up ae tea % to be cold: 15 ahey to be good natured. 15 aac book... mI a the first . 18 am physical education. 12 ae foot-ball.... a as to be cold, chilly. 7 enough, thoroughly .. ae to play... ait Koréan skirt . ale friend ....2. aa bed... F Bx} Ee ee} to burn ee ht} to go on board... BR ap ping-pong, table-tennis ....... 2 ey) rabbit. 20 57) speciality Ba) especially eelch to be wrong... a wal gat z 3) eh} at )] ae a ape ory vA | et ast Sad vet 21 3 Hi arm... letter. to be sick . completely to be tired.. class semester ... Korean clothes alway: sea swimming sunshine... fragrance... by chance alone. conversation holiday power to be hard, difficult. 214 Cae diém ngit phap — reap) a ech 2a <2 ae} 2 aa zal «we a al wal UR a} ce) ui = sa «@) “22 Det -2/% FO) Bet 2/% 40) ale

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