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Characteristics of the Leprosy Miasm that are found in HIV

Sankaran: 'The feeling of the Leprosy miasm is of intense oppression, intense hopelessness, isolation and an
intense desire for change'.
Disgust. Great contempt. Isolation. Dirty Hunted. Intense hopelessness. Intense oppression
Tears himself. Bites. Mutilation Despair Outcast Sadism Repulsion Loathing Confine Castaway Seclude.
Some remedies: Secale, Hura, Ocimum-s, Aloe, Cicuta, Mandragora.
Humanistic and Cultural Aspects of the picture of AIDS in the UK.
The most horrendous Humanistic and Psychological aspects of the suffering of AIDS have been brought to the
attention of the Homoeopathic Community by Misha Norland in his study and proving of aids (1999). He points
out that we were all deeply shocked by the initial prospect of exponential contagion and the subsequent death
toll. Remember the demonisation of HIV in the T.V. Tombstone Campaign in 1996?
This blatant stereotyping exaggerated negative characteristics which stood out and was used to separate the
group from what is considered normal or acceptable.
It was as low on fact as it was high in the fear factor. Regardless of its original intention the whole unfortunate
campaign became reminiscent of "Crystal-nacht" in Germany ... and this had a huge Psychological impact on
the Public and even more so on many HIV suffers. Gay HIV patients became regarded as "other" more than ever
This all became part of the presenting picture and could also be considered as a maintaining cause in some of
the mental and emotional difficulties.
Misha's proving revealed many interesting themes, and it is interesting to note that it appeared in the same
decade that research began into genetic meddling across species boundaries to create GM foods. Breaking
Boundaries is therefore an important theme, and in particular the whole feeling of being on the outside and
having no defences seem to reflect the experience of immunological deficiency as a sensation of needing a shell
or barrier on the mental level :-Felt very exposed - I had no shell to protect me. I felt that I had lost my wall, my protection and my shell, and
there was a free flow of emotions both in and out. I was exposed, almost naked, with no control.
-It feels as though barriers between me and other people can come down with this man.
It appears that the taboo engendered by the Tombstone Campaign made AIDS sufferers feel even more
ostracised, and unwanted than ever,
- Began to panic about being rejected in the middle of the night. Panic lasted all day. Feel in need of loads of
- Had the desire to be alone. Felt different to and separate from other people. Felt very individual.
- The first thing I noticed after taking the remedy was before hand I had been very sociable and after taking the
remedy and about 10 or 15 minutes after, I started to feel very self conscious and kind of almost paranoid and I
went and sat in the corner.
- I imagined everything I said was wrong - that I had offended someone.
- Not connecting with people - feelings of isolation - felt, 'nobody loves me'.
These feeling even goes as deep as outright fear ...
- Feelings of paranoia. Felt lied to; that people were plotting against me.
- Fear of authority, adults, schooling. Feelings of powerlessness, vulnerability, failure.
Reckless behaviour is part of the macho image and an important factor in the transmission of HIV ...
- Normally feel easily rejected, now feel great. I loved being on my own. I felt like doing something mischievous.
I wanted to do something naked and extravagant. I had no embarrassment with nakedness.

Conclusion - Miasmatic Influences in HIV

Tuberculosis also has an inescapable diagnosis of an early death resulting in a hedonistic intensity for living life
to the full, so there is a logical affinity for the tubercular remedies. There is enough evidence of isolation and
estrangement here to suggest the AIDS really falls into the Syphilitic or Leprotic Miasm.
There is also enough to suggest that the breaking down of personal (as well as physical and immunological)
boundaries is a regression towards the Carbon Series - where the issue is of the definition and delight in the
Sense of Self. This regression seems to arise from a loss of Spirituality - materialistic selfishness.
Was Scholten's Iquilai remedy an element from Stage 11 (Del: appreciated not) with a Carbonate? (Germanium
has loss of boundaries). A mental profile derived from repertorising rubrics having the feelings of isolation in
AIDS gives Thuja, Positron and Carcinosin.

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