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Today people are not making proper use

of their mind, effort, position and wealth

(mati, gati, sthiti and sampatti). As a
result, they lose the sacred energy that
God has given and are also subjected to
misery and grief because of evil traits like
desire, anger and greed (kama, krodha
and lobha). You have absolutely no
control over your desires. When one
desire is fulfilled, you crave for another!
Anger is another evil trait which ruins
people. One with anger will not be
successful in any endeavour. They will
commit sins and be ridiculed by one and
all, says a Telugu poem. Hatred is more
dangerous than anger. It gives rise to
many evil qualities which come in the
way of experiencing Divinity. Do not turn
into a beast by allowing these wicked
qualities to overpower you. Constantly
remind yourself that you are a human
being and keep a check over your bestial
(Divine Discourse, Sep 10, 2002)

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