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Upon coming into class, the students would realize that for their morning work they
would be required to write at least 5 sentences about their favorite season of the
year. These sentences would be written in the students writing journals. After
completing their morning work, everyone would meet on the carpet to share their
sentences aloud with the class. After doing so, I would share some of the sentences
that I wrote, which would be about my home being a special place to live in. (I chose
not to write about seasons because I wanted that topic to be left for the students
alone, allowing them to incorporate their own ideas and details, rather than merely
taking from mine). Here, the students would recognize the amount of detail that I
incorporated into my sentences and thus will hopefully do the same, if they havent
already done so, the next time they write.

Group Size: Whole class

Learning Objectives:

*1) The students will be able to write an expository piece.

*2) The students will write an expository essay about their favorite season of the

Benefits of Diversification:

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