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Benefits of Diversification:

Visual/Spatial: This particular lesson picks up on Visual/Spatial intelligence

by having the children view a sample of an expository 4 square graphic organizer in
addition to an actual expository essay, to get them familiarized with its format.

*Inclusion students in the class can definitely benefit from this type of
intelligence due to attention delays.

Bodily Kinesthetic: This lesson included Bodily Kinesthetic intelligence by

having the students move around the classroom from the carpet to their seats. In
addition, to having them stand up in front of the classroom while presenting their
essay to the class.

*This type of intelligence can be beneficial to all students in the class,

especially those who have difficulty sitting still for a long period of time.

Verbal/Linguistic: Verbal/Linguistic intelligence is incorporated into this

lesson while the children are expressing their opinions and ideas with the class. In
addition, students verbally share their expository essay with the entire class.

*Draws upon general education students strengths, in particular, those who

have a large vocabulary for their grade level and express themselves without

*Students listen to the teachers instructions on what to do all throughout

this lesson.

*Applies to all students.

Interpersonal: While presenting their essays to the class, students express

their own opinions while listening to their peers opinions as well.

*Applies to all students.

*This type of intelligence draws upon all of the students social skills,
reinforcing the concept of working cooperatively in order to reach success.

Intrapersonal: Each student is required to think of favorite season on their

own. In addition, each individual student contributes their own ideas while
completing their expository essay.

*Applies to both general and special education students in the class.

Naturalistic: Throughout this lesson, students had to refer to the

environment in order to describe the season that they chose to write about
throughout their expository essay.

*Applies to all students.

Guiding Question:

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