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Students will then be instructed to go back to their seats based on which season

they chose as their favorite.

I will then model to the students how I took the sentences that I wrote about my
home and sorted them out to fit into a 4 square graphic organizer. (If I sense that
many students do not understand how to do this, I will choose one students
sentences from the class, and model to the class again how to sort these sentences
into a 4 square graphic organizer).
Next, students will begin to create their own 4 square graphic organizer using the
sentences that they wrote earlier about their favorite season of the year. At this
time, I will be walking around the room, monitoring for comprehension and
providing assistance wherever needed. *For those students who are having a
difficult time coming up with sentences I will allow them to look up some
information about their season on the following websites: and
After having checked everyones graphic organizer, I will then model how one can
use this 4 square graphic organizer in order to write an expository essay. At this
point, I will read aloud my expository essay about my home being a special place to
the entire class. Next, I will post this essay on the board, in addition to my 4 square
graphic organizer, and show students how ideas taken from the graphic organizer
were incorporated into my essay.
Students will then begin working on their own expository essays using their 4
square graphic organizer. Again, I will walk around the room, monitoring for
comprehension and providing assistance wherever needed.
After the students have revised and edited their own work, I will conference with
them and go over anything that they might have missed. Once all corrections,
omission, and/or additions have been made, students will be allowed to type their
final copy on the computer.
For those students who happen to finish early, they will be allowed to draw an
illustration to go along with their essay. They can get some ideas for their
illustrations on the following website:

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