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To unify or Not to do?

When I was traveling to Barcelona with Pierre from France,

we met one of his friends Fredulik from Catalonia, Spain. We met
him in a tapas restaurant in Barcelona. The food was delicious and
the mood was nice. After drinking some beers, these three guys
started talking about the beauty of Barcelona, football of course,
and my country Korea, which is divided by two. Maybe it was
because we had a lot of drinks but suddenly, Fredulik asked me a
question. "Why do you people in Korea want unification? Now it is
the era of independent. Not only Catalonia, but Britain also wants to
get out of the European Union." The conversation got into serious
and deep topic. He began explaining to me enthusiastically why
Catalonian people were eager to be independent from Kingdom of
Spain. His logic was like this, "Now that we are towing the economy
of Spain, our shoulder is too heavy and we were originally different
country." Thanks to those too many empty glasses of beer on the
table, this became a class of history. Iberia Peninsula was divided
into many kingdoms including Kingdom of Aragon-Catalonia and
Kingdom of Castilla-Leon. In 1469, Fernando II of Aragon and Queen
Isabela of Castilla got married to fight together as one strong
kingdom against Islam Kingdom Granada for Reconquista. But after
that, Catalonia was treated like just a province of Spain. When the
30 Year's War broke out, Spain commandeered a lot of supplies from

Catalonia and they rose rebellion against Spain but they are
repressed by the army of Spain. Also under the dictatorship of
Franco, Catalonia was oppressed by his policies. Finally they
recovered the lost autonomy when dictatorship gone. After his
speech, I began talking about why Korea has to be unified. Unlikely
Kingdom of Spain, Korea was one nation and one race. DPRK is
blocking the route which can connect Korea to the Eurasia and
unnecessary cost occurs because of it. Also there is Korea discount
which gives disadvantage to Korean economy and enterprises. Most
of all, there are people who is grieving and suffering from the pain
of division. In the end, both the Catalonian and the Korean
understood each ones stance. Although our ideas were different
and even they were in conflict each other, both of us wanted each
one's country to be stronger and healthier. I realized there is no
right answer of being unified or not. But there are right reasons.

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