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A / AN

Use 'A' with a consonant sound.

Use 'AN' with a vowel sound
1. Complete this shopping list with a/an
. ..... orange

..... small melon

..... bottle of wine

..... hamburger

..... carton of milk

..... piece of ham

..... ice-cream
..... banana
..... hour
..... ice-cream
..... school uniform

..... pizza
..... apple
..... white egg
..... European country
..... airport

..... accident

..... umbrella

..... orange hat

..... station

..... egg

..... English university

..... house
..... green apple

..... library

2. Complete the sentences with a/an.

Paul goes to University every day. In his backpack there is ..... book, ..... pencil case, .....
apple and ..... egg and mayonnaise sandwich. Some days he also buys ..... icecream for
dessert. Today he has ..... English exam. The exam is not very difficult. He writes .....
short story about ..... adventurer. The story begins like this: It is ..... special day for
Oliver. At ten oclock in the morning he gets on ..... plane. His destination is Australia...
3. Some of these phrases are wrong. Correct them.
a engineer...
a house
a hour.
an orange book..
an expensive university..
an uniform.
1. Ronaldo is

famous football player.


2. Jessica is

hardworking student.

3. Is Dr. Phil

smart man?

4. A tiger is


5. Is that
6. Is tea
7. Mustang is
8. This is
9. New York Times is
10. Derek is
11. It's
12. Angelina Jolie is
13. GrammarBank is
14. Bart Simpson is
15. Superman is

old book?
beneficial drink?
American brand.
popular news company.
honor to meet you.
educational website.

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