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Nelson Okunlola

Independent Study mentorship

Ms. Clarac
28 August 2016
Journal #1
I felt that my Great Expectations Speech was pretty good. A common problem I saw in my
classmates was their use of hand gestures. They would make hand gestures without a purpose.
Another problem was walking without a purpose. I feel like every time you move/walk in a
speech should be with a purpose of having you audience conceptually and visually structure your
speech in their head but a couple of people were moving for the sake of moving. My greatest
strength in speaking is clarity and diction. I feel like I do a pretty good job of articulating my
thought process in a very clearly way. My greatest weakness in public speaking is speed. I
naturally talk very fast and even more so when Im nervous. Some things I can do to alleviate
this weakness is by being confident when speaking and just emphasize going slow and force
myself to go very slow.

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