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6 2552

... 3 (OSCE)
26 .. - 27 .. 2552
201 2

26 2552
08.00 - 08.20 .
08.20 - 08.30 .
08.30 - 08.45 .
08.45 - 10.25 .
(08.45 - 09.10 .)

(09.10 - 09.25 .)
(09.25 - 09.55 .)

(09.55 - 10.25 .)
10.25 - 10.40 .
10.40 - 11.10 .

11.10 - 11.35 .
11.35 - 12.00 .
12.00 - 13.00 .

... 3 (OSCE)
: ..
x Blood smear : differential WBC, RC morphology, platelets
estimation and morphology, malaria parasite
: ..
x Urine analysis
: ..
x Stool exam, stool occult blood
x Gram stain, KOH, Wright stain (various discharge)
: ..
x N-G intubation : ..

X-ray : Chest, plain abdomen, skull

: ..
ANC record and labor record
: ..
Glasgow coma score : ..

(OSCE ...)
=== End of day I ===

27 2552
08.00 - 08.30 .
08.30 - 10.00 .

10.00 - 10.15 .
10.15 - 11.15 .

(10.15 - 10.35 .)
(10.35 - 10.55 .)
(10.55 - 11.15 .)
11.15 - 12.00 .

12.00 - 13.00 .
13.00 - 15.10 .
(13.00 - 13.20 .)
(13.20 - 13.40 .)
(13.40 - 14.40 .)
(14.40 15.10)

Communication skills
written communication
x ,
x ,
x ,

: ..

(Process) (Technique of
general signs and specific signs)
Physical examination
x Growth and development assessment
: .. & ..
x Visual field : ..
x Muscle power of upper and lower extremities
: ..
(Process) (Technique)
Procedural skills
x Basic CPR
x Advanced CPR
: ..
(Process) (Technique)
Procedural skills ()
x Primary survey of trauma : ..
x Incision and drainage : ..
x Splint slab
: .. ..
x Electrocardiography
: ..
=== End of day II ===

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