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Writing Task 1

The charts compare the information about food budget of average family during thirty
years, while the graph illustrates the data of average amount of food eaten in fast food and sitdown restaurants. The money spent on home cooking decreased during certain years, while
the usage of fast food experienced a sharp increase. The percentage of the family's food
budget spent on restaurant meals steadily climbed. Just ten percent of the food budget spent
on restaurant meals in 1970 and fifteen percent in 1980. Then percentage more than doubled
in 1990, to thirty-five percent, and rose again in 2000 to fifty percent. In the same period, the
meals eaten at both two restaurant were all started at twenty meals per year but then, the sit
down restaurant meals get higher place than fast food ones. In the early 1990, the fast food
restaurant meals catch up the sit down restaurant meals. After that, the fast food meals
significantly rocket up to the top, about ninety meals per year when the number of sit down
the sit down meals increased steadily to fifty meals per year.

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