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My name is Nur Imaniah. Everyone called me, Nia. I was born at Ponorogo, 21 years ago.

grew up an only child and last grandchild on both side. Because of that i received a lot of love
and often my oldest cousins teased me if we were met up together to celebrate Eid Mubarak
(indonesian: Idul Fitri). My mom came from Ponorogo and my dad came from Banyuwangi,
it made me have two mother tongue, jawa and osing (osing mean basic language at
Banyuwangi). But now, i live in big cultural city, Banyuwangi. I have finished all my school
with a well grade. I had learned about many things during my school life for example basic
on math, sains, social etc. In junior high school, i began to join scout training and made some
camp in different place. It was unforgetable memory. In high school, i was introduced with
theater by someone. I decided to join that group, named Teater Tirakat Optimum. Since
then day i realized my world was theater even i have varied hobbies. I graduated at the fifth
position of whole the student in senior high school. In college, i met with kind people. They
shared many things about life beside education. And also i upgrade my skill on theater and
continued to more learn about it. But now, my college life is so busy to get my first bachelor
degree on chemistry major. I take natural product topic for my final exam.

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