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Itinerary, assure, have everything planned out in advance, hes

full of guilt and remorse, going against all his instincts as a father,
watching the story of her family unfolding around her, disappear
into the crowd, imminent, steroid, strenuous, promising, incur a
lifelong obligation, enlightened, On top of this, saddling horses,
affairs, deterring coyotes, bestow, revel in an unshaved and
unwashed masculinity, herding to, booze, strips away, posturing,
enigma, rehabilitation center, homicidal adolescent,
procrastinating, With time it impressed, in almost every regard,
dishing out quesadillas, compel, irrigation, breathtaking, start
working in my favour, secure victory, pioneer, sensuality of
contemporary rhythm, fervor, gospel, night raunch, repentance,
That interplay between Saturday night raunch and Sunday
morning repentance has always fuelled soul's greatest singers,
and the greatest singers in soul are among the greatest singers of
all, nominate, deserve, influential figure, outrages, resonate with
modern society, tell a remarkable story, revealing the man behind
the glittery faade, snigger, a decent filter to keep the rubbish
songs from clogging up your attention while you sift for the true
gems, the kind of ferocious musical opinion dispensers, reshape
our understanding, hurtled towards, discovered an astounding
place with dramatic and wide-ranging landscapes that would
amaze even the most hardened of space explorers, Knowing what
is hiding in these remote regions will help scientists piece
together the history of how the Solar System formed, Pluto was a
mysterious, faint world, beyond the reach of the most powerful
telescopes, Even the mighty Hubble Space Telescope could
muster nothing more than a pixelated blob, It was a new vision of
the final frontier, enticing enough that Nasa decided to send New
Horizons to explore, demotion, with the rest coming in, Such a
frigid surface should be frozen and relatively dormant, More
detailed images revealed polygonal shapes etched onto this
glacial surface, convection, the very existence, shocking,
astonishing, have a reputation for being outspoken and can boast
an impressive array of creative insults, at stake, antagonizing,
claim credit for everything, accuse someone of, accrued, deride,
inalienable, spark an outcry and allegation of political screening,
satirical symbol, head to, crucial, pave the way for, The election
is set to test the unity of Hong Kong's pro-democracy camp as a

new generation of radical activists, who emerged in the wake of

those protests, joined the race, rocked the Asian financial hub,
formidable, rivals, contentious, stoking tension, yearning,
animosity, eroding, eligible, advocate, jeopardise, abduction, cast
her ballot, indifference will not lead us anywhere, give no ground,
increasing Beijing interference to stifle dissent and civil liberties,
uphold a clause, revile, feisty place, vindicate, adherent,
clamoring, outright, mostly fixated on less radical goals, (A
conspiratorial Chinese government-produced video recently
warned that, within these separatist campaigns, we can often
catch a glimpse of the dark shadow of the Stars and Stripes.),
only Lai envisions Hong Kong retreating into the arms of the UK,
major caveat, dominate, take place, detonate, gather, suicide
bomber, wounded, casualities, roundabout, security personnel,
ceasefire, truce, haven't yet closed the gaps in a way where we
think it would actually work, on the right track, alignment,
forthcoming, under siege, deteriorating condition, once again,
overrun, under their control, eradicate the minorities, launch,
coalition, seize, reclaim, readily available, surround, vow,
indigenous, tell right from wrong, propaganda, purport to, come
under scrutiny, alleged, so-called, in the limelight (got attention),
replicate, hamper, dismal, dooms any effort by, nominate, bring
forth troubles, secure a crucial foothold, tightening its grip, fears
have sparked the birth of the independence movement, strident,
stooge, garner, vote-garnering, splinter, incumbent, referendum,
share a similar vision, query, lay down, disguise, seek
collaboration, stop short of, deliberate act to deter us from voting,
show no sign of, deploy, wound down, strike a balance, relinquish,
scrutiny, swathe, brutal, prompt serious strain, in the wake of, in
pace with, zealous, flouting, attire, turn away, rickshaw, liquor,
ramp up the battle among, unveil ones plan, dipped,
undercutting, wary, rush out(hurry), testing phase, in line with,
fad, apostle, grab the globe, intake of vital nutrients, munch,
strapped for time, tantalizing, bland, mush, sleek, down-to-earth,
deliberation, Evangelical, end of an era, reminiscent of, stained
glass, latest event/news, rapturous, ecstatic, delighted, thrilled,
novelty, wear off, date from, encapsulate, reign, come to an end,
mightily, reckon, take off, dwarf (verb), remain, it would be unwise
to, miraculous, keep the faith, provide a good peg for,

distortion, peculiar, fret about, spiraling, shut out, step up,

collateral, ascertain, mask, frailty, wary of, lurking, jumble, buoy,
a deepening aversion towards, incongruous, defy, aggregate
metric, perturb, trump, gloom, turbulence, The pendulum has swung
away from the view prevalent in much of the 2000s that the future belonged to
emerging markets, obscured,

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