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Date: 2010-12-10 22:13:07

Title: 12/10/10 GRT

This is the first entry of my digital journal...
for anyone wondering about GRT after the date..
In my eyes our current calender and time system is based on the Greco
Roman calender not the Calender that the Father established in the Law
and the Prophets... (OT) The antichrist in prophecy was to change
times and seasons.. i see to where this has already happened.. i
believe that it may happen again before the return of Christ.... i do
believe/feel that prophecy and the bible itself can be multifaceted in
interpretation and fulfillment... in a sense the Lord can fulfill
prophecy whenever He wishes at multiple times that events like the
"Abomination of Desolation" spoken of can happen has happened will
happen again and further more per the design of scripture these things
also happen and on a physical/national/cultural/personal/spiritual
level.... until the Lord returns... in the last days many will run to
and fro and knowledge will increase.... books are going to be open...
the book of life... my book and yours... for all to read... prepare
your "self" everything you have ever done will be open to all... there
is nothing covered that will not be brought to light.. and we/you..
(the angels/aliens/demons included)are all to be judged and determined
whether or
not they have the Spirit of peace... their garments had better match
Christs.. bare fruit oh empty vine.. works worthy of repentance...
for we have not struggled against sin unto death of ourselves.....
self is a type of the abomination that causes desolation... the image
of jealousy... image of man without Christ putting his decisions
before Christ allowing self to sit in his own personal temple
declaring his choices over Gods will... the self on the throne of our
heart.. forcibly removing the Spirit by choice.... I am going to do
this... whether He likes it or not.... I know better than him...
(spoken in my flesh).... You (human grk pronunciation)... will notice
that sometimes i will write i or I.... when speaking of myself... i
is my meekness my putting myself in perspective of scripture trying to
put others above myself rather suffering the loss and taking up my
cross daily... I is my flesh and his arrogance proud boastful self...
Mr.. (master) James Lauko... aka the Self... so you now get to
experience a double minded man... ouch... Love You Lord may i be a
vessel unto honor... amen?

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