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Comparative adjectives
Make sentence to compare the two things/people/animals in each
sentence. Use comparative adjectives. Follow the example below and
make as many sentences as possible. Talk with your partner to come up
with a suitable adjective.

1. John goes jogging every day, even when the weather is bad. Mary goes
jogging once a week, but she stays home if its raining or snowing.
John is more active than Mary.
Mary is less active than John.

2. Last weekend, I stayed in two different hotels. One of them charged $250 a
night and the other charged $100 a night. However, the first didnt serve a
very good breakfast.

3. Joannas family is big. She has three brothers and one sister. Luke, on the
other hand, has only one brother.

4. Mike is 183 cm tall, but he is very slim. Jake is 178 cm tall, but he goes to the
gym every day and is well-built.

5. There are about 2700000 people living in Rome. In Paris, there are 2400000

6. Jaguars are very fast. Tigers are not known for their speed, but they are very

7. John Lesley was born in 1948 and his wife was born in 1956. He is very calm
and enjoys the outdoors, while his wife gets nervous when shes not home
and prefers to stay inside.

8. Ive finished two books this summer but I enjoyed only one of them. The
other one was a bit boring and didnt have a very good story.

9. Living in Montreal is very exciting. I lived in the country before and it was too
quiet for my taste.

10.I love cake, but my favorite is chocolate cake. I dont like vanilla cake very
much though.

11.Its been cloudy the past few days, but its finally clearing up. We can see the
sun today.

12.Pork tastes good but its too fat. I prefer chicken. Its lean and healthy.

13.The fashion back in the 1920s was very interesting. Nowadays, people wear
the same things over and over.

14.Ive bought two cooking books and they both have the recipes I want. I
suppose Ill have to return one of them.

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