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What trends could harm you?

What threats do your weaknesses expose you to?

1. Competition with bigger and more-known

pharmaceutical companies
2. Government imposes strict regulations on
pharmaceutical industry


What good opportunities are open to you?

What trends could you take advantage of?
How can you turn your strengths into opportunities?

1. Development of cost-effective ways to

manufacture drugs to improve business in an
emerging market
2. Financial market is strong; demand for
medicines is high

3. Emergence of cheaper generic drugs

3. Opportunity for innovation is high



What could you improve?

Where do you have fewer resources than others?
What are others likely to see as weaknesses?

What do you do well?

What unique resources can you draw on?
What do others see as your strengths?

1. Drug discovery is unpredictable (low rate of

success in creating new drug)

1. Focus on one or two specializations (gastrowomens, urology)

2. High Research and Development Cost

2. Managed by doctors (those familiar with the


3. Weak advertising/PR
3. Partnership with foreign pharmaceutical firms


Development of Cost Effective Technology

Financial market is strong; demand for medicines is high

Government imposes
strict regulations on
Competition with
bigger and moreknown pharmaceutical

Opportunity for innovation is high

Emergence of cheaper
generic drugs

S-O Strategies

S-T Strategies

Product Specialization

Continue to revolutionize the specialized products.

Comply with
regulations, less
product = easier to

Managed By Doctors

Use Doctors to advertise or promote products.

Increase advertising.

Partnership With Foreign Firms

Use partnership in order to acquire ideas, technology etc. to innovate further


Lower cost of
production but ensure
product quality.


W-O Strategies

W-T Strategies

Drug discovery is unpredictable (low rate

of success in creating new drug)

Acquire new technology in order to have low cost even if drug creation fails.

Develop drugs which

are not prone to

Weak advertising/PR

Increase budget for advertising to take advantage of strong financial market.

Increase advertising.

High Research and Development Cost

Acquire new technology to minimize RnD cost and continue to innovate high
risk = high reward.

Lower cost of
production but ensure
product quality.


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