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Learn tables upto 20 or 25

Learn Squares upto minimum 30. It would be much better if u can learn upto 50.
Learn Cubes upto 20
BOOK: quicker maths from BSC Publication by M Tyra
There are some threads on maths shortcuts on website and some videos on youtube
Square any number ending with 5
Example: 352 = 1225
ist step: write 52 i.e, 25 as the rright part of ans
IInd step : left part of the ans would be 3*4(1st digit*its consecutive digit)
Square root
Example: sqrt 1521
First of all u should learn squares from 1 to 10
Now look at last digit of the it is 1..which is either in the square of 1 or of 9
Now take all the digits of ques except last 2 it is 15
12 is less than square of 4 and more than square of 3..we pick the lower one out of these
two(4&3). So ans would be either 31 or 39(as we came to know that 1 comes either in 1 or 9 in
first step)
Now find the square of 35. It is 1225 and our number is 1521 which is greater than we
will take greater one that is 9
So our ans would be 39
Cube root

Same as square root..but now we need to learn cubes from 1 to 10

Example: cubrt 1728
First of all u should learn squares from 1 to 10
Now look at last digit of the it is 8..which is either in the cubes of 2
Now take all the digits of ques except last 3 it is 1 which would be cube of 1
So our ans would be 12
Solving linear equations
Ex : 7x+3y=17
X= ( 12*3-17*2)/(3*5-7*2)
36-34/15-14 = 2
Put the value of x in any equation n find out y
Special case: if one is in ratio, then the either one is zero
Ex: 2x+3y=8
Here the coefficient of x in two equations are 2 and 4 and these are in the ratio that is 1:2 and
same is with the figures in the right side of equation(that is 8&16 are in the ratio 1:2)
So in such a case either one that is the one which is not in ratio that is y would be zero
X= 8/2 or 16/4 = 4

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