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Evolucin de la didctica de las lenguas. Tendencias actuales de la didctica del Ingls como Lg extr. Los enfoques comunicativos.


Evolucin de la didctica de las lenguas. Tendencias actuales de la didctica del

ingls como lengua extranjera. Los enfoques comunicativos.

Table of contents

1. Introduction. _______________________________________________________ 3

2. Focus on Message (Part 1) ____________________________________________ 5

3. Focus on Form______________________________________________________ 5
3.1. The Grammar-Translation Method (GTM) -1840 to 1940- ____________________ 5

3.1.1. Drawbacks and Virtues. _____________________________________________________ 5

3.2. The direct Method (DM) -1860 to 1940- ____________________________________ 6

3.2.1. Drawbacks & virtues _______________________________________________________ 7

3.2.2. Berlitz School. ____________________________________________________________ 7

3.3. The audio-lingual Method (ALM)-1940 to 1970- ____________________________ 8

3.3.1. Drawbacks and virtues. ______________________________________________________ 9

4. Focus on message (part 2) ____________________________________________ 10

4.1. The Psycho-pedagogical approach. -1970s- ________________________________ 10

4.1.1. Community Language learning (CLL) -1970s- __________________________________ 10

4.1.2. Suggestopedia (Sug) late 1970s- ____________________________________________ 11

4.2. The communicative approach (CA) early 1970s to 2000s- ___________________ 12

4.2.1. Drawbacks and virtues. _____________________________________________________ 13

4.2.2. Task based learning (TBL) late 1980s to 2000s - _______________________________ 13
4.2.3. Co-operative learning (CL) -1990s to 2000s- ___________________________________ 16

4.3. The Natural approach (NA) -1980s to 2000s- ______________________________ 17

4.3.1. Drawbacks and virtues _____________________________________________________ 19

5. Educational technology (CALL) 1950s to ?- ____________________________ 19

5.1. Three Phases of CALL _________________________________________________ 19

5.1.1. Behaviouristic CALL ______________________________________________________ 20

5.1.2. Communicative CALL _____________________________________________________ 21
5.1.3. Steps toward Integrative CALL: Multimedia ____________________________________ 21

5.2. Steps toward Integrative CALL: The Internet _____________________________ 23

6. Brief summary: ____________________________________________________ 24

Appendix 1 __________________________________________________________ 26
Appendix2___________________________________________________________ 28
Appendix 3 __________________________________________________________ 33

TL: Target Lg
FL: Foreign Lg
ALM: Audio-lingual Method
Sug: Suggestopedia
CL: Co-operative learning

Symbols used:

MT: Mother Tongue

DM: Direct Method
SL: 2nd Lg
NA: Natural approach

CLL: Community Lg learning

GTM: Grammar translation Method
CA: Communicative approach
TBL: Task based learning
St(s): Student(s)

Ivn Matellanes Notes

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Evolucin de la didctica de las lenguas. Tendencias actuales de la didctica del Ingls como Lg extr. Los enfoques comunicativos.

1. Introduction.

Its very well known that Lg is a purely a human activity, as it was stated

by Jean Aitchkinson in her work The articulated mammal. David S. Palermo

added that an act of verbal communication is only possible between humans

who transfer their ideas from the mind of the speaker to the mind of the
listener. But, what is the purpose of learning languages? They have always
been the means of communication among peoples of different cultures. This is

probably the main reason why the study of different languages has been of
great importance from the very first stages of human race.

There are more than 3000 languages in the world, since the 17th C, all

the efforts to create an artificial & universal language have failed. The problem
is that we dont know how languages are acquired, and there is no

We dont know how

Lgs are acquired.

correct model to explain that. The psycholinguistic field is gaining importance in

the study of Lg learning, but there are also good pieces of advice from

experienced teachers. One good example can be one from Mary Finochiaro,

who stated that there are no universal & magic solutions, but just diff methods
that will or wont work w/our students, in our schools & in our environments.
Each pupil and each classroom, she added, is a world in itself.

Lets travel back now to have a look at the teaching methods used

through history and how they developed. As hinted before, Lgs have been
studied from the most ancient times:

The Egyptian & Babylonian used to send bilingual representatives for

commercial pacts among different foreign countries. In fact, there were

Egyptian &

more than 350 documents that proved the existence of a bureau for

foreign affairs, in the kingdom of Amenopolis III.

The Greek did not pay much attention to the learning of Lgs, as they


thought that there was nothing worth reading abroad.

However, the Romans learnt Greek through their teachers-slaves, in

order to be able to read Aristotle and Platos works. Their learning was

probably based on the classical order: lectio, disputatio, (Texts were

read and then discussed).

Ivn Matellanes Notes

Romans: Classical
rhetorical order.

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Evolucin de la didctica de las lenguas. Tendencias actuales de la didctica del Ingls como Lg extr. Los enfoques comunicativos.

Later on, the first Christian missionaries had to learn the Lgs of the

people they were trying to convert. All through the Middle Ages, the only


Lgs considered worth learning were Latin & Greek, which were studied
by mainly by monks.

During the Middle Ages Latin was the most important second Language
(SL). It was the dominant Lg of education, government & commerce. It

Middle Ages: Latin

as lingua Franca.

was taught in the monastic schools through rote (=rutinario) learning of

grammar rules (declension) and translations.

The greatest milestone (=echo memorable) in FL Learning was the

discovery of America, where the Direct Method was used for the first

Discovery of USA:
1st time used DM

time. Six Indians were taken by Columbus to Spain in order to learn

Spanish separately & totally deprived from their mother tongue (MT).

In the Renaissance, the vernacular Lgs displaced Latin, even though it

maintained certain importance. Latin grammar & rhetoric became the

model for FL study. Latin was studied as a mental gymnastic & was the

Discovery of USA:
vernacular Lgs
gained certain

basis of all forms of higher education.

Not until the 18th C that other Lgs entered the curriculum of European

schools1. These Lgs were taught according to traditional methodology:

18 C: SL entered
the curriculum of
European schools

Firstly, the teaching procedures were based on Latin learning tradition.

Secondly, the textbooks were mainly a collection of abstract grammar
rules, list of vocabulary and sentence for translation. Finally, the oral
practice was limited to reading aloud written texts.

During this century, and particularly since World War II (WWII), the
teaching of SLs has undergone numerous changes, some profound,
other just cosmetic. To quote H.H. Stern: Lg teaching theory has a
short memory. () we have tended to ignore the past and to reenact old battles over & over again. The fact that some old

methods are still with us and certain newer ones consist mostly of

recycled ideas justifies an historical approach to the problem.

In 1779, at the collage of William & Mary (Virginia), the study of French substituted that of

Ivn Matellanes Notes

Lg teaching theory
has a short memory.
() we have tended
to ignore the past
and to re-enact old
battles over & over

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Evolucin de la didctica de las lenguas. Tendencias actuales de la didctica del Ingls como Lg extr. Los enfoques comunicativos.

2. Focus on Message (Part 1)

Before the 18th C, the most common means of acquiring a non-classical

SL was by contact with native speakers of that Lg through travel, trade,

war or hiring a foreign tutor. The need for efficient communication

was sufficient to ensure learning, and systematic study was left to the

was sufficient to
ensure learning

writers and grammarians of the time. It is interesting to note that current

methodology favors a return to this approach in SL classes.


3. Focus on Form

3.1. The Grammar-Translation Method2 (GTM) -1840 to 1940-3

Although non-classical Lgs eventually took over Lain in nearly all

1.GTM: teaching
SL through Latin
based grammar.

aspects of communication in the Western Europe (religion being the most

notable exception), they still, in the 18th C, lack prestige and respectability

as an object of study. It was felt that teaching them through Latin based
grammar would enrich their status. After all, grammar had player an

essential part in the intellectual development of the elite ever since Antiquity.

The traditional method, as it is still applied today (mainly at the

university, in Classical studies), can be summarized as follows:

a) Study & application of grammar rules: deductive approach. Stress on

1. Grammar deductive


b) Concentration on the written code through the study of the great

2. Emphasis written code

authors. The level of Lg taught is therefore mostly literary, with little

attention to speech. Lg is seen as a mainly access to Culture, not

c) Use of translation in vocabulary lists and exercises.

3. Translation of Voc list

d) Class often conducted in the students MT.

4. Class conducted in Sts


3.1.1. Drawbacks and Virtues.

It is remarkable that this method became so popular and spread. It did

virtually nothing to enrich a students communicative ability in the Lg.

It was a tedious experience for the students, in which they have to memorize


Also known as the traditional method, or the Prussian Method (USA only)
See example of activity in Appendix1

Ivn Matellanes Notes

- Nothing to enrich
sts communicative
- Memorization of voc
lists & grammar rules.

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