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Prosecution:Good evening, Mr.

Witness:Good evening.
Prosecution:You mentioned earlier that you heard Baldomero challenging everyone.
How did you know that Baldomero was challenging everyone?
Witness:Basically, I heard the vernacular language at that time.
Prosecution:When you said challenging, who are you referring?
Witness:There were noise, I presumed there are also other people inside. I
heardJade crying asking for help so with her children.
Prosecution:So, it was all a presumption?
Witness:No, I personally heard other people inside the house of Jade.
Prosecution:The only person is Jade?
Witness:Jade and her children, there were friends of Jade in the premises, Ho
Prosecution:How did you know that they are the friends of Jade?
Witness:They are all residing at Subayon, Bilar and ther are voters of Subayon,Bilar.
Prosecution:You mentioned that he was intoxicated, how did you know?
Witness:Aside from the fact that he had a drinking spree, I could also tell by
hearingthe voice of someone who is not normal.
Prosecution:So, you are all basing it by your conclusion because you have just heard
Prosecution:How did you know that there was a drinking spree?
Witness:As early in the morning. I saw Ho and Sayon bought a wine; there was
astore near our house. Baldomero is a habitual drinker of that wine, a presumption
that there was a drinking session.
Prosecution:Only a presumption?
Prosecution:Could you remember what kind of wine?
Witness:Green pericofavorite drink of Baldomero.
Prosecution:You said that it was a presumption that ho & Sayon had a drinking
Witness:No, because they went immediately to the house of Jade. There is no
moreimagination that they were in a drinking spree. Ho & Sayon are also our
witness, you can ask them.
Prosecution:Did you see Baldomero having a drinking spree of the said wine?
Prosecution:No drinking spree transpired?
Defense:Objection! Trying to confuse the client.
Prosecution:You said that you heard that theres an asking of help?
Witness:I heard it when I put my child to sleep.
Prosecution:How certain are you that the voices you heard are the children of Jade?
Witness:No other children within our premises or neighborhood other than Jades.

Prosecution:Are the children of school age?

Defense:Objection! Irrelevant.
Court:The court may allow the witness to answer.
Witness:Yes, 5 to 6 years old.
Prosecution:How did you know Baldomero is trying to escape?
Witness:I was about to enter at the backyard, I noticed Baldomero trying to escape.
Prosecution:How far are you from Baldomero when you notice him?
Witness:10-15 meters away.
Prosecution:What do you mean premise. Inside or outside?
Witness:I am already inside the fence.
Prosecution:Inside the fence of Jade?
Prosecution:You said that Baldomero ran away, what direction?

Witness:I am in the front yard, Baldomero attempted to run away at the opposite of
my direction.
Prosecution:How did you know that when Baldomero ran way, he intended to flee?
Witness:When he ran away, he was trying to avoid something.
Prosecution:Could it be possible that he will just vomit?
Defense:Objection! Leading.
Court:It calls for an opinion. Next question.
Prosecution:Demonstrate how Baldomero fell down at the fence that his back
Defenss:Objection: This is not a circus.
Court:Let the witness explain in words if we cannot understand, let
himdemonstrate.Can you describe how Baldomero fell down at that time?
Witness:When I was about to enter the house of Jade, I was in the premise when
Isaw Baldomero running outside; he lost balance and stumbled at the bamboo
fence, his back landed first.
Court:Did he fall in the ground or lean in the fence?
Witness:It was not directly landed in the ground.
Court:Was the fence standing before he hit it?
Witness:Perfectly erected but not too strong if an object will bump.
Prosecution:I could not picture out how could he stumble if his back first landed
whenhe was running
Defense:Objection! The counsel is arguing.
Court:The court does not find it arguing. The prosecution asked for clarification.The
court will allow for demonstration.
Witness:He was about to exit when he slip, he stumbled and his back landed first.
Court:Are you saying that he stumbled at the gate?
Witness:More or less, yes.
Prosecution:When Baldomero fell, what did you do?

Witness:Trying to help him in getting up but he was not on his proper mind, hethrew
Prosecution:Are you trying to arrest him?
Witness:No intention to arrest him.
Prosecution:In your counter affidavit that you will bring him to the Barangay tanod,
so,what was that?
Witness:That is the time were I already arrested him after throwing punches.
Prosecution:When you held Baldomero, you were trying to arrest him?
Witness:My intention is not the holding but the other way.
Prosecution:In your 2nd term as a Barangay tanod, is it your first time to encounter
thiskind of event?
Witness:Yes. If there were any incidents like this there were Barangay tanods withm
me. It is my first time to encounter that I am alone and no Barangaytanods are with
Prosecution:How far is the Barangay Tanod to your house?
Witness:50 meters.
Prosecution:You did not bother to cal a Barangay tanod?
Witness:There is no way to do so because it was an emergency.
Prosecution:Before you go to the house of Jade. You did not bother to go first to
Witness:No, it is impractical to go first to the outpost.
Prosecution:When you arrived at the house of Jade, were there other people around
aside from Ho and Sayon?
Prosecution:What did Sayon and Ho do when the saw you? They did not help?
Witness:They trusted me as a Barangay captain, I believe that the believe that I can
handle the situation.
Prosecution:They did not bother to help?
Prosecution:Where did they stay?
Court:The witness may answer if he saw them. Did you see them?
Court:Where did they stay?
Witness:Inside the premise of Jade.
Prosecution:Thats all,
Court:Any re-direct?
Defense:During the time when Baldomero fell, did you approach him?
Defense:What can you observe when you were near him aside from being drunk?
Witness:He was so wild, he was not in his sanity.
Defense:Aside from his behavior, you think that he was drunk?
Witness:I held his collar, I could smell his breath and he was positive of alcohol.
Defense:That would be all.

Court:Any re-cross?
Court:The witness is excused.

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