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5 proverbios Jos Smith

1. Never exact of a friend in adversity what you would require in

2. If a man prove himself to be honest in his deal, and an enemy
come upon him wickedly, . . . and spoil him with his goods, never
say unto that man in the day of his adversity, pay me what thou
owest, for if thou doest it, thou addest a deeper wound, and
condemnation shall come upon thee.
3. Never afflict thy soul for what an enemy hath put it out of thy
power to do, if thy desires are ever so just.
4. Let thy hand never fail to hand out that that thou owest while it
is yet within thy grasp to do so, but when thy stock fails, say to thy
heart, be strong, and to thine anxieties cease.
5. The righteousness of man is sin because it exacteth overmuch;
nevertheless, the righteousness of God is just, because it exacteth
nothing at all, but sendeth the rain on the just and the unjust.

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