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Running Head

The individual Socialization

Since we are in our mother's womb until the last day of our lives we develop socially
relevant experiences, here the importance of teaching our children, guidelines of conduct to
maintain good relations with others, in the theory of the psycho-social development of Erick
Erikson can analyze photo around the 9-year-old boy.
Erick Erickson sociologist German that have formulated to psychoanalytic model, to
describe the development of the personality of the child and adulthood. Indeed, in this picture we
can see, a boy full of frustration, anger, sad and bewildered about nine years in the grounds of a
school away from a group of children talking in a very entertaining way. According to the 4th
stages of theories of Erick Erickson explains the following: industry/competence Is vs.
inferiority, for children ages six to puberty. In this juncture, if the other steps resolved, a child
would feel confident enough to do activities such as sports. If they don't feel competent, they
might feel like they could not do sports and would only watch enviously for example.
Also, it is critical to expose them from minuscule to the contact with other children,
preferably their age. There are diverse and fun ways to do it. For example, to organize an
afternoon of the swimming pool or to watch a movie and invite their friends and celebrate their
birthday parties. Allow them to see that receive their invitations. The benefits of teaching
children to be sociable are immense, and this reflected in the immediate and long term, the world
is much better. Can accurately communicate and are made to understand, it is easier to resolve
interpersonal conflicts, helping them adapt to the changes, and are more confident

Running Head

On the other hand, the Maslow pyramid we see and after the core needs of the individual
is security, protection of s physical and emotional damage. Continuation of this us is found in the
social. The importance of the emotions. The feeling of belonging, and acceptance and friendship.
These theories are vital to the social development of every human being.
In conclusion, the early childhood is the period in which occurs the process of
socialization more intense, based on the theories of Erick Erickson when a human being is more
apt to learn. Since you are born it is learning and continues do so until death. For Maslow both
Erick and they agreed on that. Motivate our children to interact and socialize, shall inure to the
benefit of a healthy personality. Since this allows children to learn to prevent conflicts and
manage them and thus achieve a maturity and emotional intelligence.

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