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Apuyan, John Michael L.

July 26,2016

Bs Architecture 5

T/TH 4:30-6:00pm

My Philosophy in Life
Trust yourself have faith in God every single time, dont falter on your decisions,
be good to others, dont take anything or anyone for granted, do your best every time,
think positive, keep calm on every situation`s I will have, dont promise if you can`t keep
it, keep your promises, listen on what your parents says, become what you really want
in the future, overcome your fear, and dont forget to love yourself.
All of these are my philosophy`s in life, every single one of those philosophy are
my experience, especially on having a faith in God, cause every time you go on your
decisions or every situations, you`ll go alone, and the only one that can come to you or
on your aid is him, God.
Betray none, so no one can do trash in your back, thats also a philosophy I really
admire and do on my everyday life. The world has no limits, also it is fair, so as long as I
live, I will do everything I want but not to interfere people around me. Thats all thank
you and God Bless.

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