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Venise Jan Castillon

X- Graviton
Development- Biology

In every pregnancy, a woman starts out with a 3-5% chance of
having a baby with a birth defect. This is
called her background risk.
Retinoic acid is a chemical that is
applied to the skin to treat acne and
other skin problems, and are related
to Vitamin A which is required in small
amounts for normal development,it also
inhibits cell proliferation and induces cell
differentiation. Vitamin A and its metabolites,
collectively called retinoids, are essential for adequate embryo development. Retinoids
are important signaling molecules for the regulation of cell differentiation, proliferation
and morphogenesis..
Retinoic Acid can be applied directly to the skin or
taken orally. Oral medications can cause
deformities, or retinoid syndrome and effect
learning capabilities. Retinoid Syndrome, or
Retinoic Acid Syndrome is a characteristic
pattern of physical and mental birth defects that
results from maternal use of retinoids during
pregnancy, that can possibly cause microcephaly
or hydrocephaly. Retinoids can cause these birth
defects in the early weeks of pregnancy, even
before a woman knows that she is pregnant.

As of now, there is not much studies about

the effects of retinoids in breastfeeding.
But a second-generation retinoid,
acitretin, has been studied and was rated
by as compatible with breastfeeding.

Tretinoin(Retin-A) and Pregnancy. Organization of Teratology Information Specialists. 2014

Fetal Retinoid Syndrome. Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center. 2010 April

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