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Drs. Killick and Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

School Site: Cleveland Elementary

Date: 9/28/16

Activity Observed: Tiger Pride

Grade/Age Level: 3rd

DIRECTIONS: You will observe many children performing many different kinds of skills. Select 8 (or as many
as you can) different tasks and describe how the high skilled students and the low skilled students are

1 Instant Activity:
Doctor Tag
2 UNO Fitness Concepts

3 Locomotor Relays

Higher Skilled
1. Actively Participates
2. Doesnt cheat when tagged
3. Is quiet when listening to
1. Performs each concept
with correct form
2. Attempts to lead the group
when running around the
3. Goes full 90 degrees
during push ups
1. Perpendicular to target
when side shuffling
2. Proper rhythm when
3. Good attitude and
supportive teammate

Lower Skilled
1. Doesnt listen to directions
2. Refuses to participate
3. Sits in grass without
acknowledging the activity
1. Pretends to run but turns
back around
2. Sits down during squats
3. Refuses to do push ups

1. Takes a long time to get

into correct team
2. Runs instead of skipping
3. Walks instead of running
4. Attempts to leave activity

Teacher Nathan RheaTime spent @ site 30 Minutes

Observer __________________________________ / _________________

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