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Praise be to God who has helped his servant finish this paper with great ease. Without
help she may not be able to complete the author well.
The paper is organized so that readers can find out the advantages mathematic in our
daily life. This paper set up by the compiler with various obstacles. Whether it came from self
constituent or who come from outside. But with patience and especially the help of God
finally this paper can be resolved.
This paper includes on " The Advantages of Arithmetic Progression in Daily
Life".Authors thank to the lecturers who have helped making up to finish this paper.
Hopefully this paper can provide a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper
has advantages and disadvantages. Authors beg for advice and criticism. Thank you.


Table of Contents
Preface............................................................................................................................... i
Table of Contens............................................................................................................... ii
A. Definition of Arithmetics Progression....................................................................... 1
B. Advantages of Arithmetics Progression in Daily Life............................................... 1
Closing Remarks............................................................................................................... iii


Similarly, we can describe the material that became the subject of this paper, of
course, there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses due to limited knowledge and lack
of referral or reference.

The author hopes readers give constructive criticism and suggestions to the author of
this paper and for the sake of perfect writing a paper on the next occasion. Hopefully this
paper is useful for writers, readers particularly well.

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